Chapter 18: They're What?

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A/N: okay so this update is kinda late too lol, but as I’ve said before, school is my priority right now and I shouldn’t even be updating like I am but I do anyway bc writing is a stress reliever and I like making you guys happy so yeaahzz

We hit 40k reads, 3000 votes, and 500 comments, oh my god that’s incredible! Thank you guys soooo much, I seriously love you all more than you guys can imagine <3, think of me as that stalker that’s obsessed with you and hides in bushes. Yeah, I love you guys that much xx. Thank you, seriously <3

Anywho, dedication goes to @marveImalik for all the lovely comments left and for being an adorable cupcake <333 x

Enjoy my beautiful readers <3


Harry had left with this new ‘Kendall’ girl as soon as his shift was over, which crushed Zayn since Harry used to wait for Zayn and walk him to his apartment, even though Zayn ignored him the entire time and tried to walk faster to get away from him, but Zayn would never admit to that, not out loud, at least.

Zayn dragged himself to his own apartment around an hour later, feeling lonelier than ever. His best friend was sick, so he couldn’t call up Louis, Liam ignored his texts all the goddamn time, and Niall had to go out on a date with a girl Zayn has yet to meet.

It hurt to know that Harry had actually gotten over him; a part of Zayn wanted that to happen, but another, bigger part of Zayn was hoping it never would.

He caused it, really, he was too stubborn to accept Harry back into his life, and now Harry’s moved on and is actually happy; he hated himself for pushing Harry away, and he hated himself for still loving him.

He sighed as he collapsed on his bed, falling asleep and waiting for the pain in his chest to go away (even though it never did).


The next day wasn’t much different.

Harry was yet again in a booth with Kendall, and Zayn couldn’t help but stare at them as the two smiled at each other, practically giving the other a loving glance. He found himself squeezing the muffin in his hand as hard as he could, as the customer in front of him stared at him in disbelief.

“Do I have to pay for that…?” the woman asked shyly, frowning as she watched the used-to-be muffin crumble to the floor.

Zayn glared at her as she backed away slowly and out of the store.

“Why the hell haven’t you been fired from here yet?” Louis asked, sitting on a stool on the other side of the counter. Zayn could tell he was still sick due to his voice being changed from the stuffy nose he probably had, that and he was surrounded by a bunch of used tissues.

“Shouldn’t you be quarantined? You’re giving everyone else your disgusting germs,” Zayn retorted as he began cleaning up a few tables.

Louis was about to respond until a very tired-looking Liam came out of the storage closet and rushed over to clean up Louis’s tissues. Louis sighed happily. “What would I do without my Li-Li?”

“Not be a lazy twat,” Zayn mumbled, throwing out a few coffee cups.

“Shut the hell up, you jealous badger,” Louis spat.

“Jealous? Badger? What…?”

Louis rolled his eyes and cleared his throat, which resulted into him coughing terribly, Zayn almost thought he’d cough one of his lungs out. Liam rushed over to him and rubbed his back gently.

Two Cups Of Coffee, Please {Zarry/Lilo}Where stories live. Discover now