6. You'll See Me

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So today was Friday and it was gonna be a pretty bad day. My mum and I had a meeting today about IT.

I already told her what it's about and she's known I've wanted to drop out for a while now. Which means she's not mad at me, so that's great.

The school isn't aware that we know so this will be very entertaining. Especially when they realise that neither of us care.

You know how petty teachers can be, they try to get you in trouble and live for the reactions of your parents.

We'd got to school just before the meeting because I decided there was no point in going to first lesson.

We had been waiting in the waiting room for about 10 minutes before someone finally came in to bring us to the meeting.

Once we got there, they waffled on about how I've not been showing up to lessons and that I'm falling behind blah blah blah. My mum and I weren't contributing much to the conversation.

"So unfortunately we're gonna have to remove Gray from the course." 

Thank god I thought. They all started giving me strange looks for some reason. Oh, it's because I'm smiling. I wiped the smile off my face and pretended to be sad. Boohoo, I get a free period. So what.

I had tuned out of the conversation at this point to daydream about a specific individual when I heard a knock on the door. Who on earth is that?

"Come in Miss Lois."

Well, speak of the devil. How am I supposed to take this seriously with Peggy here? More importantly, how am I supposed to act normal?

She loudly pulled up a chair right in between me and my IT teacher.

I really shouldn't laugh but this is too funny. She doesn't half make it obvious, does she? 

"Hello, Ms Gray." She greeted my mum who seemed rather relieved to see her. 

"Hello, Miss Lois." Mum smiled.

Mum knew I got along well with Peggy and to be honest, I think she sensed that I liked her a bit too much.

I mean, to be fair, my father was literally her college professor. I guess it runs in the family. Shame he's a dick though. 

"So Miss Lois asked to join us in our meeting today." 

I saw my IT teacher roll her eyes at Peggy so I glared at her. She got really uncomfortable and shuffled in her seat.

Yeah, that's right bitch, back the fuck off.

"Miss Lois seems to be the only one Gray will listen to so we've decided to let her take charge."

I raised my eyebrow at Peggy who looks baffled. I don't think she was even made aware of this.

"Well that's good, at least you lot will have a chance now," I said.

Peggy smiled at the floor.

The meeting lasted another 15 minutes it just consisted of Peggy explaining why she's brilliant and completely annihilating my IT teachers. I don't think she liked them somehow.

When the meeting was finally over my mum had a chat with Peggy for a bit. I tried to listen in but I could only hear my mums side.

"Don't be silly call me Elena."

"Yeah, she is a handful isn't she."

"You really think so?" 

"Oh well, that's very sweet of you."

"I'm starting to see why Logan likes you so much."

They both turned to look at me and I quickly pretended I wasn't paying attention.

"Logi? I haven't heard that one before."

"Yeah, I don't know why everyone calls her Gray."

"Peggy huh? Might have to bring you over for dinner soon." My mum joked.

I don't think that's a good idea, who knows what might happen. 

"Alright, I'll see you later Pelessaria."

Pelessaria? They're on a first-name basis now? Damn mum, you move quick.

Mum's on her way over now better look busy. Oh wow, look how nice this chair is. Lovely fabric.

"Oh hello mum, didn't see you coming there." I smiled.

"She's a keeper that one." My mum said, nudging me in the arm.

Did she mean what I think she means? So she's caught on then? And she doesn't mind? Well, this is good I guess.

"I know," I smirked looking over at Peggy, who definitely heard that because she was now blushing.

I said bye to mum and went to waste the rest of my day. Lunch came around quicker than usual so I went to see Peggy in her office. I knocked on the door and she let me in. 

"Hey," I said.

"Hey." She replied.

"So, what were you and my mum talking about earlier?" I casually sat on her desk.

Totally not gonna interrogate her right now.

"You." She replied, taking a bite out of a sandwich.

"What about me?" I questioned, fiddling with her pen pot.

Peggy smirked, "I can't tell you."

"What! why?"

This isn't fair.

"I'm not allowed." She said shrugging her shoulders.

"What? says who?" 

"Says my job." She replied.

"That's not fair." I sulked.

"Yeah well, neither is our situation." She muttered under her breath, sighing.

"Oh shoot, I've got another meeting in 5 minutes." Peggy jumped out of her chair and put her blazer on, "You can hang out in here if you want." She said. 

"Okay," I replied, still in shock at the speed she was going.

"I'll see you later Logi." She hugged me out of nowhere and went out the door.

I stood there dumbfounded. Did she just hug me? I mean, I'm not complaining. But did she mean to do that?

I decided to snoop a bit. I know, shocking. She had loads of shit on her desk plus a giant hula hoop behind the shelf... Fair enough.

Peggy was still signed in on her computer so I watched some youtube on it.

It takes so long to get youtube on the school computers because they block it. I'd managed to get through about 3 videos before I realised I had 10 minutes left of lunch. I decided to write Peggy a note for when she returns.

'Hello, I got bored and decided to write you a note, so here it is. Congratulations on receiving this note. It didn't take many brain cells to write because I have to preserve the few I've got left. I'm not entirely sure what to write but I do have a knock-knock joke for you. Knock knock. Who's there? Doctor. Doctor who? Yes. There you go, that was my joke. I hope it made you laugh because I certainly found it funny. Anyway, have fun doing whatever it is you're doing.'

There that should do it. I think this is great. Just as I stuck it to her computer screen I heard the bell ring.

Well, time to get to class. Only an hour till I get to go home, I can't wait to leave.

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