Chapter 17!

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I apologize for this late update (I haven't updated since 2022 💀) but I was just unmotivated.

Anywho — Let's get on with the story my loves and bugs!


Naruto's POV

I shook as I stared at the huge blade that was going to decapitate our heads off cleanly. A man stood backward on it as it had been stabbed into a large tree. He had light blue and a shade darker blue lined pants and cow-printed warmers. Upon closer inspection, he had bandages wrapped around his mouth.

My hands shook uncontrollably but I stood on shaky legs. Ringing is all I could hear as I caught glimpses of conversation, something about the guy on the blade name Zabuza Momochi. He had turned around and seemed to identify Kakashi-Sensei.

Finally, the ringing subsided and the topic was now about the Sharingan. I racked my brain trying to remember it.

'Oh! Kenya made me read about all the kekkei Genkai in Konoha. Sharingan is an Uchiha Dojutsu that since Sasuke is one of the only ones in his clan, only he should have it. It can only be received through a very traumatizing event, or being on the brink of death. Pretty depressing if you ask me.' I thought to myself, deadpanning. I look over at Sasuke to notice he was shaking almost as much as me, a kunai in his hand in a vice grip.

I then notice while being zoned out that Zabuza is gone and mist is everywhere.

'I can barely see even Kakashi-Sensei!' I thought as I look around.

I knew the downside to this battle was me, so I went closer to the bridge builder.

Kakashi was talking, I knew, but I couldn't hear him. I saw his jaw move, I heard something from him. But I couldn't hear his voice. Sasuke suddenly stopped shaking and got into a defensive position as Sakura and Sasuke went into Manji formation.

Pain was all I felt, my mouth open in a silent scream. My body shivered in pain and terror as I kneeled in pain.

"Awee, your blondy over there seems to be terrified of me." I faintly heard before I blinked and suddenly I look up and notice Kakashi is yelling at us to run. He was stuck in a water bubble on a lake with Zabuza's hand inside of the bubble.

'I must've blacked out..' I gritted my teeth as I stood up on shaky legs. I didn't think as I suddenly appeared behind Zabuza with my special blade and stabbed him in the right shoulder.  He let go of the bubble and Kakashi fell out before going to attack Zabuza. I couldn't hear anything and couldn't concentrate as I limped to a nearby tree and sat there. I must've screamed from the blinding pain erupting from my body because everyone but Zabuza looked at me.

I blacked out once more to find Sasuke in my face with a concerned look.

I saw his mouth move but I still couldn't hear. I saw him panic as my eyes droop before I pass out from the unbearable pain.


I started to wake up and I noticed this time I was not on grass but on a hard bed. My back ached and my head was pounding.

I groaned as I sat up, noticing the plain room with a chair by the bed.

'Where am I...?' I thought to myself. My vision was hazy and black spots filled my vision as I went in and out of consciousness. I opted to rest my back against the headboard, leaning my head on the cold wall. My body was hot.

I heard a door open and then close, shuffling going toward me. I look out of the corner of my eyes to see Kakashi-Sensei in crutches.

"How are you feeling, Naruto?" He asked as he sat on the edge of my bed. I grunted.

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