Chapter 20: Family Video~

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My eyes flutter open and I try to adjust to the bright light of the sun in my room. I sit up and stretch then look back at Austin who is still asleep. I scoot closer to him and lay back down. I lay there and study him while he's asleep. The way his hair is a perfectly messy from tossing and turning, his perfectly chiseled face, the steady way his chest moves up and down as he breaths. I lean in and kiss him softly on the lips. He starts to wake up. He opens his eyes slightly then closes them back.
"Its so bright in here." He states.
"Well good morning to you too." I say.
He opens his eyes and looks at me. I smile.
"Morning beautiful." He says, with a smile.
"I didn't mean to wake you up." I say.
"Thats okay. I don't get grumpy when people wake me up, like someone else does."
"I like my sleep, waking up naturally ensures that my day will be better." I say.
"Really? I thought waking up to see my face ensured that."
"Oh whatever." I say then laugh.
He gasps, then grabs me and pulls me closer to him.
"I am not letting you go until you say that waking up to see me makes your day better."
"You want me to lie to you?"
"You are pushing it missy."
"What are you going to do about it?"
"I could just ignore you for the day."
"You've already tried that, it didn't work." I say.
"That wasn't fair you got hurt."
"Even if I wouldn't have gotten hurt you would have broken before the day was over."
"Fine, I'll prove it to you."
"Okay, go ahead, we'll see how long that lasts."
I get out of his grasp and go to the bathroom. I put my glasses on and throw my hair up in a ponytail then go downstairs to the kitchen to eat some breakfast. I get a bagel and toast it then put strawberry cream cheese on it. A few minutes later Austin comes in and makes his breakfast. He doesn't even look at me. I just ignore him back.
"Are you two okay?" Alex asks.
"Yeah why?"
"Because you two aren't taking to each other or even near each other."
"Oh Austin thinks he can go the whole day ignoring me."
Alex laughs. Austin gives him a stern look.
"I mean..he can." He says, then goes to the pantry.
I turn to Austin who is making some toast.
"You do know that ignoring me means you can't kiss, hug or even touch me right?" I tell him.
He doesn't answer.
"Okay. Good luck." I say.
I go to the table and start eating my breakfast. I can't let Austin win, he has to break, so today I'm going to make it my priority to do things that Austin would think are cute and do them a lot. I decide to sing a random song about how I love bagels. I know Austin thinks it's adorable when I'm being hyper, so that's what I'll do. After I finish eating I start dancing around the house and continue to sing about my bagel. Then I go upstairs and get dressed in something really cute and curl my hair and do a really good job on my makeup. I go out of my room and as I'm going to the stairs I bump into someone. Austin. He doesn't even look down at me. He has a hat on. If I take his hat, he wouldn't be able to protest or chase after me. I grab his hat off his head and put it on mine then rush down the stairs.

~Austin's P.O.V~
She is killing me. I'm doing everything in my power not to talk to her, look at her, or smile because she's being so darn cute. I know she's doing all of this on purpose, she thinks she's going to break me, not this time babe. Not this time.

