Chapter 21: Operation 'Sleepover'

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A/N: bwahhhh, we’re at chapter 21, which is the equivalence to 9+10, wooo!

I’m such a loser for throwing that in there.

Dedication for this chappie goes tooooooooooooo @Akshaya_1Dlover bc she’s been liking this story since like 1776, and she’s been the most amazing friend ever (we need to talk more pls I miss you) and her writing is perfection and she’s just so so lovely, I love you wifeeey <333 x

“Oh, Rosie, he doesn’t even love you!” Louis exclaimed at the television as he brought yet another white tissue to his face and blew his nose into it.

Zayn leaned over in his chair to see Louis from the kitchen; he was in a mess of blankets on the couch with used tissues surrounding him. He wasn’t even sick. He leaned back over and sighed. “The T.V isn’t even on.”

“S’just Lou bein’ dramatic,” Niall said, eating a bowl of cereal he had no problem at all with stealing from Zayn’s cabinet.

“That or he’s finally gone mad,” Zayn mumbled while he rubbed his eyes tiredly.

A week had gone by since Louis and Liam had broken it off; Louis stopped going to the coffee shop, which made him a thousand times worse to be around with his constant grumpiness. Whenever Zayn tried to make a harsh comment back to Louis after receiving one, Louis would break down in tears; so it’s not like Zayn could hand his asshole-ness back to him anymore.

Surprisingly enough, Liam seemed to be fine whenever Zayn had to go work at the coffee shop. But then again, that could be because Simon had yelled at them for being ‘shit employees and knowing it’.

Who knows?

The point was that Zayn was never alone with Louis constantly being at his apartment. Louis only left for an hour or so to bring clothes and toothpaste (apparently Zayn’s tasted toominty) and slept over every day; it was the same routine day by day, Louis would leave for a bit in the morning, come back and use up Zayn’s bathroom for 2 fucking hours, mope around all day, promise Zayn he’d sleep on the couch, wake up at three in the morning (it never failed), crawl into bed with Zayn, and proceed to take up the entire bed, kicking Zayn a whole fucking lot.

It had officially been the worst week of his life.

Zayn believed he had a better night’s sleep during finals week, and that’s really saying something.

In simple terms, Zayn looked and felt like shit. As if he were the one going through the break-up.

“Ya look like shit, mate,” Niall laughed, slurping his milk even though he knew Zayn hated him doing that.

“Can’t you take him for one goddamn night?” Zayn pleaded. He needed rest desperately, desperately.

“Nope,” Niall began, putting the dish in the sink (without fucking washing it) and sitting back down. “We agreed on this already, you get to be the best man at his wedding, ‘member?”

There was thump followed by a loud cry. “Zaaaaaaayn,” Louis whined, dragging out his name even though Zayn hated it (Zayn hated a lot of things lately).

Zayn took a hold of one of Niall’s hand in distress and stared into the bright, blue eyes he’d grown to know. “One night, is all I ask, one.”

Niall squinted his eyes in thought, tapping his chin even though he never did that, and Zayn knew it. “Hmm… Waste me precious time tending after a distraught Lou, or having fun?”

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