Chapter 19: Living For A Reason Dying For A Cause

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Andy's POV:

I ran my fingers through Ashley's hair staring up in the night sky, it had been a while since we just enjoyed each others company. Everything has just been to crazy that I hadn't had one on one time with him in a while. While away for three months I had done a lot of thinking. What else was there to do when you were stranded in the middle of the dessert.

My thoughts where the only things keeping me company; some were good and the others were total opposite. I found that I was in love with Ashley, the huge L word that I though would never apply to me has proved me wrong. Before I tried to ignore it, but now I was welcoming it into my heart with open arms. The feeling of love left my skin burning and my heart racing. It was a feeling I never wanted to give up, ever.

"Andy!" I heard Ashley scream while he shook my shoulders.

"What? What's wrong?" I jolted up from the laying position, ready to strike at anything that threatened us.

"Nothing baby I was trying to talk to you but you were zoned out. You okay?" He placed a kiss on my cheek running his fingers through my hair.

"Yeah I'm fine I was just thinking about us and how we've barley spent any time together you know."

"I know, we should really do something together just me and you." He said straddling my lap.

"Do you have anything in mind?" I asked placing my hands on his hips, a small blush creped crossed his cheeks.

"Let go for a drive, maybe find a restaurant and eat out." I suggested running my hand through his hair smelling his sweet shampoo in the air.

"Sure that sounds like a lot of fun."

He got up almost falling on the floor making chuckle at his clumsiness. Ash headed off into the bathroom while I changed into a pair of shorts and a ripped up tank top. After I brushed my now shoulder length hair I headed down the stairs to wait for Ashley. It didn't take him to long to walk down and lace our fingers together. I listened to his soothing heart beat while we walk to the car.

Ashley sang to every lyric to a song that came on the radio. He was really enjoying himself, a bright smile plaster on his face. We has been driving for an hour or two on some back roads. The dirt from the road kicked up creating a thick cloud of dust behind us. I took a quick turn pulling into a parking lot of a little dinner. It was pretty much abandoned but they have pretty good food.

"Where the hell are we?" Ashley questioned getting out of the car after me.

"A place of good eatings." I smiled at him.

"I thought we were done with you talking like that." Ash whined following behind me.

"No silly the dinner is called A Place Of Good Eatings. Can't you read?"

"Apparently not." He gave me a funny grin while we walked to a booth in the back.

Ashley sat on one side while I sat on the other. His face was hidden behind the menu for a good ten minutes. I placed out orders then took Ash's hand into mine.

"Have you ever thought of the future?" He asked rubbing his thumbs over top of mine.

"Not really why, what are you thinking about in that pretty head of yours."

"I'm not telling you it's embarrassing." He blushed focusing his eyes on the pattern of the table.

"No tell me please." I begged squeezing his hands gently.

"I was thinking about marriage and starting a family. Yes I know it's stupid because we're both immortal, sort of."

"No it's not stupid at all, I promise you when things start settling down and people aren't plotting our death we'll take that next step." I smiled placing a kiss on his hand.

"I love you so much Andy."

"I love you to Ashley."

We both shared a smile before digging into our meal. Ash love every bite of his and half of mine. It was cute watching him eat the food and whine at me for staring. I cocked him a small smirk placing the money for our meal on the table. I was just about to get up when my blood ran ice cold.

"You two make such a cute couple, It kinda makes me not want to kill you. Oh wait it's better watching you two scream in agony." Grace sneered at us.

"Really!? I can't have one day for just me and my man?!" I screamed loosing my temper. All I could see was red; I was ready to kill. I jumped up wrapping my fingers around Grace's neck pulling her outside. Ashley trailed behind me whimpering softly not really knowing what to do.

"Ooo Mr. Andy Biersacks mad." She chuckled darkly letting out a painful wince when I slammed her body against the hard ground.

"Get ready to die bi*tch." I growled

So it's been over a month since I updated. I'm so sorry I just haven't had anything in mind to write or any inspiration. Then I was having some troubles in my life that I had to take care of. Next school started and so on and so forth. I hope you like this every bland and horrible chapter
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