Chapter 15: Heartbreak (again)

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A/N: What up TCOCP readers? How are things?



Sorry for leaving you hanging on that last update, I honestly couldn’t help myself, my bad peeps, my bad.

Dedication for this chapter goes to @ZiamDrunkInLove_ for the perfection that is the cover of this story, isn’t she talented? But yeah, thanks again, sweetie, it’s beautiful <33 x

Enjoy, homies xx


It didn’t take long for Zayn to snap out of his trance-like state and rush over toward the door, opening it wide for Harry. “You can get the fuck out.”

Harry bit his lip and looked around; there wasn’t anyone in the coffee shop, just an infuriated looking Liam and an apologetic looking Louis. He looked back over toward Zayn and frowned. “C’mon, don’t be like that, just let me talk to you.”

“I’m not gonna let you do shit, I don’t want anything to do with you, so get the fuck out,” Zayn spat, he felt like he could cry, but no, he wasn’t worth his tears anymore, he had cried enough.

“You heard him,” Liam said, his voice just as thick with utter disappointment and fury. Harry looked over and found Liam glaring at him, arms crossed over his chest almost threateningly.

“Liam, I—”

“Fuck off, Harold, it’s been a whole fucking year. You think you can completely ignore us and avoid us at all costs for a year, and come back thinking everything will be alright with a small talk? You really must not know me at all,” Liam interrupted Harry, he was practically seething at this point, he’d known Harry his whole life, and he thought Harry would always be there for him and vice versa, but yet…

Louis pinched Liam’s arm and stared at him until Liam sat back down, rubbing his arm. He cleared his throat before speaking, “Okay, both of you calm the fuck down. Harry should at least get a chance to explain, yeah?”

Zayn groaned and rubbed his face, hoping Harry would only be a figment of his imagination. “I don’t want him—”

“Don’t test me, Zee, let him explain,” Louis stated as he raised his eyebrow, almost begging Zayn to go against him.

It took a while before Zayn gave up and walked back toward the cash register and looked at Harry with pure hatred, waiting for Harry’s explanation.

“Thank you, Lou,” Harry began, smiling at Louis until he looked at him and realized maybe Louis hadn’t forgiven him yet either since he was looking Harry directly in the eyes while repeatedly stabbing his empty coffee cup with a pencil. He sighed and looked back at Zayn, noticing how Zayn hadn’t changed all that much, except let his beard grow out a bit, but other than that, Zayn was as beautiful as ever. “Anyway, the first weeks in America were amazing—”

Zayn scoffed and rolled his eyes. “I’m not here to hear about your adventures in America, fucking Christ.”

“Just listen to me, alright?” Harry put his hand on top of Zayn’s and could feel his heart break a little as he felt Zayn flinch and pull away as soon as their hands touched. “I was so caught up in exploring and getting songs done that I completely forgot about calling you guys. And, Zayn, this was when I thought you hated me, I thought you didn’t want anything to do with me…”

Zayn only avoided looking at Harry and kept his arms crossed against his chest, almost like he was trying to keep himself away from Harry.

“Well, what about me?” Liam’s voice cracked and Harry felt like a certified asshole.

Two Cups Of Coffee, Please {Zarry/Lilo}Where stories live. Discover now