Chapter 12: Crappy Goodbye

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A/N:  Soooo sorry about the lack of updates, I wanted to update Safe Haven first, and I couldn’t think of any ideas so I couldn’t update this without updating SH, but now all is well, and I already had this idea for it, so yeahzz.

Dedication goes to @fivewierdboys for the lovely comment :D

Best comment gets dedication for next chapter c;

Enjoy ^.^


Louis, Liam, and Niall all sat on Harry’s bed as they watched him pack his bags, well, not bags, more like bag, surprisingly enough, Harry barely had any clothes. The coffee shop was closed due to it being Sunday, and from past experiences, they never had any customers on Sunday’s anyway, so their boss decided to just make it closed that day.

They all watched with frown’s on their faces, – meanwhile Zayn was nowhere in sight – and even though Harry had his issues with Zayn, they all still deeply cared for the curly-headed lad.

Harry sighed and stopped packing to turn around and face his friends, who were emitting nothing but sadness. “Can you guys, like, stop being sad or something?”

“UGH,” Louis shouted as he dramatically flung himself back on the bed so that he was now lying down, which made him take up most of the bed, much to Liam and Niall’s dismay. “We can’t help it, Haz, we’re losing one of the five!”

“Yeh,” Niall said, nodding in agreement as he pushed Louis’s legs off of him. “Don’t know what he means ‘bout ‘the five’, but yeh, pretty much.”

Louis glared at Niall as he turned himself around and laid his head on Liam’s lap, Liam instantly running his fingers through Louis’ hair.

(A/N: I forgot they were together, oops)

Liam pouted, even though he wanted to smile from how much he loved touching Louis’ soft hair. “You’re my best mate, Harry, I don’t want you to go…”

“Guys…” Harry began, already feeling his conscience scold him for making his friends feel so disheartened. “I have to, my band needs me.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Liam said, frowning and getting up as Niall and Louis got up as well. “We know…”

They all engulfed each other into one big group hug, Louis had already begun crying, being the most sensitive one in the group.

Harry laughed as he felt Louis’ tears on his shoulder. “You’ll be okay, you’ve got Liam here,” Harry said, as they all pulled away from each other.

Louis wiped his tears and glared at Harry, pointing an accusing finger at him. “You better text me, Haz, or so help me I’ll—”

“Crap,” Harry said, interrupting Louis’s threat. “I dropped my phone in the loo yesterday, it’s completely destroyed.”

(A/N: I actually googled how British people say toilet, I wasn’t sure if it was anything different from here in the U.S, then they were talking about this whole ‘loo’ business and I just had to use it haha)

Louis stared at him, his face scrunched up in confusion. “What the actual fuck, Harry?”

“It doesn’t matter,” Liam said, giving a scolding look toward Louis. “He knows my number, once he gets a new phone, he’ll call us, right?” Liam asked, looking at Harry for confirmation.

Harry nodded his head quickly, he wouldn’t forget about his friends, he promised himself that, nor would he ever forget about a certain raven-haired boy that seemed to never leave his mind.

Two Cups Of Coffee, Please {Zarry/Lilo}Where stories live. Discover now