Chapter 9: Your Lips Have Burned Me

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Andy's POV:

"So what was your family like back then?" Ashley pipped up.

We had been on the road driving for a good hour or so. The conversations between us were kept to a minimum as I mostly focused on the road. Ashley twirled his hair around his index finger, those eyes never pealing away from the dark road. He was nervous. It was so easy to tell.

"What's there to say." I said trying to avoid my past.

"Well there a lot to say about someone's past, like what were your parents like, were you happy, what did you do on your free time?"

"Parents were shallow bastards who didn't care about me, I was never happy, and I did nothing on my free time except fear my father and work out in the field."

"Oh sorry I asked."

I waved my hand at him giving him the small gesture saying it was ok. I liked avoiding my past as much as possible, it left me more dark and mysterious. It was a hard topic to talk about when you know someone sitting next to you is living a way better life then you did. His parents were supporters where mine didn't think twice about throwing me out on the streets. I'm only human just like them, why can't anyone understand that I'm fucking human!

My grip on the wheel got tighter as I narrowed my eyes at the road. In my anger I pushed my foot down more on the gas sending the car racing down the road. No one was driving at this time of night, especially on a back road like the one we were on now. I didn't want to think at that moment, I pushed everything out of my head and just lived in the moment.

"Andy slow the fuck down were going to get into an accident!" Ashley yelled holding onto the door as if his life depended on it.

"So? Live on the edge Ashley take risks, live a little." I began swerving the car in and out of the road, staying in a straight line wasn't my plan.

"I can't live if you kill me in the process! I'm on the edge just being with you! God your a psycho path!"

"Yup that's what they call me, you know I should have been emitted to a mental hospital back in 1976."

"They should have locked your ass up in there and threw away the key."

"Oh they did or well tried to. I just killed them all in the process."

Everything went quite in the car the only thing being hear was the humming of the engine. I glanced over at Ashley to see him frozen in fear. His hands started shaking while he nervously played with the fabric of his shirt. It gave me great satisfaction knowing that I caused him to stir uncomfortably in his seat. He caught his lip between his teeth, chewing on the flesh. Ashley made sure not to make any eye contact whatsoever while I gazed at the side of his face. I made his skin crawl.

I pulled the car into a vacant motel parking lot. It was late and we both needed a good nights rest if we wanted to keep going. Ashley stayed in the car while I went inside. The over head light flickered, the smell of I couldn't even explain prominent. It left me with my eyes watering and chocking for fresh air.

"One hotel room, two beds." I said placing the money on the table.

"We only have rooms with one bed." The lady said popping her bubble gum in my face.

"Surly you can make an acceptation and put another bed in with the room." I smiled trying to use my sweet voice.

"Either you buy a room or you get out faggot." She sneered chew her gum more.

"You should really watch what you say around people, you don't know when your standing in front of a killer." My eyes turned red as my fangs jutted out of my gums. Her eyes flashed horror as I jumped over the desk and clasped my hand over her mouth. I felt her lips tremble while salty tears streamed down her cheek. I leaned my mouth down towards the open flesh of her neck, my lips brushing across the hot skin. The lady tried to scream but it only got muffled due to my hand.

"I'll see you in hell soon bitch." With that I sunk my fangs into her neck, sucking every ounce of life out of her. Her body began to fall limp in my arms as she let out small soft gurgles. After there was no life left in her body, I let her lifeless body fall to the ground. I whipped away any traces of blood that trickled down the corner of my mouth. My eyes went back to their normal blue and my fangs retracted to there hiding place. I let out a small laugh walking back around the counter and out the door.

I felt more alive while I walked towards the car, keys spinning around my index finger. Ashley saw me and hopped out of the seat he was sitting in. I nodded my head towards the room we were saying at, him nodding his head as he caught the drift. I bit my bottom lip finding the thought of sweet innocent Ashley sleeping in the same bed next to me. There was no doubt that it turned me on, he turned me on. I smirked softly as I stood close to his body unlocking the door. My foot pushed it open revealing a small room with a fridge, bathroom, tv, and one large queen sized bed.

"You got to be fucking kidding me." Ashley groaned pinching the bridge of his nose as we walked inside.

"What's wrong baby you sacred I'll bite your pretty neck during the night, or worse fuck you till you can't walk." I smirked watching his cheeks turn a light shade of pink. It quickly disappeared only to be replaced with annoyance.

"First off we are not fucking and second I'm not scared of you. Others might be but I'm not like them."

"Really? You looked pretty scared when I said I murdered all those people back in 1976."

"Scared?" He scoffed. "You just said that to make yourself look bigger and badder then you are. I can see past the bullshit Andy, I know deep down inside you there's a nice guy in there who's scared of getting hurt. A guy who's got hurt over and over again by ungrateful heartless people. So you put up this big bad boy persona so that nice caring person in you wouldn't get hurt anymore. Only that nice in you got lost and now it's trying to find something or someone to help it find its path; to break down the walls you built." He looked into my eyes stepping close to my now frozen body.

"T-That.. I-I..." I began to stumble over my words not really knowing what to say.

"And if I was scared, would I do this?" He cupped my cheeks pulling my face closer to his smashing our lips together.

He kissed me...and I found myself slowly kissing him back.

Well this chapter took me a while to write. I had such major writers block, I've barley written anything. Anyway Andley has finally come through!! I hope your liking it so far.
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