Chapter 16: Another New Employee

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A/N: I’m soo sorry this update is so late, at first I wasn’t in the mood for it, but then I kind of forgot about it, I saw my flash-drive and was like ‘oh shit don’t I have something to write’ and here we are.

Dedication for this chapter goes to @melodies for all the wonderful comments you left on my story, I appreciate it so much, thank you <3333 x

Btw that ask account was a complete failure lol so yeahz it’s gone now

Anywho, I hope you guys enjoy this ^.^


The breeze that hit Zayn’s face every now and then was a nice relief from all the drama that has happened in Zayn’s usually boring life. He was sitting on a bench next to Niall, who was enjoying a grilled chicken sandwich Zayn had bought him, and it looked like nothing could come between them.

Even Niall had better luck with love.

“Say, Niall,” Zayn mumbled, he was already beginning to regret his decision in leaving Harry, maybe he should’ve given him a second chance. Doesn’t everyone deserve a second chance?

“Hmm?” Niall murmured with his mouth filled with food. Zayn waited for Niall to finish his sandwich and very carefully lick the sauce from the sandwich off of his fingers (Jesus Christ that boy loved food).

“Do you think I did the right thing? Y’know… with the whole Harry situation?” Zayn asked, it had been bothering him for the past 30 minutes, seeing Harry had only reminded him how much he missed him, and it made Zayn’s craving for Harry to be with him again all the more stronger.

Niall looked over at his naïve friend and only smiled. “Zee, if you would’ve done anythin’ differently and got back with him, I probably would’ve given ya hell.”

“Are you sure? I mean… He deserves a second chance, we all make mistakes, yeah?”

“A wise man once said, ‘Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me’ and m’not really sure who this wise man was… or if it was even a man, but it fits, doesn’t it?” Niall stared off into space, probably questioning himself and wondering what the meaning of life was or some shit, it was Niall, after all. “Yeh, it fits.”

There was a comfortable silence surrounding them as Zayn processed the whole situation. Zayn could only think of why he was upset with Harry in the first place, and that was enough to believe Niall and to tell himself that he did, indeed, make the right choice in rejecting Harry. He had to find someone who loved him enough, someone better.

“So… meet any new chicks or anything? We don’t really know about your love life, Ni.”

“That’s ‘cause it doesn’t exist, mate. I’m a single pringle, and I’m completely okay with that ‘cause I fuckin’ love pringles.” Niall and his food, Zayn’s possible OTP.

“Not one person? Really?”

“Considerin’ I had to spend turdy seven minutes tryin’ to get you to stop cryin’, I think that’s a good thing, ain’t it?”

“Aren’t you a peach… bastard. But seriously?” Zayn questions. “Are you telling me you haven’t met one girl who you felt was right? That’s kinda hard to believe, man.”

“Alright, alright,” Niall mumbled, giving in to Zayn’s astonishment. “There is this one girl, who’s absolutely gorgeous, and I honestly think—”

An obnoxiously loud vibration interrupted Niall, no doubt Zayn’s phone. Zayn sighed. “One second, Ni.”

One new text.

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