Chapter 20: From Bad to Worse

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A/N: Yaaaay! We hit the 20’s! Never thought I’d ever get this far with a story to be honest lol, I’m not sure how long I should drag this story out, so I think this should be over maybe in the mid 20s, late 20s ish? Idk (idk if I should apologize for a late chapter bc idk if this is late)

Dedication goes to @Hippieh for requesting an update for the last update (forgot to give dedication for it, sorry, hun x.x) <3

Hope you enjoy x


The sun shone right through the window, hitting Zayn’s face and disturbing his rest. He groaned and rubbed his face, sitting up and taking in his surroundings; this wasn’t his room? He looked over and saw a passed out Louis and his eyes widened, and he screamed, kicking Louis off the bed and then falling off himself.

He grew even more panicked when he realized he was naked; he looked around, grabbing his boxers (he’s pretty sure they're his) and grabbing his jeans, getting up to pull them on. He winced in pain as the adrenaline rush subsided and the pain in his head became apparent; he’s never drinking again.

Meanwhile Louis was rolling around the floor in pain and groaning rather loudly; he sat up and rubbed the side of his stomach, the part he landed on, and glared at the already dressed Zayn reaching his hand out to help him up.

Louis slapped his hand away before he got up and fell back onto the bed, snuggling into the sheets.

It seemed like someone was there to take care of him as Zayn looked over and saw some aspirin sitting on the counter right next to a glass of water. He took them hastily; his headache nagging immensely at him. He turned back toward Louis afterward.

“L-Loueh…?” Zayn poked Louis’s head, which Louis responded to by throwing the covers over his head.

Zayn ran a hand through his hair; he sure as hell doesn’t remember having s’ex with his best friend. He was inwardly praying that this was all just some huge joke. “W-We… We didn’t… you know… did we…?”

Louis groaned and threw the covers off of him, sitting up, and glaring at the raven-haired man standing in front of him. “Don’t flatter yourself, Zee. We didn’t do shit.”

“Then why was I—”

“Naked?” Louis asked, raising his eyebrow before Zayn nodded his head in confirmation. “Beats the hell out of me. Liam and I had sort of a… falling out, I guess you could say; he stormed out and I got lonely, so I snuck in here. It’s quite uncomfortable sleeping next to you naked, Zayn, and you mumble in your sleep, freak. All I can tell you is I saw Harry leaving looking quite panicked.”

“Fuck…” Zayn cursed, the previous night hitting him like a ton of bricks; he had drunken s’ex with Harry, s’ex with Harry. He had to deal with this later (like really later, maybe in 3 years?). “Hold on, falling out with Li? You two have been inseparable lately; what the fuck is this about? What’d you do?”

“Why does everyone insist on blaming me?” Louis groaned, glaring at Zayn.


“Okay, maybe just you… But if I were to tell Niall, he’d probably pin it on me, too, that shit.”

“Is it your fault?”

Louis rubbed the back of his head and kept his gaze on the edge of the bed. “Maybe,” he whispered.

Zayn sat on the bed next to Louis and reached his hand out, wrapping his own around Louis’s hand. “You can tell me, mate; what happened?”

Louis smiled sadly before he sighed, a few tears pricking at the edge of his eyes. “W-Well… To make a long story short, I got drunk, made out with my ex-boyfriend, Liam saw, and well, you know the rest…”

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