Chapter 2: Operation Boyfriend~

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"Okay, step one to getting you a boyfriend, do you like anyone at all?" I ask Rhett.
Rhett, Ashton, and i are in my room.
"No." She says.
"You don't like anyone? Not even a little bit?" I ask.
"Well I've always thought Patrick was cute..."
"Okay then thats who we'll go for!"
"But i don't want you to make him like me!"
"We wont! First we'll start off by asking who he likes." I say.
"You think he'll tell you?" She asks.
"Why wouldn't he?"
"Because ya'll barley know each other."
"We have a few classes together!" I protest.
"But do you actually talk to him?" She asks.
"'re right. Okay slight change of plans, first i have to get to be his friend." I say.
"And how do you plan to do that?" She asks.
"Talk to him more, work with him on projects and stuff." I say.
"You know I'm in one of the classes you have with Patrick right?" Ashton says.
"So if we're doing a project you'll pick him over me?"
"Well if its a group project then we can all be in the same group."
"And if its a partner project?" He asks.
"Then i'll be with you for some and him for some and you can be with him some too. It will probably be less awkward if you pair up with him more since your a guy. We don't want him falling for me." I say.
"Right because he would definitely fall for you." Rhett says sarcastically.
I gasp and throw a pillow at her.
"Hey! I meant, he knows you have a boyfriend." She says.
I roll my eyes.
"Alright, so tomorrow at school i'll talk to him." I say.
"Okay, but please don't make it obvious that i like him!" Rhett pleads.
"Oh come on. You know i wouldn't do that to you!"
"Okay. Im trusting you." She says.
I smile.

I walk into my Physics class and see Patrick. Luckily we don't have assigned seats so i go sit next to him. The desks are long black desks that fit two people. I set my stuff down.
"Is it okay if i sit here?" I ask him.
"Yeah sure." He says.
"Thanks. Your name is Patrick right?" I ask.
"Yes, and your Sadie?"
"Thats right." I say with a smile.
"Alright class, since today is the last day before spring break I'm just going to let ya'll do whatever. I have to get lots of grades in, please don't get too loud." Mr. Peterson says.
Patrick and i end up talking all class, and its not awkward. He seems pretty comfortable.
"Aren't you best friends with Rhett?" He asks.
"Yes! Do you know Rhett?" I ask.
"Yeah. We have a few classes together." He says.
"Oh cool."
"What lunch do you have?" He asks.
"Who do you sit with?"
"Rhett and my boyfriend, Ashton."
"Do you mind if i sit with ya'll? I had to switch lunches and i don't know who to sit with."
"No, not at all. You can sit with us." I say.
He smiles.
Soon its lunch time. I buy my lunch and get to the table. Rhett and Ashton are already there.
"Guess who's sitting with us." I say excitedly as i sit down next to Ashton.
"No way! Im not ready! I don't even look good today!" Rhett starts to worry.
"Oh shut up! You look beautiful." I say.
"Why did you ask him?!"
"I didn't! He asked me. He switched lunches and didn't know who he was going to sit with." I explain.
She groans.
"Calm down Rhett, you'll be fine." I say.
"Wow. Is this what girls are like when they have crushes?" Ashton asks.
"Yup." I say.
"So you were like that towards me?" He asks me.
"What no!" I lie.
"Yeah she was. She was way worse than this though." Rhett says.
I look at Rhett.
"What? You were."
"Shut. Up." I say.
"Oh come on Sadie, i think its cute that you were crazy about me." Ashton says.
"Were you crazy about me?" I ask.
"Absolutely. And i still am." He says with a smile.
I smile back then he leans down and gives me a short but sweet kiss.
"Oooo here he comes." Rhett says.
"Yay!" I exclaim.
Patrick approaches the table and sits in between Rhett and i.
"Hi Patrick." I say.
"Hey." He says.
So during lunch we all get to know Patrick a little more. He seems like a really nice guy, perfect for Rhett. Now all we have to do is get him to like Rhett but without forcing him. The more time he spends with her the more likely for him to start liking her.
"Patrick, we're going to the fair tonight, if you want to come." I say.
"Umm, yeah okay. Sure." He says.
"Great. You want to meet us there around say seven?"
I smile.

