Chapter 9: Austin's P.O.V~

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Finally chapter 9 is up!! Im so sorry for not updating for a while, i hope you all forgive me! I also hope you enjoy this short but sweet chapter! It would be great if you guys let me know what you think of this chapter or even just this book in the comments:)

I don't understand why Sadie keeps staying with Ashton after all the fights they have had. He doesn't trust her, he doesn't like me, shouldn't that be enough for her to break up with him? She should at least let me talk some sense into him. I have to prove to Sade that I'm the one she should be with. So I'm starting by taking her breakfast in bed. I walk into her room with the tray. She's still asleep, she's so cute when she's asleep.
"Sade." I sing song.
"What?" I hear her ask in her 'leave me alone' voice.
"I brought you some breakfast." I say.
She turns over and sits up.
"Why?" She asks, with a suspicious look in her eyes.
"Do i have to have a reason?" I ask, setting the tray on her lap.
"I guess not.." She says eyeing me.
Then she starts eating. I go and sit next to her on the bed.
"Want to get out and do something today?"
"Like what?" She asks with her mouth full.
I smile at her cuteness. I swear there is never a time she isn't cute.
"I don't know...we could go to Dallas and go to the zoo then walk around the old town." I suggest.
"Just us?"
"We could invite the guys if you want."
"Okay, lets do it."
"Alright, i'll text the guys and tell them to meet us here."
"Want me to get the tickets?" She asks.
"No, i'll get them."
"Austin, i don't want you paying for all the tickets."
"Well i want to pay for all the tickets." I argue.
"Fine. I'll pay for lunch."
"Okay out." She tells me.
"Don't take forever to get ready!"
"Me? Take forever? Nine times out of ten your the last one to be done!" She says.
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"Name some times when i was the last one ready!" I challenge.
"When we were going to Disney World, that one Spurs game, going to an afterparty, need i go on?" She says.
Danget she's right, i hate when she's right.
"You know I'm right." She says, like she knows what i was thinking.
"Im going to get ready." Is all i say before leaving the room. Soon Alex, Zach, and Robert are over and we are all downstairs. Sade has on a spaghetti strap maroon romper and brown sandals. Her hair is up in a ponytail and she has a natural amount of makeup on. She's beautiful, as always.
"Okay lets go." I say.
We head out to my car then drive to the train station. Luckily when we get there a train is already there and we don't have to wait, so we get on and find some seats. I sit on a two seat with Sade and Alex, Robert, and Zach are in front of us on a three seat. We get to the zoo and go to get in line.
Once we get in we talk about where we want to go first.
"I don't care what order we do things in but at some point we are going to feed the giraffes." Sadie says.
"Fine with me." I say.
She squeals.
"You know one day you're going to make all of us go deaf from all of your squeals." Robert tells her.
She just shrugs. We make are way around the zoo. Soon we get to the monkeys. We decide to take some pictures. As Sade and i are posing for pictures i feel my hat come off my head. I look up to see a monkey.
"Hey!" I say.
Sadie starts to laugh. Embarrassed about my hat hair, i try to get it back but the monkey wont give in.
"Stupid monkey." I say.
"Aww don't be mean Austin!" Sade says.
"He's a monkey!"
"Still! Its just a hat."
I look at her.
"Oh come on, your hat hair isn't that bad."
She steps closer and starts running her fingers through my hair, trying to fix it. And for some reason my heart starts beating faster. I look down at her as she continues to style my hair.
"See, its not bad at all."
"You're just saying that." I tell her.
"No, I'm really not."
"Why should i believe you?" I ask, stepping closer.
"Because I've been your best friend since we were three and i don't lie to you. Plus if your hair really did look bad, you know I would be laughing." She tells me.
"Oooo. She got you there Austin." Zach says.
I glance down at her lips, I just want to kiss her right here right now. I quickly shift my eyes back to hers though. She smirks at me.
"Time to go feed the giraffes." She says, then turns around.
Her ponytail whips me in the eye.
"Oww! You're ponytail hit my eye!" I exclaim, putting my fingers on my eye.
"Thats what you get for thinking i was lying." She says, without even turning around to look at me.
I roll my eyes then we all start walking to the giraffes.
"So how are everyone's girlfriends?" Sadie asks Alex, Zach and Robert, as we continue to walk to the giraffes.
"Amazing." Alex says.
"Great." Robert says.
"Beautiful." Zach says.
"Really Zach?" Sadie asks.
"What? Its true."
I'd rather them not talk about how they all have girlfriends and i don't.
"Alright, enough about girlfriends, its time to feed the giraffes." I say.
"Touchy subject for you Austin?" Zach teases.
"Shut up!" I say.
"Need i remind you, Austin, that its your fault we broke up because your the one who wouldn't call, facetime, or text me back." Sadie reminds me.
"Thanks for that reminder Sade." I say.
"Im not upset, I'm just saying." She says.
We finally get to the giraffes and i pay for the food. We go over to the railing and wait for a giraffe to come over. Its not long before one does come over. Sadie feeds it.
"Eww! His tongue feels so gross." She says, then wipes the spit on my shirt.
"Sorry, I just wiped my hand on the closet thing to me."
"Thats not fair because I'm always the closest thing to you!"
Not sure if i should have said that.
"Because you always make the effort to be the closest to her." Alex says.
"Austin, is that true?" Sade asks.
"Im going to get some more food." I say, then walk away embarrassed.
"Austin wait!" I hear Sadie say.
I turn around.
"We don't need to make a big deal out of this." I tell her.
"Im not."
"Good." I say then turn back around and get some more food.
"But how come you still make an effort to stay closest to me when we aren't even dating anymore?" She asks.
I stop again.
"Same reason that I did it before we started dating." I tell her.
"And that reason is?"
"I feel safest when I'm closest to you."
She smiles.
"Thats sweet Austin." She tells me.
"Yeah yeah." I say, then go back to the giraffes.
We finish at the zoo and then get back on the train to go to an old town. As we walk around Sadie and I are walking behind Alex, Zach, and Robert.
"Austin I can tell there is something wrong." Sadie tells me.
"Nothings wrong Sade. Im fine." I lie.
"You're lying." She says.
I don't say anything.
"Austin, tell me whats wrong."
"Later, i just want to enjoy being here right now." I tell her.
She sighs.
So we continue to walk around the town, stopping in antique shops and little stores. Soon we all get tired of walking and get back on the train to go back to San Antonio. We take the boys to their houses then Sade and i go back to her house. We go up to her room.
"So you going to tell me whats wrong now?" She asks.
I look at her for a second, trying to decide if I really want to tell her this.
Its now or never.
"Im the one you should be with, not Ashton." I say.
I don't look her though, I'm scared of what her reaction is.
"Okay," she says, sitting on her bed.
"Tell me why i should be with you and not Ashton."
I look at her.
"I want to know why I should be with you and not him." She says.
"Ive been there for you through everything, i always support your decisions whether i like them or not, I watch out for you, i do everything i can to make you happy, we almost never fight, I would risk my life for you, and i love you so much more than you think." I sit down on the bed next to her.
"Those are all the reasons that ran through my head when i decided...that I choose you over him." She tells me.
I look at her.
"You want to be with me?" I ask.
She smiles.
"I thought about it, and if I were to loose one of you I would much rather loose Ashton than loose you." She says.
"So why are you still going out with Ashton?"
"I don't know." She says.
I smile.
"But when i break up with him...i want to wait a little bit before we go back into a relationship." She tells me.
"Okay. If thats whats you want, then thats what will do."
She nods and we both stand up. She hugs me tight.
"I love you Austin."
"I know." I say.

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