Chapter 6: You can Do Better~

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Im just going to apologize ahead of time because the ending to this chapter isn't the best.
"Im going to Ashton's baseball game tonight, want to come with me?" I ask Austin.
"Sure, but you know that means i have to put on a disguise right?"
I laugh.
"Why is that funny?"
"One, you're not that famous, and two no celebrity even does that. Plus there wont be too many people there."
"Okay, but if i get tackled by girls don't get jealous." He says.
"We're not dating, so i wouldn't get jealous." I say.
"So you would just let me get tackled?"
"Wow. Maybe i wont come."
"No please come! I'll protect you!" I say.
He chuckles.
"You protecting me? Id love to see you try."
"I could just yell at people to leave you alone, that qualifies as protecting you." I say.
"Okay fine i'll come."
Austin and i head to the game. After getting there we pick our seats and wait for the game to start.
"Wow he's really good." Austin says, after the game has been going on for a bit.
"Yeah, he's the best."
"So, before i came back ya'll were on a cruise?" He asks.
"Was it fun? I know that was your dream vacation."
"It was so much fun! We should all go on one sometime." I say.
"All of us meaning?"
"You, Alex, Zach, Robert, and i. Who else?"
He shrugs.
"What about Ashton?"
"Maybe i just want to spend a time with you and the boys."
"But you do that all the time." He says.
"You want Ashton to come or something?"
"You know what, lets just watch the game." He says.
"Good idea." I say.
So we keep watching the game and soon its over. We win. Austin and i go down to meet Ashton.
"You did amazing, as always." I tell him.
He smiles.
"Yeah man, you're really good." Austin says.
"Thanks. So the rest of the team is going to go to What-A-Burger, want to come with us?" He asks me.
"Sure, can Austin come?"
"Yeah i guess."
"No its okay, you two just go and have fun." Austin says.
"No, you're coming. You don't have a choice." I tell Austin.
"Okay then." He says.
So Ashton goes to his car and Austin and i get in mine. We head to What-A-Burger.
"Why did you want me to come? I was trying to let you and Ashton have at least some time without me." He says.
"I don't want to be alone with a bunch of guys." I say.
"Im a guy." He says.
"Thats not what i meant. I meant that, i don't want to be with alone with a bunch of guys i don't know and have just Ashton. I want to have someone else there that i know so it will be less awkward." I say.
"Alright." He says.
We reach What-A-Burger and go inside. All the guys are there. Ashton comes up to me, takes my hand and brings me over to the table where all the boys are sitting.
"Everyone, this is Sadie, Sadie this is...everyone."
"Hi Sadie." They all say.
"Hi." I say.
"Who's the guy?" One boy asks.
"Thats Austin, my best friend."
Austin waves. We sit down. I sit next to Ashton and Austin sits near me at the end of the table. Ashton puts his arm around me. The guys talk about random stuff.
"So Sadie, have any hobbies?" One of the boys asks.
"Not really." I say.
"She can sing." Ashton says.
"Really? You should sing something for us."
"Umm i-i don't think so. Im not really comfortable singing right here." I say.
"Come on Sadie please?" Ashton asks.
"I-i don't know."
"I'll sing with you." Austin says.
I look at him, then at all the guys.
"Fine." I say.
They all cheer. I pull up a chair next to Austin.
"What do you want to sing?" I ask.
"Lets do our new song." He says.
I nod. I start out the song a little nervous, but once Austin starts singing with me I'm fine. After we finish the boys clap.
"Wow you are really good."
"Thank you."
"And Austin, you have a great voice too."
"Well he is famous for it." One guy says.
"He is?"
"Yeah. My sister loves him. Wait till i tell her i met him."
"So was that the song that i saw you two working on?" Ashton asks.
I nod.
"Its really good." He says.
I smile and move to sit back next to him.
"Sade, can i talk to you real fast?" Austin asks me.
We both get up and go a little bit away from the table.
"Its weird hanging out with them, they aren't my type of friends."
"But i don't want to be alone. Please? We'll only stay a little longer." I say.
He looks at me.
"Fine." He says.
We both go and sit back down.
"Everything okay?" Ashton asks.
"Everything is fine." I say.
So Austin and i stay for about another ten minutes.
"It's getting kind of late, Austin and i are going to go." I tell Ashton.
"Okay." Ashton say.
Then he leans in and kisses me. All other other boys hoop and holler. I get up and Austin and i go to my car.
"That was so embarrassing."
"What?" He asks.
"He didn't have to kiss me in front of all of his friends."
"You shouldn't be embarrassed by your boyfriend."
"Im not, I'm just embarrassed that he kissed me in front of his friends."
We get in the car and i drive Austin back to his house.
"Thanks for coming with me. You're the best." I say.
"I know." He says.
I roll my eyes at him.
"Get out." I say.
"Night Sade." He says.
"Night Austin."
He gets out and goes inside. Im not the only one who had another side to me, Ashton acts almost completely different when he's around his friends.

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