Chapter 24: Target Adventures~

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I'm leaning against Austin eating licorice while we all watch tv. It's amazing how we found a show we all liked.
"Why don't you stop chewing so loudly Sadie!" Alex says.
"Why don't you go slam your finger in a door."
"Hey whoa. Clam down Sade." Austin says.
To be honest I'm not in the best mood. I got a letter from Texas A&M Galveston saying I got excepted to the school. And I would have to leave in two months. I haven't told Austin yet, I don't know how.
"Sorry." I say.
"You ok-" Austin starts.
"Fine." I say.
"You sure?"
"I'm fine, Austin." I lie.
"Okay, whatever you say."
"Hey Austin!" Mama yells from the bottom of the stairs.
"Can you go to Target and pick some things up for me?"
He groans quietly.
"Yes mom."
"Thank you. The list is on the table by the door."
"Oh my gosh do you guys remember when we did Target Adventures?!" Robert asks us.
"Oh my gosh yes! We would pick a random Target to go in and mess around till we got kicked out!" I say.
"Okay we have to do that now." Zach says.
We all pile in Austin's car and head to Target. Austin buys the stuff Mama wanted him to get first, then we go to a random isle.
"Okay whats first?" Zach asks.
"Ooo! I know! Alex go get some fishing poles and Sadie you come with me, and then Zach and Robert stay in this isle." Austin says.
So Alex goes off and Austin and I go in the isle next to the one we were just in.
"Okay just start taking things off the shelves and putting them on the floor." Austin instructs.
I do as I'm told.
"So you going to tell me what was up with you this morning?" He asks.
"It's nothing."
"Come on Sade, I can see it in your eyes, something is bothering you."
I look at him.
"How can you possible tell that just by looking into my eyes."
"Because that look you get when something is wrong hasn't changed since you were two." He tells me.
I sigh.
"Can we talk about it later?" I ask.
"Sure." He says.
I nod and we continue to put things on the floor. After we are finished we go to the first isle we were in. Alex hands each one of us a fishing pole.
"Alright, on the count of three we all swing our fishing line over to the other isle and see if we can get any of the stuff on the floor. Ready? 1...2...3!" Austin says.
We all start. I can't seem to get the fishing line right so that I can get it over to the other isle.
"I think this one is broken." I say.
"Well are you doing it right?" Austin asks.
"I don't know! I've never gone fishing before!"
Austin chuckles then comes over to me. He guides me and shows me how to do it.
"Oh, it's not broken."
"Oh! Yeah!" Austin teases.
So I get a couple of things and in the end Zach wins, with the most stuff.
"Okay, what next?" I ask.
"Ooo lets set all of the alarm clocks to go off at the same time!" Robert suggests.
So we all head over to where the alarm clocks are and set them all to go off at the same time. A minute later they do and we all run off. The last thing that we decide to do that we think will definitely get us kicked out is cart racing. We get two carts and go to the very back. We get in two isles.
"Okay team one, Austin and Sade, and team two the rest of us." Robert says.
I get in the cart with Austin pushing me and Alex gets in the other cart with Zach and Robert pushing him.
"Wait thats not fair! Alex will go faster." I say.
"Too bad! Go!" Alex says.
Austin starts pushing the cart then lets go. I go down the isle in the cart. I get to the end and the cart doesn't look like it will stop before I bump into the shelf.
"Uhh Austin!" I say.
"Oh crap!" He says.
He starts to run after me to try and stop the cart but I bump into the shelf and cereal boxes fall on me.
"Are you okay?" Austin asks.
"You were supposed to be right behind me!" I say.
"I didn't think I pushed you that hard!"
"Well you did!"
"On the bright side, you won!" He says.
I look at him.
"Hey!" Someone says.
We look to see a Target employee.
"Uh-oh." Alex says.
"Run!" Zach says.
I hop out of the kart and we all run as fast as we can out of the store. Once we are all out we burst out in laughter. I'm having so much fun I almost forget about college.
"Nothing like old traditions." Alex says.
"That was epic." Robert says.
"No one says epic anymore, Robert." I say, still laughing.
"Alright lets go before they call the cops." Alex says.
"Ooo yeah, that wouldn't be good for Austin's career." I say.
"The Mahomies would think it's hilarious." Austin says.
We all head back home and Austin gives the stuff to Mama.
"Thank you sweetie." She tells him.
"You're welcome Mom."
The boys decide they want to play basketball. I start to head towards the stairs.
"I'll be right back guys, you can start without me." I hear Austin say.
Then someone grabs my hand.
"Come with me." Austin says, almost in a whisper. We go into the hallway.
"You said we could talk later." He says.
"Did I say that? I don't remember saying that." I say.
I really don't know how I'm going to tell him.
I sigh.
"Don't get mad at me." I say.
I take a deep breath.
" accepted to go to A&M Galveston." I tell him.
"You what?"
"You said you wouldn't be mad."
"I'm not mad, I'm-I'm happy for you that's great Sadie."
"So you're not mad at me?"
"Of course not, you told me this day would come. Sure I'm going to miss you like crazy but I know we'll keep in touch and I know you'll visit every chance you get." He says.
I hug him tight.
"I'm not letting you go again. I'm nt going through that feeling of not having again." I say.
"Neither am I. That period of time that we weren't talking, that was the worst thing ever. I'm not letting it happen again."
I pull away, but keep my arms around his neck.
"Good. And you'll come visit me too right?"
"Of course."
I nod.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I just didn't know how. I didn't want you to be mad at me."
"I would never be mad at you for living your life. You're doing what every normal teenager does after high school. It would be incredibly stupid of me to be mad at you for that." He says.
I smile.
"I love you so much. It's unreal. I don't even know how to explain my love for you." I tell him.
He chuckles.
"I love you too."
He wraps his arms around my waist then pulls me closer but doesn't kiss me. It drives me crazy when he does this. I smile.
"Kiss me." I say.
"I thought you'd never ask." He teases, with a smile.
He leans in and kisses me and I can't help but smile again. He smiles too then kisses me again.
"Don't you have a game of basketball to play?" I say.
"Ehhh. I'd rather be doing this." He says and leans back in.
"Smart move Mahone." I say right before he kisses me.

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