Chapter 4: To Text Or Not To Text?

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A/N: Spoiler alert for an episode of Teen Wolf, season 3, you've probably already seen it, but oh well.

“Just fucking text him.”

This had been going on for about an hour straight. Zayn was sitting mindlessly on the couch, flipping through channels while Louis kept on pestering Zayn to text Harry.

Zayn groaned, “I’m not gonna text him, just leave me the hell alone, you nuisance.”

“Why the hell did you invite me over if you’re going to be an absolute bore all day? Not even going to text Harry and cause SOME excitement in the boringness you call your life,”

“I didn’t even invite you over, you just barged into my flat like you own the place, and my life is plenty exciting.”

“Sure it is, with all the coffee making and channel flipping, so jealous.”

Zayn rolled his eyes and flipped Louis off, and he continued flipping through channels. He wanted to text Harry, he just didn’t want to seem desperate, wasn’t there some rule that said wait 3 days to contact someone who had just given you their number? Zayn could’ve sworn he read it in one of Louis’ magazines.

“Text him.”

And there goes Louis again, Zayn ignored him and paid attention to his channel flipping, oh look, Teen Wolf was on. (A/N: Teen Wolf is the shit)


If there was one thing Zayn couldn’t do, it was ignore Louis. It wasn’t because he was a good friend, or because he cared about Louis, only because Louis was just way too annoying sometimes, but he told himself to stick through with this ignoring, he really didn’t want to text Harry.

“Zaynieeee, come on, stop it, you’re hurting my feelings… text him.”

He kept his gaze on Teen Wolf; it was nearing the end of the episode, sadly, and holy shit.

“Did Boyd just die…?”

Louis raised his eyebrow, “What?”

“Boyd… Kali just made Derek stab Boyd with his own claws, oh fuck no,”

“You’re such a woman, oh my god.”


Louis scoffed, “Probably because you didn’t text Harry,”


“Yes, because unlike you, I am a normal human being. IT’S A SHOW, ZAYN.”

Zayn wiped a tear from his eye, “I’m calling Niall, he understands me.” he dialed Niall’s number and pressed call.

“’Ello? Niall speakin’,”

Zayn sniffed, “Have you heard?”

“No, what’s wrong man?”

“Boyd’s gone,”


Louis face palmed, “I’m friends with a bunch of imbeciles,”

Zayn rolled his eyes, “I wouldn’t call 2 ‘a bunch’, loser.”

Zayn felt a pillow smack him the face, well, ouch? He hung up on Niall after about 2 minutes of them crying together.

Louis let out a noise that didn’t really sound human-like, “Can you freaking text Harry now?”

“How about this, I’ll text Harry, if you text Liam,”

“Ew no, how about you text Harry, and I won’t strangle you.”

“That’s the deal, if you won’t do it, I won’t either.”

Louis pouted, “Fine, I’ll do it later, do it now so I can judge you.”

Zayn rolled his eyes and took his phone out; he scrolled down to Harry’s number and clicked on ‘Send Message’. He took a deep breath, “Do I really have to do this? What if he thinks I’m desperate?”

“Aww, Zayn cares about what Harry thinks of him,”

“Shut up, you arse.” he sighed and sent a quick message before putting his phone back on the table.

Louis threw his hands up in the air and groaned, “What the fuck? ‘Hey’? That’s it? That’s all you sent him? You suck,”

“What more was there to put? ‘Hey, Harry, just sending you this text because my best friend won’t shut the fuck up about it’, how’s that sound?”

“Aw, you said best friend, you rarely use it, I’M SPECIAL!”

“Wanker, you have to text Liam now,”

“No I don’t, I said I’d do it later.”

Zayn glared, “Do it now, or else I’ll steal your phone and do it for you,”

“Fine fine,”

Zayn watched as Louis took out his phone, quickly typed a ‘Hi’, and sent it to Liam, “You judge me for saying ‘Hey’, but you go ahead and say ‘Hi’?”

“Yes, that’s how life works, suck it up. I’m going to go pop some popcorn, we’re watching Titanic.”

Zayn watched Louis stand up and head toward his kitchen, he groaned, “Again? We’ve watched it like 9 times already.”

He heard Louis shout a ‘You know you love it’, and he kind of did love that movie, not that he’d let anyone ever know that. His mind went back to the text, he had just gotten Harry’s number today, and it seemed a little rushed. What if Harry really did see him as someone desperate? What if Harry was busy and he interrupted something? He felt his phone vibrate and he picked it up and looked; 1 new message, from Harry.

9:14 pm: Harry S.

hey I really hope this is zayn, if it is then thank you for texting me i’ve been kinda paranoid about you texting me and I’m just kinda happy that you did and didn’t do that stupid wait 3 days crap I read in a magazine somewhere, but yeah I’ll shut up now so just… hey J

Zayn couldn’t help but smile to himself. Alright, maybe he was just being a little paranoid, too.

A/N: Vote



I love you <3333

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