Chapter 9!

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Today is the Bell test! Aren't y'all excited?

Well, I sure am not. It is gonna be so difficult to make the bell test since I suck at making fighting scenes. Add to the fact I just want Naruto to have huge instinct- I am adding that.



Kakashi took his book out and started to read, even though almost everyone knew he wasn't reading. It was to make them underestimate him.

Naruto was out of view from everyone, and although he was concealing his chakra completely, which is surprising considering his chakra reserves, he was loud when moving.

'Well they have hidden well, I can't sense Naruto's chakra at all.' Kakashi thought. He could hear Naruto though. He was moving quite....loudly.

//Time skip//

After Kakashi put Sakura in a Genjutsu and Sasuke in the ground, neck down, it was only Naruto left.

Kakashi was standing in the middle of the field when all of a sudden a shadow loomed over him.

Kakashi side stepped just in time when Naruto tried delivering an ax kick. The power of the kick could have bruised or fractured something, and Kakashi knew that from the medium crater resulting from the kick.

"That's a strong kick you have there, Naruto," Kakashi said. Naruto smirked at him.

"I have been training extra hard for this" Naruto exclaimed.

He seemed confident on the outside, but inside he was sweating bullets. Somehow, he knew his leg was gonna go limp in a few minutes. His leg was in excruciating pain, and only from Kenya's torture methods did he not cry out in pain.

He was still working on his Taijutsu, so it was a bit... raw, causing some moves to hurt him almost as much as it hurts them. He guessed his leg was fractured or something. He just knew it hurt, and that his other leg was soon going to cave way from him favoring it.

'Damn effects. I need to get those bells, no matter what!' Naruto thought.

Naruto threw multiple kunai's at Kakashi, all the while trying to reach for the bells.

Now, he could have touched the bells, had it not been for him to lean on his broken leg. This caused him to fall on one of his knees, kneeling.

"Naruto?" Kakashi asked. Naruto groaned as he shakily stoop up, before running at Kakashi, intent on stopping the fight as soon as he could.

Let's just say Naruto got his ass handed to him.

'Dammit, Why does this happen to me every time?!' Naruto thought, tied up to a log with Sakura and Sasuke sitting on either side of him.

Kakashi didn't bother to notice at first but saw how Naruto's leg was bent at a weird angle.

"Naruto, is your leg ok?" Kakashi asked. Sakura looked puzzled, creeped out by the way his leg was bent. Sasuke just looked at Naruto like he was stupid for not telling anyone.

"Uhh" everyone heard a snap and saw how Naruto's leg snapped back into shape. "Nope"

It went silent as Naruto sheepishy smiled.

//After a little while//

"So, I decided that you guys are not going to be sent back to the academy." Kakashi started.

Naruto started to yelp in joy as he smiled. He ignored his gut saying something was wrong. Sasuke had a ghost of a smirk on his broody face and Sakura was looking at Sasuke happily.

"Instead, I will drop you from the ninja program permanently." Kakashi finished.

Naruto frowned in shock as sadness filled within' his trembling body. Kenya had such high hopes for his passing. He was going to fail his only relative...

Sasuke immediately had a large frown as his eyes were filled with anger. Sakura looked distraught and she felt fear as she looked at Sasuke.

"You can't do that! And why would you?!" Sasuke yelled, outraged.

Kakashi explains that they don't think like a ninja, thinking more like "little kids".

Angry, Sasuke charges at Kakashi but is easily restrained. Kakashi further explained that teamwork was the key to retrieving a bell. Kakashi notes that each of them was so self-entitled throughout the challenge: Naruto recklessly tried to face a foe who outmatched him alone, Sakura focused all her interest on Sasuke when she was prime to help Naruto, while Sasuke arrogantly believed his team-mates weren't worth his time and acted as such.

After that, Kakashi showed them the memorial stone, and told them "Those who don't follow the rules are scum, but those who abandon their comrades are worse than scum."

"Alright. I decided to give you all a second chance. But it will be difficult, as I am not going to go easy on you three. Now, I will leave for only a few minutes while you eat. Do not give Naruto any. If I come here and see that you are feeding Naruto, well, you know what will happen." At that, Kakashi disappeared via Shunshin.


Last edited - 02 - 11 - 2022 - 11:48PM

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