Chapter 18: Back Stabber

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Ashley's POV:

I sat on my bed twiddling my thumbs waiting for Andy to get back. I hadn't seen him for three months and then he just leaves again. It was frustrating knowing he's out there possibly in danger to. As tempting as it was to go out and find him, I wouldn't know where to start. A small groan escaped my lips as I collapsed on the bed.

"You know you could always use your mate bond to track him down." I heard my grandmothers voice break through the unbearable silence.

"How am I supposed to do that?" I questioned turning my head to look at her.

"Clear your mind and focus on him, it should lead you right to Andy." I nodded watching her leave my room.

I sat up on the bed letting out a small sigh before completely clearing my head. My mind focused on just Andy, his perfectly sculpted face, those hypnotizing eyes. Suddenly a dark ally way came into view with Andy angrily walking down it. I sat there just watching the whole scene unfold in front of me.

"Get the f.uck out her you b.itch!" Andy growled his eyes becoming a dark red. It almost look like his eyes filled with the blood of his victims. Truly it was petrifying.

"I said get out here before I rip your throat out!" He smashed his fist in the brick wall making a few solid bricks crumble under his strength. Out of the shadows a black cat with piercing green eyes trotted out. The cat had an evil smirk playing on its face, if that was even possible. The moonlight reflected off its smooth fur, almost creating a sort of glow. Then out of no where the cat began to shift into a human.

"You should have never killed my father Andrew." I female voice echoed off in the distance. The girl had semi long brown hair that went past her shoulders. An evil smile played on her lips as she walked closer to Andy. He had a look of pure shock before it slowly contorted into anger and rage.

"He shouldn't have came between my boyfriend and I." It seemed as if he new this girl.

"You mean that fleabag!" She laughed sadistically. "How could you love something vile!"

"Shut the h.ell up Grace! I thought we were friends." She gave him a smirk wrapping her hand around his throat. Her grip tightened causing Andy to gasp for air. She smashed his back into the brick wall letting her fangs retract to their full length.

"We were till you killed my father." She whispered harshly in his ear.

Grace's nails dug into his flesh making him groan in pain. Andy's eyes began to roll back in his head as he struggled to take a breath of air. Her smirk was evil when Andy reached the point of unconsciousness. She let go of her hold letting Andy fall to the ground with blood trickling down his neck and on his shirt. Grace squatted down to him pulling his face closer to hers by his hair. He winced softly trying to hold onto his consciousness.

"Mark my words Andrew Dennis Biersack, I will be back to finish what my father set out to do. I will kill you and everyone you love for good." She hissed smashing his head against the wall. Grace let out an evil chuckle watching Andy's body fall limp in the ally way.

"Have a nice nap best friend." She gave one last smirk before shifting back into a cat, disappearing into the night.

I gasped holding onto my neck feeling a sort of burning sensation. My heart was beating fast as I found myself shooting out of the seat and down the hall to the front door. I had to get to Andy before anyone else could. Some people were out to get us, it wasn't surprising, if someone saw him their helpless they will surely kill him for a second time.

In moment I found myself in the same alleyway Andy was currently residing at. My eyes scanned frantically till I saw his body slumped against a wall. I ran to his body pulling him close to my chest. His heartbeat was still there so that was a good thing and his breathing was normal.

"Baby I'm going to need you to wake up." I lightly slapped his cheek a couple times. He groaned softly bringing his hand up to his neck.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He questioned when he finally got a good look at me.

"I may or may not have saw everything that just happened." He let out a little sigh, standing up then extending a hand to me. I took his hand in mine letting him pull me up with ease.

"I don't want you to worry about her, she all talk and no bite." Andy kissed my head pulling me close to his chest.

"No bite?!" I exclaimed. "She rendered you unconscious Andy how can you say that she won't come back and finish the job next time."

"I don't know Ashley!" He sighed pinching the bride of his nose. "I just want everything to go right for us just once. I don't want you worried that I might die again. I don't want you upset and crying yourself to sleep at night anymore. I don't want you thinking that when I leave that I may not be coming back ever again. I want us to be happy and not worry about someone coming to kill us. What I want is for you to be happy." He kissed me deeply placing his hand in the middle of my back. I felt love and passion run through me till he eventually pulled away only to cup my hot cheeks.

"Andy I just want you safe that's all I want." I felt tears prick my eyes, it was to hard thinking about all this. All I wanted was for me to be in Andy's arms.

"Don't cry honey, you don't have to worry about what happens with Grace, she won't ever touch me." He cooed trying to calm me down.

"Yeah but what happens if she does get you. I know if I lose you again that you won't be coming back ever. I can't live with that pain again. It was hell when I lost you the first time, I nearly fell apart."

"I know I know, we just have to look on the bright side of things."

"Like what kind of bright side? We have no one Andy, no army, no weapons. It's just you, me, and that Grace girl."

"I'm stronger now Ash, stronger then I was before. I've learned things no one has ever thought of. I'm smarter when it comes to this, something happened when I came back. I can't explain what it was, but I feel it in here." He pointed to his heart giving me a smile.

"Wait Andy, you said I healed you with me tears right?" I asked looking him up and down.

"Mhmmm." He hummed.

"This can't be possible, I've only heard of this once. This is...this is crazy."

"Talk to me Ash what's crazy?"

"Your a hybrid Andy! Somehow my wolf DNA mixed with your vampire DNA resulting in a hybrid of the two when you woke up. You won't be able to turn into a wolf, but oh have all the abilities to go with it."

"Wow...this is crazy." He shook his head lacing his fingers with mine.

"We can't tell anyone about this though, not now at least."

"Do you think I'm going to be able to fight against Grace?" He asked resting his forehead against mine.

"Fight against?" I laughed. "You'll rip her to shreds."

"Good to know." He smirked kissing my nose.

"We now have the upper hand babe, your the key."

Longer then usually, which is good 😄.
So how about that plot twist though.
This will be coming to an end soon, but don't fret I'm brainstorming of a new Andley. That won't be out till this one is done. Also, my reads are starting to go down. Are you not liking this anymore? If you have anything to share with me like your opinion please leave it in the comments. If it's really rude and mean don't bother saying anything at all. I only take constructive criticism. Any Who
Vote, Comment, Share! 😀
Also picture of Grace is at the top c:

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