Chapter 7!

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Naruto sat on his bed, looking at the scroll filled with a bunch of other scrolls.

He had so many questions, why did Kenya give him this scroll that was from the Uzumaki's? What was Fuinjutsu? Why did he need to write for jutsu? Should he go to Jiji and ask him what the scroll was? What is a blood seal? And so many more questions!

"Ugh, this is making my head hurt..." Deciding to meditate, Naruto went in front of his bead and went in the lotus position. He meditated for about an hour to gather his thoughts.

So, Kenya is an Uzumaki, which made him and Kenya cousins. Kenya, who Naruto only knew for 3 hours, gave him an ancient Uzumaki scroll. Naruto has no idea what Fuinjutsu is, nor what a Blood seal and a Storage blood seal is. Though he does understand that the "Blood" part just means has to put his blood on the scroll and voila, the contents he needs are there.

He supposes since all this is what Uzumaki learns from generation to generation, he would need to learn this "Fuinjutsu" stuff.

Sighing, Naruto got up and took the scroll with his new clothes, going into the bathroom and taking his pills before changing into his new clothes. Once he was done, he grabbed his weapon set and jumped out his window, wanting to train at a training ground.

//Naruto's POV//

I sat down on the grass in the shade of a random tree I found. I then opened my weapon set and put them all in my new kunai and shuriken pouch, which only had about two shurikens and a single kunai.

Then, I grabbed the scroll and pumped the smallest bit of chakra I could manage into the scroll.

When I did, just like the scroll said, 7 scrolls came out in a puff of smoke. 5 numbered 1-5, another one named Fuinjutsu, and the other blank.

"I am guessing the scroll that says Fuinjutsu has the supplies, and the blank ones is the one to perfect errors that I have? Alright, let's start!" I said excitedly.

I grabbed a blade from my bracers and cut my finger, letting the blood drip on the Uzumaki crest that was on the blank scroll.

The scroll opened, and so I looked inside.

All it said was for how I was supposed to fix any error in my writing and to keep practicing until the writing looked exactly the way the words of the scroll have it.

I sweatdropped. I opened the Fuinjutsu scroll and grabbed one of the brushes, ink bottle, and paper.

The scroll also had instructions on how to hold the brush, how much ink should be on the brush, etc.

'This is going to be a long day...' I thought to myself before getting to work.

//Nobody's POV//

Naruto's hand hurt like hell. He had been writing for what, 4 hours? He looked at the sky and noted that it was about almost 6.

Grabbing his bottle of pills and popping two in, putting the bottles back, Naruto set back to work. All he had to do was finish practicing this one letter that he had been struggling to write perfectly for the past hour, then he could go home, eat, then rest. He had been able to get every other letter similar to the ones in the scroll, but practice makes perfect, and you can't perfect something in a day.

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