Chapter 13: Path Of Destruction

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Andy's POV:

I stood in front on the mirror fixing the armor that covered my body, It was heavy and hard to move in. I had a very sharp sword hanging in its holder dangling off my belt, It was time. I turned around looking at Ashley struggling to get his chest armor on and tied correctly. It was obvious that he was nervous and scared, hell I was scared to but I made sure I didn't show it. I was the stronger one out of the two of us, I have to be the one to lead us to victory today. One of us was supposed to die we just didn't know which one was going to be chosen. In all honesty I would rather it be me then him, It wouldn't be fair to watch him suffer a painful death. He wouldn't be able to shut the pain out, unlike me.

"Ashley calm down it's okay." I said reassuringly while tying up his armor and sliding his matching sword in the holder.

"How can I be calm and okay if I know one of us will meet it's match." Ashley stressed pulling me into his chest and holding me tightly. I kissed the top of his head wrapping my arms around him, hugging him back tightly.

"You just have to okay, I know your scared but we are going to get through this together I promise." I cupped his cheeks kissing him with as much love and passion that I held in my body. I held him close just melting into the kiss, for all I know this could be the last time I'll be able to kiss him. A knock on the door pulled us apart.

"Sorry to break things up between you two, but it's time we move out." I nodded my head pulling away from Ashley and grabbing his hand. We both walked out of the room and down the hall where everyone else was gathered waiting for my call. I walked in the room, everyone went dead silent as I stood in front of them with my hand clasped on Ashley's.

"I hope that everyone is ready for what is to come. Some of us will die some of us will live, but no matter what happens from this point on we will fight for each other. There are no words to descried what kind of horror lays behind those doors, but all I can say is...fight to win or die trying. Move out!"

Ashley stood next to me walking in time with me. Rows and rows of people walked behind us with their hands rested on the grip of the sword. We had been walking for a good couple minutes and found not one council member or any other type of creature. I was getting a little impatient with just seeing open fields and a few trees here and there.

"Maybe they aren't actually here for us yet." One of the guys standing on the right spoke up. I turned around looking him straight in the eyes.

"They are here somewhere lying in wait for us, they think they have the upper hand but they don't..."

"Andy turn around." Ashley whispered to me. "I think I see one of the council members."

I snapped my head around staring out towards the end of the field. There stood a tall figure with long black hair flowing in the wind. He wore a casual white button up shirt with black pants and black shoes. His eyes were a deep red, his fangs poked out slightly. The guys muscles showed through his shirt, a devilish smirk played across his lips. More people step forwards standing next to the guy. There were groups of people standing there staring at my army with hungry eyes. They were out for blood.

"Andrew! Has it really come to this!?" A familiar voice called out that made me cringe.

"Guess it has! If you haven't realized that then you must be blind!" I seethed back.

"I see you've sided with the nothings, the smelly putrid dogs and the rebel misfit group!"

"You shut your fucking mouth about my boyfriend and his kind!"

"You've upset the balance Andrew and for that you must pay a great price! Death will come to you and your lover!"

"You wont win this Alexander!" I screamed in hatred.

"Wait how do you know him?" Matty asked stepping out from the crowd.

"He is my brother." I said almost below a whisper.

A few gasps escaped some of the soldiers till it went silent on both sides. I looked up to see a man wearing a long trench coat and a top hat. His eyes were focused on the ground while he walked closer to us with his army following behind him. He looked up from the ground, a smirk plastered on his face as his green eyes met mine. I felt a cold chill run up my spine watching his move closer and closer to us. It was him, he was the one who caused this whole thing. There stood Dragomir, my maker, with his sword drawled ready to kill. I drew my sword as a signal to my army that is was time to do what we've been training for. I glanced over as Ashley capturing his features for what I hoped wouldn't be the last time. My whole body turned back to the deadly council army; I let out a breath opening my closed eyes.

"Charge!" I screamed running forward to close the gap between us.

Everyone let out loud battle cries as the swung their swords at the council with vengeance. I began to watch one council vampire after another fall to the ground death. Blood was everywhere in a matter of minutes, it was a blood bath consisting of mostly decapitated vampires and only a few rebel soldiers. I felt a sharp pain meet my arm as blood trickled down and into my hand. I turned around to face my brother, his angry eyes met mine as his fangs flashed. It had been decades since I've seen his last. Though he was older then me, I was the most mature out of the two of us.

"I never though the last time I would see you would be me ultimately killing you." He sneered meeting his sword with mine causing a strange sound to erupt form it.

"I guess you always were a heartless bastard, I never wanted to believe it but now I have a reason to." I swung the blade at him making one slice mark across his cheek. Blood began to fall down his cheek on onto his shirt as he gave me a death glare. He sliced my side open making me cry out in pain, I had never felt this hurt and in weak in my whole entire life. I sliced open his thigh only for him to shove his sword into me. The breath left my lungs as I collapsed on my knees to the ground feeling the tears fall down my cheeks. He brought his foot up to my chest and kicked me down so that I was lying on my back. He took his sword out of me, I saw my blood coated on the silver and dripping down to the ground.

"My dear brother how you actually thought you were going to win." He raised his weapon high in the air before bringing it down piercing it into my chest. Nothing escaped my lips as I laid their in agonizing pain. He gave me a wicked smile before his face went blank and he to fell to the ground dead.

"No!!!!!!" I heard an all to familiar voice scream. I felt arms wrap around and pull me onto their lap cradling me as I died.

"Come on Andy your going to make it just keep your eyes open." I looked over at the beautiful face that was my lover. Ashley.

"D-Did we win?" I chocked up wincing softly at the pain I was in.

"We did Ands we did just hold on for me please."

"I g-guess I was the o-one who was going to die I-in the end the whole time."

"No your not going to die baby, don't say that okay your going to make it."

I felt my heart begin to slow down, it was no longer pounding against my chest.


"Yeah Andy."

"I-I'm sorry for how I t-treated you in the beginning, I-I was just so scared a-and d-didn't want to let I-in anyone."

"Its okay Ands I forgive you." I felt his fingers run though my hair as I stared up in his beautiful chocolate pools.

"I-I love you A-Ash..."

"I love you to Andy just hold on." I felt him peck my lips softly and gently causing me to smile weakly.

My eyes closed and I let the darkness consume me forever.


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