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Today is going to be the best day of my life. Today I'm marrying the man of my dreams, and I couldn't be happier.
I look in the mirror at my completed wedding look.
"You look absolutely gorgeous." Rhett tells me.
She is my maid of honor, of course. I smile.
"Thank you. So do you." I tell her.
"Girl today is not about me." She says.
I laugh a bit.
"I'm so happy and excited for you!" She says.
"I can't believe this happening. It doesn't feel real."
"Oh it's real alright."
"Who would have thought that I would be marrying my best friend, someone I've known since I was three!"
"He's an amazing guy, why wouldn't you marry him?!" She says.
I laugh.
Theres a knock and someone comes in. I look to see Heather.
"Oh. You look absolutely gorgeous Sadie!" She exclaims.
"Thank you." I say, hugging her.
"How are you feeling?"
"Like the happiest and luckiest person alive."
"I think Austin would beg to differ." She says.
"Oh I know he would. I wouldn't be surprised if our vows turned into us fighting over who loves the other more." I say.
They both laugh.
"Okay bride are you ready?" Heather asks.
My heart starts to beat faster. It's time.
"Yes!" I say.
Everyone else goes out before me and Dad and I walk out last. I can see Austin starting to tear up as I walk down the isle, which makes me start to tear up. Dad kisses my cheek then passes me off to Austin. A tear rolls down his cheek and he smiles at me.
I smile back and take his hands. This all feels so surreal.
We both say our vows.
"You may kiss the bride."
Austin pulls me close, cups my face in his hands, leans and kisses me. It feels so amazing knowing I'm going to be spending the rest of my life with him, even though I've already spent the majority of it with him. Everyone cheers. We walk down the isle hand-in-hand. After we finish getting touched up, we head to the reception where everyone is waiting for us. We walk in and go almost straight into the first dance. We dance to Everything by Michael Buble. The whole time I just look into Austin's eyes, and he looks into mine.
"I am so lucky." He tells me.
I smile.
"Oh yeah? Why?" I tease.
"Because I just got married to the girl that I have had a crush on since I was three and she's amazing and words can't even explain how gorgeous she is, she is caring and everything I want in a wife." He tells me.
I smile then I lean in and kiss him. Then I realize what he just said.
"Wait a second, did you just say you've had a crush on my since you were three?" I ask.
He curls his lips in.
"Maybe...maybe not."
"Why did you wait so long to make a move?"
"I didn't! Remember when we were five and we were up in the treehouse and I told you kissing me would make you fly and so you kissed me?" He asks.
I laugh.
"I wouldn't say that counts."
"Of course it does."
I smile and shake my head.
"You are crazy Mahone."
He smiles then leans in and kisses me.
When the first dance is over we sit down to eat. Austin and I are at one table while everyone else are in groups at other tables.
"Be honest, did you suspect I was going to ask you to marry me at all?"
"No! I honestly had no idea. You saw how crazy it was driving me that I didn't know."
"True. That was really cute by the way."
"What? Me going crazy?"
He nods as he puts some steak into his mouth.
"You're weird." I say.
"You said yes." He says.
"I did didn't I. What was I thinking?" I tease.
"I don't know." He says looking at me.
I smile. After we finish eating we go around to the tables, saying hi to everyone, and thanking them for coming. We get to the table that Logan is at. He stands up and hugs me.
"Congratulations, both of you. You two couldn't be more perfect for each other."
"Thanks man. I want to apologize for things I've said to you." Austin says.
He's so sweet.
"No, you don't need to apologize, I deserved that stuff. I was horrible. Anyways thank you for inviting me."
"Of course, Logan." I say.
He smiles and we move on to the next table. After we go around to everyone it's time for cake. And let me just tell you, it's going to get pretty messy. I'm going to get cake all over Austin's face. Then we're starting a cake fight with everyone. Of course we have an extra cake saved for eating. Austin and I head to the table with the cake and everyone stands around and watches. We cut it together and both get a piece to feed to each other. Surprisingly, Austin just puts it straight in my mouth. I act like I'm going to put it straight into his mouth then I shove it in his face. His mouth drops open. I laugh. We both slightly nod at each other then grab cake and start throwing. At first people scream and start to duck but then everyone joins in. How many times have you seen this at a wedding? Seriously, only Austin and I would think of this idea. Austin grabs my hand and pulls me close.
"You got a little something right there." I tell Austin, pointing at his whole face.
"Oh really?"
I nod. Then, before I can protest, he leans in and kisses me, getting cake all over my face too. After the cake fight is over we have some time for everyone to get a little cleaned up and then we sit down and eat the other cake. This day could not be more perfect. Soon it's time for the send off. We both get in a vintage car that says "Just Married" on the back and drive off. I'm so excited to see what the future has in store for Austin and I now that we are married.

Okay guys...thats it! This is the end to the Inseparable series! I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it! I would love if you would leave a comment on what you thought about the whole series, but of course, you don't have to. Very soon (probably tomorrow) I will be putting out the first chapter to my new A.M. story, so get excited about that! Thank you for all the sweet comments on each story, it warms my heart to know ya'll enjoy my stories! You guys are wonderful! Xoxo

Distant (Book 3) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang