Chapter 15!

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Hello and welcome to the new and improved Naruto's Majestic Wings!! If you like this story, check out my new one. It is called Scales (A Naruto Fanfic)

Remember, re-read the chapters before reading this.


They sat there, staring. Not one made a move.

"Are you going to explain what happened..?" The older of the two trailed off.

"... Where should I start...?" The younger of the two sat there, head resting on their hand. "It began after a traitor was revealed..." and there it began, his tale of how everything happened. From the beginning of his normal life where he was happy, to his new life filled with pain.

There were, of course, some lies in there or blanks, but that is beside the point.

At the end of the tale, the boy hacked up blood, before quickly wiping it and sighed.

The older of the two stood there in meer shock. She could not believe what she heard.

This boy- no, young man, had received so much pain in a short amount of time, that even older shinobi have never felt.

"Are... Are the wings any special..? Like, anything different against normal wings?" She asked as he shrugged.

"Well, they could be soft and fluffy or ruff, the feathers could be as sharp as blades, I could have horns after getting the wings, and I would for sure get the horns when I 'Master' my wings. I also found out a few days ago that they could come in any color. Kenya said that one of the Uzumaki he saw had light green wings, and the other pink or red. He said he didn't remember that well." The young man, Naruto, explained.

"They also can hold elemental chakra," Naruto added absentmindedly.

"So basically it's like having another human being on your back?" The older of the two questioned.

Naruto nodded.

Yūgao hummed before telling him she had to leave.


Sakura sat in her bed with a cup of tea in her hands, sipping slowly.

She had just been discharged and had gone to Kakashi's house to seek shelter.

'He makes good tea, and it is my favorite.' Sakura thought to herself as she sat up slowly, setting her tea down on the end table by her bed.

She walked to a bookshelf that was in the corner of the room, rummaging through it.

She found this odd red book that had "Tale of the Red Hot Habanero" Written on the front.

She absentmindedly flipped through the pages before seeing a picture of a dark red wing. She looked closer to see that half of somebody's arm was there before it got cut off.

She could see it had a slight shimmer of white and blue, as she read on that page what it meant.

"The Red Hot Habanero, also known as Kushina Uzumaki, was unlike any other ordinary child. Besides having larger chakra reserves that she can access than normal children, she also has long vitality of sorts, as well as a special add-on that very few Uzumaki have.


As you know, Uzumaki can live a long life, has extraordinary stamina, chakra capacity the size of a mountain, and long longevity, they can also get in a 3/100 chance, wings.

Now, the Uzumaki didn't have a lot of people, about less than 200. So only about 4 people would get the special add-on.

There isn't a lot of information about the Yūdaina Tsubasa, as you would call it, but there are a few.

They come in many different shapes or sizes and even colors.

Fluffy, ruff, sharp, large, medium, small, pink, purple, blue, red, etc.

Some Uzumaki even get horns, which also come in different colors depending on your elemental chakra.

Light blue for wind - Dark blue for lightning - Orange for fire - Black for earth - Turquoise to a sea green for water.

But, those are just the pros, the cons, however, are worse than anything anyone would ever imagine.

They could be in pain for a certain amount of time, the last day being the worse, before they grow their wings.

Then, they have to keep them moving unless they go stiff, kind of like a rusty wrench.

It isn't easy to fix, as it takes about three days to get even one wing up and moving.

To do so, they must go through physical therapy.

They will also need to go to regular massages until they can smooth out the feathers and bone."

Sakura's jaw went slack as she softly shut the book and placed it exactly how it was the last time she saw it.

'I need to give this book to Naruto. Just in case he knows all he needs to know for his... Add-on.' Sakura walked away from the bookshelf, going into the hall towards Kakashi's room.

She knocked on the door before hearing a "come in". She opened the door to see Kakashi reading an orange book.

He looked up before eye smiling and sitting up.

"What do you need, Sakura-Chan?" He asked lazily.

"I am bored." She replied

"Well, you can't do training, as you are still healing, but you can practice other skills, such as cooking. Your cooking, well... Quite sucks." He mumbled sheepishly before suddenly getting a bad feeling.

He looked at Sakura to see her face red with anger, and her fists balled up.

"N-Now now, Sakura-chan, no need to hit your sensei now will you?" Kakashi raised his hands in surrender as she slowly strolled toward him. "We can talk about this, no?"

At the Hokage's office, Hiruzen was doing paperwork.

Suddenly he jumped as he heard a mix of a high pitch and low pitch scream before a smacking sound was heard.

"Probably Kakashi or Jiraiya... If Jiraiya is even here..." Hiruzen mumbled before going back to his paperwork.

One of the Anbu muttered to the guy next to him.

"Should we check it out..?"


"... But why not..?"

"Nobody is allowed to help a pervert.."

They both went silent after.


Sorry, it is short, I wanted to surprise you all with this story not being on Hiatus anymore!

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed it!

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