Chapter 5!

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Kakashi arrived 3 hours late to find 3 young teens sleeping. Honestly, he thought all of them looked so peaceful and cute when they slept.

Naruto was drooling a bit, but he was in the tree Sasuke and Sakura were sitting against. His back was leaning on the trunk of the tree, while one of his legs dangling off the tree, the other propped up to keep momentum and not fall.

Sakura was 2 feet away from Sasuke, choosing to lie in the grass on her side. One of her legs was bent a bit up towards her stomach, and her breathing was slow and steady.

Sasuke chose to put his back against the trunk of the tree, his head a bit off to the side. One leg was bent while the other wasn't.

Kakashi chuckled, and took a photo of them, he was doing the peace sign in the photo. Putting the camera and photo away, Kakashi started to set up things before they woke.

He took an egg-shaped clock and sat it on a rock, putting the time to noon.

He heard shuffling and a yawn, so he turned and saw Sasuke waking up.

"Good morning Sasuke," Kakashi said in a hush but cheerful voice, and at the same time eye smiling. "Can you please wake up your teammates?"

Sasuke looked at Kakashi with the eyes like a baby, well, to Kakashi anyway. It was filled with child-like curiosity until it turned back to his regular eyes, with a hint of exhaustion. Kakashi silently cried about how cute his students are.

"Hn" Sasuke said, getting up and brushing the dirt off him. He started walking to Sakura and shook her elbow. Sakura fluttered her eyes open, noticing Sasuke at the corner of her eyes.

Fully waking up, she thanked Sasuke and got up, brushing the dirt off her as well.

Sasuke climbed the tree using the branches and got on the branch Naruto was on

"Dobe, Wake up." He said, making Naruto groan and curl up. He would've managed to go back to sleep, had Sasuke not pushed him off the tree before Sasuke himself jumped off.

"Itai!" Naruto yelled, clutching his side with anime tears. "You jerk! Why did you push me off the tree!?" Naruto yelled, getting up.

"Dobe, you wouldn't wake up. Besides, Kakashi-sensei is here." That made Naruto blink and look at Kakashi. He eye smiled and waved, causing Naruto to look at Kakashi like he was stupid. Kakashi, Sasuke, and Sakura all sweatdropped at Naruto.

Sighing, Naruto brushed himself off. Everyone looked at Kakashi when he clapped to get their attention.

"Well, team 7! Now that you guys are up, how about we start the test!" Kakashi said cheerfully. All three nodded, fully facing him now, and completely serious, well for Sakura and Sasuke. Naruto was just glaring at Kakashi and Sasuke, and if looks could kill, both Sasuke and Kakashi would be dead.

'Why is my team so cute but deadly!' Team 7 could swear Kakashi had hearts in his eyes but ignored it. Naruto huffed before listening to what Kakashi was saying.

"I have this clock set till noon. When it goes off, the test ends." Kakashi began. "You need to get these bells from me" Cue Kakashi took 2 bells out of one of his pockets tied to a red string.

"But there are only 2 Kakashi-Sensei. There are 3 of us." Sakura said.

"Good observation skills Sakura, though you are correct. The reason is, that the person without a bell gets tied to that stump, and goes back to the academy. If only 1 person gets the bell/s then the other two get tied to the stump and go to the academy. And if no one gets the bells..."

"Then we all get sent back to the Academy..." Sasuke finished.

"But, you can't do that!!" Sakura yelled.

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