Chapter 23: Niall the Counselor Part 2 - Lilo

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A/N: I apologize for the few who have been anxiously waiting for an update for this fic. It’s been a month, and I get that’s too long of a time to not update (I read fics, too, I know what it’s like to be disappointed when the friggin author wont update for shit). But as I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been on hiatus due to the overload of work I am receiving from college.

Just bear with me, guys, okay? I’m really sorry I can’t update all the time; I seriously wish I could :(.

I’m updating now, though so that’s important ^.^. Dedication goes to @hunain13 for being amazing and patiently waiting even though ive been a butt with this x.x

Hope you enjoy :D


Zayn and Harry sat on the floor next to each other while Niall forced Louis to take the seat next to Liam on the couch.

“’Kay…” Niall trailed off as he examined the piece of paper, making it seem like he had Liam and Louis’s history written on it. “So Lou kissed his ex, and Liam got mad, right?”

“I said I was sorry!” Louis exclaimed, glaring at Liam who simply rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Liam rubbed his forehead (already prepared for the growing headache that was starting to form). “You never did, Louis, fuck’s sake.”

“Well, I’m sorry. There? You fucking happy?!”

“No! I’m not! I’m far from happy. This isn’t even about the kiss anymore— Fuck, just forget it. Forget it!” Liam yelled as he hastily got up and grabbed his coat.

Niall didn’t hesitate to run over to the door and block it with his body again. “Any of ya leave, I’m never talkin’ to ya again, understood?”

Liam sighed in defeat before he headed back over to the couch and sat down with his arms crossed, huffing angrily. The last thing any of them wanted was to have Niall upset with them; Niall’s usual happiness would never fail to lift their moods, and they couldn’t handle not having that (Niall would be lying if he said he didn’t know that; so, yeah, maybe he was being a bit manipulative).

He sat back down in his ‘counselor’s chair’ and drew a smiley face on his dinosaur. “What’s it about now, Li?”

“Nothing. Forget about it.”

Louis turned to Liam and grabbed his face in his hands, forcing his attention on Louis. “Why isn’t it about the kiss? What do you want?”

Liam gently pried Louis’s hands off of him and held one of his hands in both of his own. “You’re too much for me sometimes, Louis. It’s hard to be with you. Which is why I wanted a break from you.”

Louis yanked his hand out of Liam’s grip and turned away from him. “You aren’t all great yourself, asshole. I don’t do breaks. You’re either with me or you’re not.”

“Then I guess I’m not.”

“You both just need to understand where the other’s coming from; you’re being stubborn,” Harry said; Zayn was quick to grab his hand and give it a sweet kiss. Harry didn’t fail to smile.

“Both of you just fucking shut up and stay out of it.”

“What the hell, Lou? I didn’t even say anything.” Zayn glared at Louis from his spot on the floor.

He shook his head and ignored them both. “What do you want from me!?” Louis stood up and began pacing the room; a habit he did to calm himself down. “What the hell do I have to do for you to be with me? Why are you being such a fucking twat?! You were desperate enough for me in the beginning, so why the sudden anxiousness to get away from me?”

Two Cups Of Coffee, Please {Zarry/Lilo}Where stories live. Discover now