Chapter 7: A Party~

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I walk up to Ashton at his locker.
"Hey babe." He says.
"Hey, can i talk to you?" I ask.
"Sure, you want to go somewhere else or?"
"Lets just go over here." I say walking over to a corner of the school.
"Everything okay?" He asks.
"I just wanted to know, why did you get upset when you found out i wasn't acting like my normal self when you act totally different when you're around your friends?" I ask.
"Are you really brining this up right now?"
"Okay i wasn't really upset i was more jealous." He says.
"Still its kind of hypocritical." I say.
"You're calling me a hypocrite?"
"Were you trying to show off?" I ask.
"When you kissed me in front of your friends were you trying to show off?"
"I-i don't know."
"You were. Im not comfortable with that Ashton. And Im tired of this jealousy thing. You know you say you trust me but, I'm not really sure you do." I tell him.
Then i go off to third period.
Im heading to my car after school is out.
"Sadie!" I hear Ashton call out to me.
I turn around.
"I have to get home." I tell him.
"Just please let me says something real fast."
"If you want to break up with me just-just do it." He says.
I walk closer to him.
"No, Ashton thats not what i want." I say.
"Then why are you picking this fight with me."
"Im just tired of you being jealous of Austin. Ive told you tons of times that we're just friends, but you don't trust me."
"I do trust you Sadie."
"Im not sure you do because-"
He kisses me.
"I trust you." He says looking into my eyes.
"I don't like fighting with you, but I need to know that you really do trust me." I say.
Then i leave.
I walk into my house and start to go upstairs.
"Sade?" I hear Austin say.
I stop and turn to him.
"You okay?" He asks.
I continue to go up the stairs and go to my room. As soon as i set my stuff down Austin comes in.
"Whats wrong Sade?" He asks.
"Ashton and i just had a little fight, its not a big deal."
"Did you break up?"
"No. I just told him that he needs to prove to me that he trusts me and then i left."
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Im fine Austin, you don't have to worry about me." I tell him.
"Yeah i do." He says.
"Excuse me?"
"Im your best friend, its my job to kill any boy who hurts you." He says.
I laugh a bit.
"Oh is that how its supposed to be?" I ask.
"Yes it is." He says.
I smile.
"Well i appreciate you looking out for me, but there wont be any killing anyone. Im just going to wait it out a bit." I say.
"Okay, if thats what you want to do." He says.
"It is."
I nod. For the rest of the day i don't do much, Austin and I hang out like normal. The doorbell rings while I'm upstairs taking my contacts out. I put my glasses on and go downstairs to see that Austin has already answered the door. And i see that the person at the door is Ashton.
"What are you doing here?" Austin asks firmly.
I go up next to him.
"Austin, its okay." I say.
He looks at me.
"Give us a minute?" I ask.
He nods.
I step out onto the porch and close the door.
"I am so sorry Sadie. I trust you, i promise, i do. Just because i get a little jealous from time to time does not mean i don't trust you. I love you Sadie."
He pulls flowers out from behind his back. I smile.
"Flowers are your way of proving to me that you trust me?" I ask.
"Is it not enough? Because you tell me what is enough and i'll go do it or get it." He says.
I laugh.
"Im kidding, Ashton. They're beautiful." I say.
He smiles and hands the flowers to me.
"Thank you. I love you too." I say.
I lean in and kiss him.
"I'll see you later." I say.
He nods.
"Night Sadie."
"Night." I say.
He leaves and i go back inside.
"He got you flowers?" He asks.
"He thinks flowers can fix it?"
"Relax Austin, he apologized too."
"You guys have been getting into fights lately, you sure you're going to be okay?" He asks.
"Every relationship has fighting, the more we get through the stronger we are."
"We never fought." He says.
"Your comparing Ashton and my relationship to ours, what you want me to break up with him?" I ask.
"No, i was just pointing out that not all relationships have to have fights to be strong." He says.
"You're right, but just because a relationship has a lot of fights doesn't mean they aren't strong." I say.
"You're right." He says.
"Good, glad we're on the same page. Now if you don't mind I'm going to get ready for bed now." I say.
"Okay, if you don't mind me staying here instead of the hotel." He says.
"Did you even need to ask?"
He shrugs.
I go upstairs to my room and take my make off and get in the shower. After i get out i brush my teeth then get in bed. After a while of being awake i decide that I'm not able to fall asleep. I just keep thinking about how everyone wants me to be with Austin, and what Rhett said about who makes me happiest. I finally just decide to get up and go to the guest room where Austin is.
"Austin?" I ask.
"Hmm?" I hear him say, sleepily.
"I-i cant go to sleep." I say.
"Why not?" He asks.
"Lots of things on my mind, i guess." I say.
"You can sleep in here if you want to." He says.
I think about for a minutes then climb into bed next to him. I feel him roll over and he wraps his arm around my stomach. He quickly takes it off.
"Sorry, instinct." He apologizes.
I take his arm and put it back around my stomach.
"Its okay." I say.
After laying in bed with Austin for a bit i fall asleep.

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