Chapter 10: The Breakup~

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(Back in Sadie's P.O.V)
Im in the kitchen cutting some strawberries. No one is at the house except Austin and I. Austin is in the living room watching tv.
"Sadie!" He says.
"Are you almost done?"
"Be patient." I tell him.
He groans. I see him get up and he comes over to me. He stands close, like he's trying to seduce me into doing something.
"What are you doing."
"Nothing." He says.
I turn to him.
"I haven't even broken up with Ashton yet." I tell him.
"I know that." He says.
"Don't you remember what we decided?"
"Of course. Im not doing anything, I'm just simply standing here." He says.
I look at him. Before I can say anything else the doorbell rings.
"I got it." Austin says.
"But what if its Ashton?" I ask.
"Thats why I'm getting it." He says.
He goes to the door and I follow him. Sure enough, when he opens it, it is Ashton.
"Hi." He says.
"You come to apologize?" Austin asks.
"I need to talk to Sadie, alone."
"And why should I let you?" Austin says.
"Austin," I say.
He looks at me. "Its okay. I'll be fine." I tell him.
He sighs and goes back to the living room, leaving Ashton and I alone. I go out on the porch and close the door behind me. I look at him, waiting for him to say something.
"I know that if I apologize you still won't forgive me, but I'm going to do it anyways. Im sorry. Now, believe me, Iv'e thought about this a lot, i really don't want to do this but I'm...going to break up with you." He says.
"If you don't want to break up with me, then why are you?"
"Because you're still in love with Austin." He says.
I look down at the ground, afraid that I might be blushing and I don't want him to see.
"And I don't mean like best friend love. I can tell you've been trying to push it away but you can't. I see the way you look at him, the way you talk to him, even the way you act around him. You love him and you can't help it. And I know that in the end, if you had to choose, you would choose him. So, I'm breaking up with you." He says.
"Im sorry, this didn't work out." I tell him.
"Its okay, I'll get over it eventually. I would like if we could still be friends though." He says.
"Of course." I say with a smile.
We hug then he leaves. I go back inside.
"What did he say?" Austin asks.
"He broke up with me." I say.
"Wow. I thought you were going to break up with him."
"I was, but he beat me to it."
"What was his reason?"
"He knows I'm still in love with you." I tell him.
He nods.
"I mean, you cant help it." He says.
"Conceded much?" I say.
He gasps.
"I cant believe you would even think that!" He exclaims.
I laugh a bit.
"You know, I actually feel kind of relieved." I say.
"Because you don't have to love two people anymore?" He asks.
"That sounds bad." I say.
"Thats because it is bad."
"Well it not like I meant to!"
"I know! I know! You just can't resist me." He says.
I roll my eyes playfully at him.
Then the door opens. Alex, Zach, and Robert come in.
"Hey, are you two the only ones here? Zach asks.
"Yup." Austin says.
"Did something happen? Because Austin looks really happy." Alex says.
"Well, Ashton broke up with me."
"Well i guess that would make him happy, but not as happy as he looks right now."
"If I tell you guys this you can't freak out and you can't bug us about it." I say.
"We won't." Robert says.
"Promise?" I ask.
"We promise." They all say.
"Okay...Austin and I are going to get back together." I say.
"When?" Alex asks.
"I don't know, we're going to wait for a bit because I literally just got out of a relationship and I don't want anybody thinking of me as someone who just goes from guy to guy." I say.
"Finally you listened to us." Alex says.
"I didn't make the decision because of you." I say.
"Well, we are all happy for you guys." Robert says.
"Thank you. Now please don't bother us about it or we wont even tell you when it happens." I say.
"Got it." Alex says.
"Good. Oh! I have to finish cutting my strawberries!" I say.
I rush to the kitchen to finish cutting the strawberries. After that I go back into the living room and sit next to Austin and watch tv.

