Chatper 16: Moving To Miami~

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"Aww look at them, there so cute." I hear Heather whisper.
"I almost don't want to wake them up, but we have to get to the airport in an hour." I hear Mama say.
"Austin. Sadie." Mama says.
"No." Austin says.
He wraps his arms tighter around my stomach as if he's not going to let me go.
"You'll see each other again in a few weeks."
"No its not that, I just don't want to get up." Austin says.
I slap his arm.
"Oww!" He says.
I sit up and look at him.
"That was rude." I say.
"Im sorry Sade." He says sitting up and coming towards me to hug me.
"No. You blew it." I say getting up.
"Yeah you did." Mama tells me.
I cross my arms and look at him.
"I was kidding...obviously." He says.
"Oh really? You were kidding?" I ask.
"Mhhm, totally kidding." He says.
"And why don't I believe you."
"I don't know, you should believe me because I'm telling the truth." He says.
"Okay, whatever you say."
"Okay Austin but seriously you need to get packed, we need to head for the airport in an hour." Mama tells him.
"Alright, Im going. Im going."
Mama and Heather go back downstairs.
I start to head to my room. But Austin grabs my hand stopping me.
"Oh no you don't." He says, pulling me back to him.
"You're not getting off that easy, you are helping me pack." He tells me.
"Not after what you just said." I say.
"Oh you know I was kidding."
"So you didn't want to go back to sleep?" I ask.
"No I did."
"I wanted to go back to sleep so I could cuddle with you and be with you longer."
I eye him.
"I promise." He says.
"Fine, I'll help you pack." I say.
"Thank you." He says.
We both go to the guest room and start packing his stuff. It takes us about thirty minutes.
"So what do we do now? I have thirty minutes till I leave." Austin says.
I shrug.
"Wait don't you have to go to school?"
"Nope, Dad unenrolled me."
Soon its time for Austin to leave.
Dad and Heather are out getting boxes.
"So I'm going to pick up the rest of the boys so you two can have some time to say goodbye and then I'll be back to pick you up Austin." Mama tells us.
"Okay." Austin says.
She leaves.
"So I guess this is goodbye." I say.
"Until next week." He says.
I laugh a bit.
"Until next week." I confirm.
"Just to make it clear I am going to miss you for the week that I won't see you."
"I'll miss you too."
"Im excited that you're moving to Miami." He says.
"Me too."
"So I'll see you next week." He tells me.
"Yup. And you get to help me move boxes." I say.
"Yay." He says, unenthusiastically.
I smile.
"We're going to have so much fun." I say.
"Yeah, sure."
"I love you." I say.
"I love you more." He says.
"I love you most."
He smiles then leans down and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck and he pulls me closer, deepening the kiss. Then theres a honk outside. We kiss a moment longer then pull away.
"Thats my cue." He says.
"Bye." I say.
"See you soon." He says, then goes out the door.
Soon Dad and Heather get back with the boxes. I text Rhett and tell her she can come over and start helping me pack.
"So where are we going to live?" I ask Dad.
"Well we're going to start out in Austin's house until we can find our own house." He tells me.
"So we're getting a house and not an apartment?" I ask.
"Is it going to be in the same neighborhood as Austin's?"
"Well we'll have to see if theres any for sale and if we can even afford a house there."
"But we're going to be near Austin right?" I ask.
"Yes, I'll make sure of it."
The doorbell rings.
"That's Rhett, I'll get it." I say.
I go to the door and open it. Rhett comes inside and we go straight up to my room and start to pack.

After a week of packing I'm exhausted and ready to go to Miami. Dad already got the house on the market and everything. So today we are starting our very long drive to Miami. We load our stuff into the car and we're off. As I'm listening to music I get a facetime call from Austin. I press answer and soon his face pops up on my screen.
"Hi." He says.
"Hey, we just got in the car and we're heading your way." I say, excitedly.
"Woohoo!" He cheers.
I laugh.
"How many days?" He asks.
"Dad? How many days until we're there?" I ask.
"It will probably take about five days to get there." He tells me.
"Five days." I tell Austin.
"Thats not too bad." He says.
"So have you guys discussed where you will be living?"
"Dad said we'll stay with you until we can find a house thats cheap and close enough to you." I say.
"I could help pay-"
"No. You are not going to help us pay for our house." I say, cutting him off.
"Come on Sade, just like a fourth of the price."
"No Austin!"
"Fine." He says.
"Thank you." I say.
"So I have an interview tonight, is there anyway you could watch it?" He asks.
"What time?"
"Around 8 P.M."
"I could probably watch at the hotel. What channel?"
"Whatever channel the Today show is on because thats the show I will be on."
"Okay, I will find it and try to watch you."
"Okay. I'm pretty sure they'll ask about us getting back together so do you mind if I confirm it?"
"Not at all. Go ahead." I say.
"Okay, just wanted to make sure."
"Alright, well I'm going to take a nap." I tell him.
"Okay, have sweet dreams about me." He says.
I roll my eyes.
"Yeah whatever."
"Bye Sade."
"Bye Austin."
We hang up and I go to sleep pretty quick.

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