~Sadie's P.O.V~
I can't believe it's two in the afternoon and Austin hasn't broken yet. Am I not being cute enough or something?
"Hey Alex." I whisper.
"I'm not helping you break Austin." He says.
"I just need you to tell me one thing that I do that drives Austin crazy because it's so cute." I say.
"Fine. But only if you give me ten bucks." He says.
"What? No!"
"Okay, then I won't tell you anything."
"Ugg! Fine, here." I say, pulling ten bucks out of my pocket and putting it in his hand.
"Austin has told me that it drives him crazy when you are really focused on something like writing a song or something, or if you're in deep thought."
"Hmm okay. Now I have to figure out a way to do that without seeming like I'm doing it on purpose. You sure that will break him?"
"Positive. If it doesn't work you can have your ten dollars back."
"Man you really are sure."
I think about it for a minute then decide to actually write a song. I grab a journal and a pen then go downstairs. I see Austin watching tv. I go into the living room.
"Can I watch with you?" I ask him.
He doesn't answer, just keeps looking at the tv.
"Okay." I say.
Truth is I'm getting annoyed by this. I think I just want to tell him that he wins because I don't like the fact that he's actually ignoring me and not paying attention to me. But I'm just going to try this one last thing to see if it will break him. I start to think of lyrics. But of course it's hard and it takes a lot of thinking. I actually do get really focused. After writing a few lines down Austin still hasn't broken. I don't think I can do this anymore. I put my journal down.
"I can't do this anymore." I say.
He still doesn't say anything or look at me.
"Austin! Did you hear me?"
Still nothing.
I go and sit next to him. He's waiting for me to say that he wins.
"You win Austin."  I say.
He finally looks at me.
"I can not believe I did that. Do you know how much it took me not to look at you? Not to acknowledge you? That was the hardest thing I think I've ever done."
"Well congratulations you won!"
"Yes!" He says then gets up and starts doing a victory dance.
I laugh and stand up.
"It's weird, I was expecting you to be the one that broke and not be able to take it but it was me."
"Let's just face it, you don't like when I'm not paying attention to you."
"No I dont."
"I can't believe I won and that you're the one that broke when you weren't even being challenged." He says, smiling from ear to ear.
I roll my eyes.
"Whatever." I say, starting to walk away.
"Hey." He says, grabbing my hand and pulling me to him.
"Just to let you know, I knew you were being cute on purpose to try and break me."
"I don't know what you are talking about." I say.
"I...fine, yes I was trying to be cute on purpose."
"You didn't even have to try, you're just cute anyways. But it's not the things you were doing to try and be cute that made me so close to breaking it was that it was cute when you were trying to be cute." He says.
"You didn't even once look like you were going to break."
"What really helped was not looking at you."
"It's hard though right? Because I'm so beautiful?" I tease.
"It was really hard."
"But you did it, now if you excuse me I have to go get my ten bucks back from Alex."
"Why did you pay him ten bucks."
"So he would tell me what you thought was the cutest thing I could do."
"And what did he tell you?"
"That it was when I'm really focused on something or deep in thought."
"That is really cute when you do that but he lied." He says.
"What?! Okay I am definitely getting my ten bucks back now."
Austin chuckles.
"But before I go do that, you want to tell me what the cutest thing I do that makes you go week in the knees is?"
"No, because if I do, you'll start using it against me."
"Fine, don't tell me. I'll just find out myself" I say.
"You do that."
Then I walk to the stairs.
I hear feet run across the floor. He knows I found out. I get upstairs and see him right as he dashes into his room. I bang on the door.
"Alex open the door now!"
"No you're going to hurt me."
"Why would you think that?"
He silent for a minute.
"Because I lied to you to get money."
"If you just give me my ten bucks back then I won't hurt you." I say.
"Yes I promise."
He opens the door and just sticks his hand out with the ten bucks. I take it.
"Thank you." I say.
I go back downstairs. Mama, Dad, and Heather are all in the living room.
"Everyone needs to come down here!" Dad yells.
Soon Alex, Zach and Robert come down.
"What's going on?" I ask.
"We're going to watch a slide show of pictures and videos of back in the day when Austin and Sadie were younger and when we use to go on vacations with Michele and Austin." Dad explains.
"Oh no." I say.
"Oh yes." Mama says.
So we all sit down, I sit next to Austin.
"This is going to be so embarrassing." I tell Austin.
Dad puts the DVD in and it starts. It goes through tons of different pictures and some videos. One photo comes up with me and I'm really mad.
"Ooo Sadie, little mad?" Alex says.
"Oh my gosh I remember that! I was mad because Austin took my popsicle!"
"What? How do you remember that?" Austin asks.
"Because I was really mad. I took the last popsicle of Austin's favorite color and he took it from me." I say looking at Austin.
"Wow. How rude of me."
"Yeah, and you wouldn't apologize no matter what Mama threatened to do to you."
"I'm sorry for taking your popsicle Sade."
"Its over now. I don't eat popsicles anymore for that reason."
"I really made you that mad?"
"Im sorry!" He says.
I laugh.
"It's fine, I just don't trust you with popsicles."
We continue to watch the video. Austin puts his arm around me and I lay my head on his shoulder. A video starts to play, it's of me and Austin when we were about five running up to each other and hugging, and little Austin kisses my cheek.
"See you guys were lovers from the start you just didn't know it." Zach says.
We both laugh.
"That was when Austin and I got back from a week long trip that Sadie and her dad couldn't go to. You two were so happy to see each other." Michele explains.
"Apparently Austin was excited enough to kiss my cheek. Did you have a crush on me when we were little Austin?" I tease.
"You know how it goes, every guy friend has a crush on there best girl friend at some point in their life."
"So you did when you were five?" I ask.
"Yeah, and now." He says.
"Oh of course." I tease.
He smiles.
We all have fun looking back on the memories, it reminds me how lucky I really am to have a friend like Austin and someone who cares for me so much like Mama.

Vote and comment! I love knowing what you guys think of my books:) Also, sorry if this chapter was a little boring!

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