Chapter 10: Tear In My Heart

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Andy's POV:

I laid in bed staring at the white ceiling replaying the events over in my head. I couldn't shake the feeling of Ashley's soft lips on mine, the way his smell intoxicated me. It turned me into putty that could easily be played with, something that I hadn't let anyone do decades. How could one guy change every rule I had set for myself in under a few days? It was unbelievable what he was doing with my emotions, how he was making me how do you put it, weak? It was all so confusing to me, when he was around my heart would pound against my chest and my cold skin would become hot. It was aggravating that I didn't understand what was going on, and there was no way in hell I would admit I'm falling in love with him.

Ashley's eyes were closed and his left cheek rested again the soft white pillow. His brown/ Dark hair was strew over his face cascading down to his neck and shoulder. He was so peaceful and relaxed, what I would give to be like that. It's like none of the events that happened affected him, he was just going on with life but on the run with a killer of the night. It was almost like nothing has changed, he was still happy and content with everything. Now that I've been with him for a few days, that horrid dog smell has slowly began to fade. Its till there but its now mixed with the intoxicating smell of mint and cinnamon. I just wanted to sink my fangs into his neck, there was something holding me back though. There was something that was always holding me back.

I sat on the edge of the bed watching him sleep, counting how many times his chest rose and fell. It was captivating none the less I couldn't draw my eyes away from his smooth face; those plump lips. See this is what he does to me. He makes me think of these romantic and almost dirty thoughts about him. Right now all I wanted to do was rip his clothes off and fuck him senseless. I willed myself not to reach out and brush the hair behind his ear and press my lips hungrily to his. It was all but a struggle.

"Mmm.." I heard Ashley groan. He lifted his tattooed arms over his head and stretched his body. I turned my eyes away from him getting off the bed so that my back was facing him.

"Morning." I heard him lazily say, the bed creaked from under him as he got up.

"Get a shower and be dressed, I'm going to get breakfast in the lobby. After we eat we're leaving." I commanded pulling on my boots still not looking at him. If I did I'd melt and stare longingly into his eyes. I didn't want that, just wanted to push all these thoughts and feeling away and become emotionless again. I could slowly feel my humanity switch turn back on, everything would just be a rush and I was in fear of a breakdown. I didn't want that at all.

"Yes master." He said slyly as he grabbed clothes and went into the bathroom.

"Don't call me that." I spoke sternly, which I know he heard through the closed door.

I pulled on one of my sweatshirts with the hoods, putting on a pair of dark sunglasses. I always hated walking around during the day, it slightly burned my skin and made me weak. I could stand being out in the rays for a short while but to long I'd be a goner.

"Hi welcome to the hotel buffet, how many people will you be with you." I chirpy lady said making me groan silently in annoyance. Overly happy people gave me a headache.

"I'm just grabbing a few things and leaving." I spoke in a husky voice pulling off my sunglasses and staring into her eyes.

"O-okay have a-a wonderful day." She shifted uncomfortably in her shoes bitting her bottom lip. I love having this affect on people. I could stare in the humans eyes and they would become flustered in minutes.

I put my sunglasses back on walking away from the lady and heading into the buffet area. I wasn't to sure on what Ashley liked to eat so I just grabbed the first few things I saw. People stared at me but I just ignored them, giving them a side glance through my sunglasses. I restrained my from lunging at someone, I just placed food on my plate and went onto the next table.

I walked back to the room walking right in to find Ashley dripping wet with a towel wrapped around his waist. I mentally cursed myself and set the food on the desk. Ashley gave me a small smile grabbing some clothes off the bed retreating back into the bathroom. My body collapsed on the bed my head resting on the soft pillows. I closed my eyes trying to get the sight of his perfect body out of my head. His outlaw tattoo was glistening from the water, small droplets falling from his hair and onto the floor.

"Thanks for getting me food, how did you know I love chocolate chip pancakes?" He gave me a smile sitting down in a chair beginning to eat.

"It was a lucky guess." I said staring at the already packed bags.

"So where are we headed to next?" He said between mouthfuls of waffles.

"Don't really now, I guess trying to get closer to the Hollywood sign. We're almost there so that's a good thing."

"Yeah, well I just wanted to tell you that I'm actually having fun on this "trip" even though our life depends on it." He flashed a tooth smile throwing out the empty plate. I felt my heart begin to pound against my chest, emotions flooding through my head. I just stared at him as my body began to shake, every emotion I had pushed away came back in huge waves. I restrained the tears from coming out, Ashley was giving me a very confused and concerned look. He turned back on my emotions, and some how my body let him.

"I'm fine." I chocked out. "I'm having fun to." I smiled back softly.

In that moment I finally accepted it, I was falling deeply in love with Ashley. A strong connection of love was between us and I liked it. He was now my everything and I would stop at nothing to protect him. I want him to be mine forever, I need him in my life, I want him in my life.


And there is chapter 10! Finally after much writers block with this chapter, I finally wrote something I'm very happy about. Andy emotions are back on woo! He loves Ashey woo! Andley forever and always woo! Have a wonderful day everyone.

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