Ashton, Rhett and i walk up to the fair ticket gate.
"So should we just wait here till Patrick comes?" Rhett asks.
"Yes." I say.
So we wait for about five minutes and then Patrick shows up.
"Hey guys. I hope i didn't keep you waiting too long." He says.
"No, not at all." Rhett says.
"Alright. Lets give them our tickets and go inside." I say.
We go inside the fair and look around.
"What are we going to do first?" Ashton asks.
"We could go around and try to win prizes for the little games first." Rhett suggests.
"Okay. Lets go."
So we go around the fair playing different little games. We get to a throwing one.
"Oooo lets do this one, I'm good at throwing." Ashton says.
"Just because you play baseball doesn't mean you can win this game." I say.
"Sounds like you're challenging me." He says, stepping closer.
"Oh i am." I say.
"You're on." He says.
So we play the game and i end up winning.
"Wait hold on, Ashton you play baseball i thought you were supposed to be good at this game and win." I tease him.
"Haha very funny." He says sarcastically.
Then he puts his hand on the small of my back and pulls me close then leans down and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck.
I hear Rhett clear her voice but neither i or Ashton stop what we are doing.
"Okay you too, thats enough. We get it you really like each other." She says.
Ashton and i pull away.
"If you're jealous you can just look away." I state.
She looks at me.
"So what are we doing next?" She asks.
"I was thinking the Ferris wheel." I say.
"Okay, lets go."
So we all head to the Ferris wheel and get in line.
Soon Ashton and i get in the same seat and Rhett and Patrick get in one after us. The Ferris wheel starts.
"So, my family is going on a cruise for spring break." Ashton tells me.
"Oh my gosh! Ive always wanted to go on a cruise! Its my dream vacation!" I exclaim.
"Thats good to hear, because i want you to come with us." He says.
"Really? Your serious?"
"Of course! You're my girlfriend and i want to be with you as much as i can. When I'm around you i forget everything else and I'm happiest when I'm with you."
"Awww. Ashton, i feel the same way. You're the boyfriend that every girl would kill to have. I honestly cant believe that out of all the girls you could pick, you picked me." I say.
"Thats because when i first met you i knew there was something different and special about you." He says.
"Oh yeah? What is it?"
"You care about me. All the other girls that were after me, they just wanted me for my looks or the fact that they just needed a boyfriend, but just cared about who i was, even before we started dating you just genuinely cared about me and thats what i look for in a girl." He says.
I smile then lean in and kiss him.
"So do you want to come?" He asks.
"I would love to. But i have to ask my Dad first." I say.
"Of course." He says.
"Thank you for inviting me. Your family was okay with it right?" I ask.
"Are you kidding? Sadie, you know they all love you." He says.
"Okay, i just don't want to intrude on your family vacation."
"Trust me, you wont be. You're practically family."
I smile again. Then he puts his hand on my cheek and leans in and kisses me sweetly.
After the fair we all go get ice cream.
"So Patrick, did you have fun?" I ask.
"Yes," he says then glances at Rhett, "i had a lot of fun, thank you for inviting me." He says.
He glanced at Rhett, what does that mean? Wait a second, they're hiding something! I can tell by the look on Rhett's face, she's trying to hold something in. Oh well, i'll get it out of her. After dropping Patrick off i look at Rhett.
"Spill." I say.
"Spill what?" She asks.
"I know you're hiding something." I say.
"Okay fine," she gives in, "Patrick and i kissed!"
"What?! When?!" I ask.
"On the Ferris wheel."
I squeal.
"We did it!" I say.
"But we aren't official yet, he didn't ask me out."
"Oh he will." I ask.
She smiles.
"Operation boyfriend complete."

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