Chapter 2!

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Hey, Beauties and Babes! Hope you enjoy this new Fanfiction!


"Well, uhhh...You know, I am just nervous about who I am going to be teamed up with" Naruto said with a shaky smile. He disregarded the fact his Jiji could smell the blood.

"Naruto, I am not the Hokage for nothing. Tell me the truth" Hiruzen said firmly, all the while the ramen came in front of them, Ayame going to the back with her father, knowing they were talking about something serious.

'Crap, what do I say?!' Naruto thought franticly. Naruto was looking at his hands, trying to stop them from shaking so he could eat his bowl of Ramen and leave.

"Uhh-" Naruto's voice would not work at all now. It felt like someone was choking him, and wouldn't let him get any air. So Naruto just shook his head in the negative.

"Do you want to talk about it somewhere else?" Naruto just nodded, slurping up his ramen and getting up. Hiruzen put his ramen in a storage scroll and they both walked to the Hokage's office, not before paying the kind Father and daughter.

At the Hokage's office

"So, what's the matter?" Hiruzen started.

Naruto knew if he didn't answer, he would be sent to the hospital for a check-up. And when he gets checkups, he gets needles and either pity or hate. But he can't talk for some reason, and he had black spots in his vision. What he couldn't get was how hard it was to just say what happened.

All of a sudden, Naruto's eyes widened and he started coughing, badly. Squeezing his eyes shut, and holding his chest, he went on one knee and started hacking up blood. Tears were forming in his eyes, making it hard to see.

"Naruto!" Was the last thing he heard before passing out.


Naruto opened his eyes but quickly shut them when a bright light flashed in his eyes. Slowly opening his eyes again, he noticed he was in a white room. It was a basic room, a bed that he was laying on, a table beside him, a chair at the end of the bed, a garbage can in a corner of his room, and a basic window on his right, but with locks on it. There was also a door on his left in the far corner.

The sun was shining from the window, and Naruto can tell it was morning, the sun just coming up.

Confused, Naruto tried getting up. Well, he stopped himself, remembering what happened.

'Maybe my wound got infected' He thought, noticing he was in light baby blue pants and bandages wrapped around his torso, new ones and better wrapped than he did.

Slowly sitting up, though not that it helped his back much, he looked at his arm.

He didn't notice at first, but there was an I.V. needle in his left arm, with medical fluids on a stand right by the left side of his bed.

Sighing, he knew he was busted, though now he can breathe straight and not in too much pain. Though his hands are still shaking, he noticed he was just one shade paler, and that was enough evidence to say his back got infected.

All of a sudden, the door opened, and there stood the Hokage, but he had a face of seriousness. Naruto knew it was because he didn't tell his Jiji about his back.

Hiruzen came closer to Naruto, sitting in the chair after moving it closer to Naruto.

They sat there in silence, all the while Naruto was staring at the floor, opposite from hiruzen.

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