Chapter 13: You're Going Back To Miami~

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"Austin Carter Mahone you are not allowed to stop living your dream because of me. You are going back to Miami. I can't believe you would even think of not going back."
"I don't want to hurt you again." He says.
"You won't." I say.
"You can't say that Sade."
I step closer.
"Yes, I can. I know you Austin, you care too much about me to hurt me again. You know what it feels like to live without me for a while and you don't like it, so I believe you'll do everything you can to make sure you don't hurt me again. And its not like we're never going to see each other again. When summer rolls around I promise i'll be there with you all summer. The only way we're going to get through this is if you believe we can and you put forth the effort. If you keep doubting yourself and saying that you might hurt me again then you will, and you won't be happy. I don't care what you say you are going back to Miami." I tell him, looking straight into his eyes.
"You're right, I'm overreacting. Im sorry I just-"
Before he can finish talking I just hug him.
"Its okay Austin. I'm not mad, I just don't want to be the reason that you stop doing what you love and have dreamed of since you were little." I say.
We stay like that for a minute, just hugging.
"Ooo whats going on here?" I hear Zach say.
Austin and I pull away.
"Nothing." I say.
"Wait are you-"
"Are you about to ask me what I think you are going to ask me Alex?"
"Pfft. No, I was going to ask...are you two...up to going and getting some lunch." He says.
"Yeah, that's what I thought."
"Do you guys want to go get some lunch though?" Robert asks.
"Sure, where at?" Austin asks.
"Olive Garden?" I suggest.
"Yes! Lets do it!" Austin says.
So we all climb into Austin's car and head to Olive Garden. We have a good lunch at Olive Garden and after that we head back to my house.
"You guys want to do a Ustream?" Austin asks all of us.
"Sure." Alex says.
"Yeah." Robert says.
"Cool with me." Zach say.
"Sadie?" Austin asks.
"Yeah sure." I say.
We get back to my house and go to my room. Austin gets the Ustream set up and starts it.
"Alright, I'm going to tweet it out." Austin says.
Within a few minutes the Ustream already has a million views.
"That was fast." I say.
"Hey everybody. Just in case you guys were wondering yes, I did get a new room and I know its a little girly," he chuckles, "I'm just kidding we're in Sadie's room. So as you guys know we are in Texas right now, visiting Sadie, we'll be going back to Miami though in a few weeks."
Austin looks at the comments.
"Sade they're all asking if you're going to come back to Miami with us." Austin tells me.
"Probably not, I'm going to stay here with my Dad." I say.
"They don't like that answer." He says.
I smile.
"I wish I could go back but I don't have much time before I go off to college and my Dad wants to spend as much time with me as he can before I do that."
So we stay on Ustream for a while just basically doing normal things but over a million people are watching us.
"Okay we're going to go, but I wanted to let you guys know that I'm going to start recording my album soon and there may be a song that I'm going to be dropping on SoundCloud so make sure to check that out when it comes out. Anyways, I love you guys and I'll talk to you later." He says.
He makes his signature heart with his hands then signs off.
"Well that was fun." I say.
"Why did you say it like that?" Austin asks.
"Like what?" I ask.
"Like it wasn't any fun."
"I was looking at all the comments, most of them were on how they want us back together and how I should move back to Miami with ya'll." I say.
"My fans know me Sade, they know I haven't been the same since the last time you left. They just want me to be happy." He says.
"Right, just you." I say.
"Thats not what I meant." He says.
"But it's true, they only care about you. They don't even think of the fact that yes I want to go back but I want to be with me Dad too." I say.
"Sade, stop that."
"I think we're just going to go downstairs." Alex says.
The three boys leave.
I sigh.
"I feel like your fans hate me more now because I left you."
"They don't hate you."
"You saw the comments and you see the tweets."
"Sade, don't let them get to you again."
I look down.
"Im not." I says.
