Chapter 1: Back Home~

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This is it....the moment you've all been waiting for....i hope. This is the third, and final, book of the Unbreakable series!! I hope you all like it!!!

My alarm clock goes off and i feel around till i hit the off button. After the crash my dad told me i had to come home. I ended up with a broken rib that is, six months later, almost completely healed and a broken ankle that is now just in a boot that i can walk on. I get ready for school then go downstairs to eat breakfast.
"Hey darlin'. How you feeling?" Dad asks.
"Dad the crash was six months ago, I'm fine now. You can stop asking."
"Im just being cautious."
"And i appreciate that but really, I'm fine." I say then go over to him and kiss his cheek.
"Okay. Is Ashton picking you up?" He asks.
"Yes." I say.
Its silent for a bit while I'm making my breakfast.
"Have you and Austin talked at all in the last four months?"
"No Dad. He's too busy for me."
Austin ended up doing exactly what i thought he would do. For the first month i was back here we would talk as much as we possibly could. Then slowly he started not calling me and facetiming me as much until finally he just stopped all communication with me. He didn't mean it in a rude way, I'm sure, but it still hurt my feelings that he started to forget about me and started focus more on his career. He said i would always come first. So one day i texted him and told him that we were done, he didn't even respond to that text. Ive moved on from him, now I'm with Ashton. And i wasn't expecting to date Ashton, he just came into my life and before i knew it we were dating. Plus it was three months after i moved back here, I need to get over Austin.
"Thats not true honey."
"Yes it is. Now can we please stop talking about it?" I say.
"Alright. Eat your breakfast, I'm sure Ashton will be here any minute."
So i quickly eat my breakfast then brush my teeth. Theres a honk outside. I grab my backpack and phone then head out the door.
"Bye sweetie. Have good day at school."
"Bye Dad. Love you." I say then close the door behind me.
I climb in the passenger seat.
"Good morning." Ashton greets me, with a charming smile.
"Morning." I say smiling back.
Im just going to say this now, Ashton is one of the hottest boys in school. He's about four inches taller than me and has really dark brown that looks almost black, he always spikes it up in the front, he's very muscular and is on the baseball team at school and one outside of school. But my favorite feature of his that has all the girls swooning is his eyes, they are a gorgeous light blue and when you look into them you get so mesmerized its hard to take your eyes away. And he's so down to earth and sweet.
"Hows your ankle?"
"Is it?"
"Okay fine it hurts. But you don't need to worry about me." I say.
"Of course i do, you're my girlfriend."
"Its getting better." I tell him.
"Thats great."
I smile. He just looks at me for a bit.
"Are we going to go to school?" I ask.
"Oh right. Sorry, i got distracted."
"By what?"
I laugh a bit.
"You're crazy."
"You're beautiful."
I smile.
"Can we please go? Id rather not explain to the teacher that I'm late because my boyfriend wont stop looking at me and drive the car." I say.
He chuckles.
"That would be hilarious."
"Go Ashton!" I say in a laugh.
"Alright I'm going! Im going!"
He starts the car and we head off to school.

I rush through the door of first period AP environmental just as the bell rings.
"You're cutting it close Miss Daniels." Mrs. Carson says.
I take my seat next to Rhett.
"Why were you almost late?" She whispers.
"Because Ashton took forever to leave my house." I say.
"Well he should leave your house on time."
"I know right."
We both smile.

Rhett and i close our lockers as we put all our stuff away to go to lunch. Ashton is standing behind my locker door and makes me jump because i didn't know he was there.
"I hate when you do that!" I say.
"I know. Thats why i do it."
I roll my eyes at him.
"So anyone up for off campus lunch?" He asks.
"Sure." I say.
"Yeah." Rhett says.
So we get in his car and head to Raising Canes for lunch.
"So, are you girls coming to the first baseball game of the season tonight?"
"Of course!" Rhett exclaims.
"Wouldnt miss it." I say, looking at him with a smile.

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