Chapter 8: Another Fight~

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So this chapter is a little bit shorter, but hopefully still good! I want to thank valerie_mariah74 for helping me with this chapter!❤️

I wake up to my phone buzzing. I look and see that i got a text from Ashton.
Ashton: Want to hang out today?
Me: Im so sorry, Austin and i already planned to do a ton of stuff together today. He's going to back to Miami soon. You understand don't you?
Ashton: Sure
Me: Thanks. We can plan to hang out another time.
Ashton: Okay.
I finish doing my hair then go into the guest room where Austin is.
"Ready?" I ask.
"Yeah. Where are we going first?"
"You don't get to know anything." I say.
"Aww man. Everything is a surprise?" He asks.
"Everything." I confirm.
The first thing I'm taking Austin to is roller skating. We pull up to the building.
"Oh no. Rollerskating? You know i cant roller skate." He says.
"Which is why I'm going to teach you. Come on Austin, its so much fun when you can actually do it." I tell him.
"Okay lets go." He says.
I smile. We both get out and go inside. We pay and then get our roller skates. After putting them on, we go on the floor.
"Take my hand." I instruct.
"But Sade, there are paparazzi here. They'll take a picture of us and then a magazine will twist it into something its not.
"So what? We know we aren't dating, thats all that matters. And if the question ever comes up we clarify." I say.
"Okay." He says, then he takes my hand.
"Now, all you have to do is move your feet back and forth, just like you're ice skating."
"Im also bad at ice skating, so that doesn't help me what so ever." He says.
"Just follow what I'm doing." I say.
He mimics me and almost face plants but i save him.
"That was close." He says.
"I got you. Its just like when you were teaching me how to ride a skateboard, i wont let go until you're ready." I say.
We skate hand in hand for a bit. Austin almost falls a couple more times, but after a while he starts to get the hang of it.
"There you go! You're practically doing it, now all you need is for me to let go." I say.
"Okay." He says.
"Okay as in i can let go?" I ask.
He nods. I let go but skate backwards in front of him just in case he starts to fall. At one point he starts to fall forward, i try to stop him from falling but he pulls me down with him. I land on top of him. I laugh and get off of him.
"Are you okay?" I ask.
He starts to laugh which makes me laugh again.
"Sorry." He says.
"Its okay." I say.
We sit there for a minute.
"See, even though you're not the best at roller skating you're still having fun." I say.
"Yeah, i am." He says with a smile.
I smile back. Then we both get up.
"Need me to hold your hand again?" I ask.
"No, i can do this." He says.
"Okay." I say.
This time i skate next to him, we go around the circle once and he doesn't fall.
"You did it!" I say.
"Well i do have a great coach." He says.
I laugh.
"Where to next?" Austin asks, when we are back on the road.
"I told you, you get to know nothing."
"You're not even going to give me a hint?" He asks.
"Nope." I say.
We drive to the place where the Spurs game is.
"Now way." Austin says, when we turn into the parking lot. "I thought the tickets were sold out." He says.
"They are, but i was ready to buy them right when the started selling them."
"You're the best Sade." He says.
"I know."
We get out and go into the building.
"Where are our seats?" He asks.
"Court Side." I say.
"Aren't those a lot of money?" He asks.
"Did you pay for them?" He asks.
"That doesn't matter." I say as we sit down.
"Sadie." He says.
"You didn't need to do that." He says.
"I wanted to." I say.
He looks at me.
"Also, you're performing at half time." I tell him.
"And I'm performing with you." I say.
"Yes." I say.
He smiles.
"I could just kiss you right now." He says.
I look at him.
"But I'm not going to." He quickly states.
I laugh.
I mean, i wouldn't mind if he kissed me. Wait what am i saying? Im with Ashton. Thats who i want to be with. Yeah.
Soon the game starts. When half time rolls around the Spurs are winning.
"You ready?" I ask.
"Im ready, but are you?" He asks.
I take a deep breath then nod. We both go to the center of the court.
"San Antonio how are ya'll doing tonight?" Austin asks into the mic.
Everyone cheers.
"So im here with my best friend, Sadie and we're going to sing some songs for you."
Austin sings a few of his songs and i sing along with him then he sings a song alone and i sing a song alone. Then for our last song we do our new duet. Afterwards the crowd erupts with cheers.
"They liked you." Austin says.
"They liked both of us." I say.
"Thank you!" Austin and i both sayinto the mics.
We go back and sit down.
"I haven't done that in a while." I say.
"And how did it feel?" He asks.
"Amazing." I say.
He smiles.
Its late when the Spurs game is over. We drive back to my house. Today was great with Austin. I had a lot of fun.

Im sitting in class waiting for it to start. Ashton comes and sits next to me.
"Hey." I say with a smile.
"What is this?" He asks.
He shows me a magazine and on the front is a picture of Austin and i holding hands at the rollerskating rink.
"Austin and me." I simply state.
"Why are you holding hands? And why is the teaser, 'Austin and Sadie back together.'?"
"You're kidding me right?"
"No." He says.
"You're really going to believe something a magazine says?" I ask.
"Is this picture edited?" He asks.
"Why are you holding hands?"
"Because i was helping him learn and so i could keep from falling. Gosh, you never stop Ashton. Cant you just trust me?"
He doesn't answer.
"Its not just the picture is it?"
"I didn't want to you to go spend the day with Austin. You hang out with him all the time, how was yesterday any different?"
"You said you understood." I say.
"Yeah well, i didn't."
"I am so sick and tired of this Ashton." I say.
Then i grab my things and move seats.
For the rest of the day i avoid Ashton. When i get home i run up to my room.
"Sade?" Austin says.
I don't stop i just go to my room and slam the door. I scream into my pillow. I hear the door open.
"You want to talk about it?" Austin asks.
"I didn't want to believe you because i wanted us to work, but you're right, Ashton and i fight way too much."
"Because of me."
"Don't do that Austin!" I say.
"Do what?" He asks.
"Blame this all on yourself. Its not your fault. Ashton chooses to be jealous and he chooses to get worked up over small things, thats not your fault. Its all him." I say.
"So what are you going to do?" He asks.
"I don't know." I say falling back on my bed.
"You want me to talk to him?" He asks.
"No way."
"Why not?"
"Because you two would just get in a huger fight than he and i are in." I say.
"I just want to talk some sense into him." He states.
"No Austin."
"Fine. But you're not going to be anywhere near him. And if he wants to apologize he'll have to do it to me first." He says.
"You don't have to be so protective Austin."
"Yes, i do. I don't want anyone to hurt you like i did. I don't want anyone to hurt you at all. You mean everything to me Sade, and so I'm going to do everything i can to make sure you are happy and to make sure whoever hurts you gets what they deserve."
I look at him then lean forward and hug him tight.
"Thank you." I say then pull away.
"Im still in love with you Sadie."
I nod.
"I know."

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