Im at my locker putting stuff away. I close it and Rhett is there. I jump.
"Why does everybody do that to me when they know I hate it?!" I ask.
"Why didn't you tell me you and Ashton broke up?" She asks.
"It literally just happened yesterday!" I say.
"And usually you would call me right after something big happens!" She says.
"Im sorry. It slipped my mind." I say.
"Its fine, I guess. So are you going to date Austin again?" She asks.
"Not right now." I say.
"So you are going to date again?" She asks.
"Eventually, yes." I say.
She smiles.
"Thats great, Sadie. Im happy for you." She says.
"Thank you." I say.
We go off to our separate classes. Im in Physics when my phone buzzes. I look and see its Austin texting me. I text him back. I smile at some of the texts he sends.
"Sadie." I hear the teacher say.
I quickly look up.
"Bring your phone up here please." He says.
"But I-"
"Now." He says.
I sigh and get up and put my phone on his desk.
"Ive caught you on your phone too many times and just told you to put it away, I've had enough of it. I'm giving you Saturday detention with me." He says.
"But I have things to do." I say.
"Well maybe you should have thought of those things before you started texting in class." He says.
I go back to my seat. I hate my physics teacher.
Soon its lunch time. I have to get my phone back at the end of the day. I go and sit at my regular table with Rhett and Ashton.
"So Sadie, I heard you got Saturday detention for texting on your phone." Ashton says.
"How did you already hear about that? It literally just happened last class!" I explain
He shrugs.
"Who were you texting, that it was so important?" Rhett asks.
"I think we all know the answer to that question." Ashton says.
"Well he doesn't go here anymore so its not like I can talk to him in the halls or something."
"Why can't you just wait till you get home?" He asks.
I don't answer, I just start eating my lunch.
"How long is the detention?" Rhett asks.
"Three hours." I say.
"Three hours? Geez! How many times has he caught you on your phone Sadie?!" She exclaims.
"A lot." I admit.
"You should just tell Austin to stop texting you while your in school." She suggests.
"But i-"
They both give me look.
"Fine. I'll tell him when I get home today." I say.

I walk through the door to see Austin asleep on the couch. He's so cute when he's asleep, too bad I'm about to ruin his nap. I don't have a backpack so I always just carry my stuff with me. I go over to the couch and I set my binders down really loudly on the coffee table. Austin jolts awake. He sees that I'm standing here.
"Geez Sade. You scared the heck out of me. What was that for?!" He asks.
I don't say anything, I just stand there with my arms crossed. He sighs and sits up.
"Whats wrong?" He asks.
"You made me get Saturday detention for three hours!" I exclaim.
"Me? How?"
"By texting me." I say.
"Well you didn't have to text me back." He simply states.
"Yeah, we both know that you would have kept texting me until I answered." I say.
He stands up and steps closer to me.
"Im really sorry, I didn't mean for you to get in trouble."
"Can you please stop texting me when you know I'm in school? You can talk to me all you want when I get home and on the weekends." I ask.
"Okay, fine."
"Thank you."
"Will it help if I come to Saturday detention with you?" He asks.
I smile.
"I wouldn't be opposed to that." I say.
"Okay, then I'll come to Saturday detention with you." He states.
"Thank you, thats very sweet of you." I tell him.
I see him glance down at my lips.
"I know what your thinking...but we can't, not right now." I say.
"What's one kiss going to do? Especially when no one is here and the paparazzi can't see inside your house." He says.
"If we kiss now, we're not going to want to stop. And before we know it people know we are dating again way earlier than we wanted them to know ." I say.
"Its called self control." He says.
"Which you don't have." I say.
"I have self control!" He protests.
"Not when it comes to me. You can't help yourself, I've seen you try and you've never succeeded." I say.
"I can have self control when I really need to." He says.
I look at him.
"I just don't want it to get out on accident, I'm scared of what people will think of me." I say.
"Okay all my fans know is that we broke up, they don't know that you dated someone else. They wont know that you just broke up with someone. Even your fans that follow you, they might know you had a boyfriend but they wont know when you two broke up." He says.
"What about the people at school?" I ask.
"Im not saying we have to make it public right away. It could be like the first time, except we be more careful and make sure nothing happens in public and none of the boys video us like Alex did the first time." He says.
"But I'd feel guilty inside. It just feels wrong to go from one guy right to the next even when the reason you broke up is because of the other guy." I say.
He looks at me for a minute.
"Okay. The last thing I want to do is pressure you into something, so we'll do it your way." He says.
"I know its hard, but you said it yourself, you can have self control when you need to." I say.
"It is hard because I never wanted us to break up in the first place and I've been wanting to be with you again ever since you sent me that text telling me we were done."
"You haven't wanted to go out with any other girl at all?" I ask.
"Not even Becky? She's gorgeous." I say.
"Well I think you're more gorgeous, and its not just about the looks. I can never be as happy when your not around. When I'm with you I feel complete, and when someone gets that feeling its a sign that they need to be with that person." He says.
"Wow, way to make me seem selfish." I say.
"You weren't being selfish by dating Ashton, thats not at all what I'm saying. I understand that you were upset and the only way to try to get rid of that was by dating someone else." He says.
"But I felt the same way you did, yet I still chose to date someone and try to forget about you." I say.
"Sade stop being hard on yourself. Im not mad at you for dating someone else, okay?" He says, looking into my eyes.
I nod. He pulls me into a tight hug.
"I'll always love you no matter what, you know that." He tells me.

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