He puts his index finger under my chin and lifts it up so that I'm looking into his eyes.
"Tell me that looking straight into my eyes." He tells me.
"I'm not going to let them get to me again." I say, looking into his eyes.
He drops his hand from my chin.
Turns out all the boys are spending the night tonight. Right now were fighting over what movie we should watch.
"How about Captain America 2!" I suggest.
They all stop bickering and look at me.
"You just want to watch it because you think Captain America is hot." Zach says.
"No!" I protest.
They all give me a look.
"Okay yes, but all of you think its a good movie so its a win win situation." I say.
Austin rolls his eyes.
"Fine, Captain America 2 it is." Alex says.
We go on Netflix and play the movie. Austin and I are on the couch, I'm laying my head on a pillow on his lap, Zach and Alex are in the conjoined recliner, and Robert is in the single recliner. We get 3/4 of the way into the movie and then everyone but me is asleep. Which is weird because I'm usually always the first one to fall asleep. I decide thats it's time for a little payback from all the times they've pulled pranks on me while I was asleep. I slowly sit up. I start to get some stuff from downstairs. I grab glue, honey, a sharpie, and glitter. When I turn around Austin is right there. I gasp then quickly put the stuff behind my back.
"What are doing?" He whispers.
"Nothing." I lie.
"What do you have?" He asks, trying to look behind me.
I back up against the wall so he can't see the stuff.
"Nothing." I lie again.
"Sade, come one, what are you up to?" He asks.
I get my face closer to his.
"Im not telling you." I say.
He inches his face closer.
"Fine, i'll just make you tell me."
"And how do you plan to do that?" I ask.
"I...don't know."
"Hmmm...then I guess your not going to get anything out of me."
"Oh yeah I am, I'm guessing you don't have all night to do what you're planning and if I stand here you can't proceed with your plan."
"You won't stand here all night." I say.
"Yeah I will, and you know it."
I sigh.
"Fine...I'm getting revenge on the boys for pulling pranks on me when I was the first to fall asleep." I say.
"Am I included in your revenge plan?" He asks.
"No." I lie.
"You're lying." He says.
"No I'm not."
"Sade, you're terrible at lying and I've known you long enough to know when your lying."
"Okay fine you were included in my revenge plan but since you know about it, now you're not." I say.
"Good, because we both know it wouldn't end well for you if you pulled a prank on me."
"You wouldn't get to do anything to me because it was going to be my revenge for what you did to me, and you can't pull revenge on me after I pull revenge on you." I say.
"What did I do to you?" He asks.
"Im not telling you because then it would give away what I was going to do to you." I say.
"Well you're not doing it anymore so why does it matter?"
"Can you please just let me go pull my revenge on them?!"
"What are you going to do?"
"And why should I trust that you won't wake them up and tell them what I'm going to do?"
"Because you can always trust me."
"Not with this stuff, if you knew what I am going to do you would tell them."
"Fine, go." He says.
"Thank you." I say then walk past him and up the stairs.
For Alex, he gets honey in his shoes, Robert glitter all over him and since Zach is the heaviest sleeper ever I glue his hand to his face.
"Man you are mean." I hear Austin whisper.
I turn around.
"Would you have woken them up if i told you what I was doing?" I ask him.
"...Yes." He admits.
"See, that is exactly why I didn't tell you."
"Why do you have a sharpie?" He asks.
"What? Oh I didn't mean to grab this." I lie.
"You were going to use that on me weren't you?"
"No I wasn't."
He gives me a look.
"Okay I'm tired, I'm going to sleep." I say.
I go to the couch and lay back down.
"What about me?" He asks.
"You can..sleep on the floor." I say.
"Okay fine."
I sit up and Austin sits down and lays back and I lay my head on a pillow on his lap again. After a while of laying there Austin is asleep and I'm still awake. I quickly draw a mustache and glasses on Austin with the sharpie. They all deserve this. I don't even feel bad one bit.

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