Chapter 13: Not Good Enough

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A/N: I stopped feeling  this fic a while ago, so the end for this fic is coming soon, I wanted to reach the 20’s chapter wise, so maybe chapter 21 will be the last one, but yeah, just thought I’d let you guys know.

Anyway, dedication goes to @maliksrivera for the comment they posted on the last chapter, it put a smile on my face :) so thank you for that xx I like how into the story you were ^.^ <3

Okay, so enjoy x

Plus! An adorable picture of Zayn sleeping on the side somewhere, he's so precious and I love him, anyway continue <3


“Mum, why is that strange man lying on the floor like that?” A young child, not much older than 10, asked her mother as she watched a man with raven colored hair lying on the floor, arms and legs spread wide open.

“I don’t know, sweetheart, just ignore him,” the mother replied as she took her child’s arm and dragged her away from the man as if he held some infectious disease.

Zayn had been lying in the middle of the airport for about an hour now; he’s surprised security hasn’t come to kick him out yet. The moment he read those dreaded words that meant Harry was long gone and heading for a completely different country was the moment Zayn gave up on everything and collapsed on the cold, hard airport floor, not caring about who stared or who whispered about him, it was all meaningless now. His life was meaningless.

A loud, obnoxious ringtone interrupted his phase of giving up on everything. He wondered why he made that terrible sound his ringtone before he realized Harry had picked it which only made him hurt more.

He hastily took out his phone and answered it, not bothering to see the caller ID. “What?” he answered, his voice filled with spite.

“Gee, hi, Zayn, you’re so kind to your best friend, I wonder what I did to deserve to have someone like you in my life,” Louis responded with the only intention of being sarcastic.

Zayn groaned, he really didn’t want to deal with Louis’ shit, least now of all times. “Are you quite finished yet? Can I go back to self-loathing and hatred toward every single one of this wretched people at this stupid airport?”

“What are you even going on about? I was just wondering where you were, I know reuniting with your boyfriend can be emotional, but Christ it shouldn’t take two hours.” He could hear Liam in the background telling Louis to ‘get back to bed’ which only made him want to gag; couples weren’t exactly what Zayn wanted to think about.

He stared at the ceiling for a little longer, Louis must’ve guessed he was making out with Harry, if Harry hadn’t have left already. He took a deep breath and held in the tears that were now starting to form in his eyes. “I didn’t make it, Lou…”

“What do you—”

“I didn’t make it, Lou.”


“Yeah,” Zayn said with a defeating sigh. Silence ensued as soon as what Zayn said kicked in, he didn’t make it. He only had one opportunity to make things right and he failed, he was late in realizing what a jack ass he had been, and that caused Harry to slip away from him.

He rubbed at his eyes, almost forcing the tears to go back down, or to completely disappear. “I… I tried calling h-him, Lou, but he won’t answer. I don’t think he… He d-doesn’t want anything to do with me.”

Louis whimpered on the other end, no doubt fighting off tears himself even though Zayn was the one who lost his one chance at happiness. “Oh, Zayn… That’s not true! Harry kind of… Well, he dropped his phone in a toilet, so he’s sort of phoneless right now.”

“That would have been vital information a few hours ago, y’know? Now I feel like an idiot, leaving messages to someone who doesn’t even have a phone,” Zayn grumbled, he was already upset, and now he was starting to feel the effects of lying on a hard ground, his back had begun to ache.

“Wouldn’t have made much of a difference, though, would it?” Louis said, sympathy and pity radiating off of his voice. He could almost feel Louis’s fingers twitching, since he probably wanted to comb them through Zayn’s hair so that Zayn could relax and empty his mind for a bit.

He could finally see security approaching through the corner of his eye, he hadn’t made any type of disturbance, but lying peacefully on the floor is seen as an act against the airport or something. He got up in put his arms up in defeat before making his way out of the airport.

“Zayn? Can you come home now?” Louis asked, his voice was soft and quiet, like he thought his usual loud, strong voice would break Zayn.

“Y-Yeah, I’m coming h-home now…” He hung up on Louis, his voice was starting to break, but he wouldn’t cry, this wasn’t the end, not yet.

The drive home was long and painful; he had to pull over twice since he was having trouble concentrating which nearly made him crash four times. He pulled up to his own flat and went inside, silently thanking Louis for being there, he knew Zayn wouldn’t want to be alone now, of all times.

He crawled onto the couch with Louis and laid his head on Louis’ lap and he thought he heard a sigh of relief escape Louis’ mouth as soon as he felt Louis’ fingers combing through his hair.

“Why don’t you just go to America? We’ll book you a flight and everything,” Louis whispered, he almost felt like they were sharing some huge secret, but again, Louis was only doing it to avoid making Zayn worse.

“And with what money, exactly? Even if we all chip in, I’d only be a burden to Harry, anyway, he doesn’t want me in his life right now, he just wants to be some huge pop…” He couldn’t finish, he choked on the last word as the tears finally forced themselves out. He was right, Harry would much rather focus on becoming a pop sensation than spend his time with Zayn, Zayn was nothing compared to fame and fortune.

And dammit, it hurt to not be good enough.

Louis continued to comb his hair with one hand and wiped away his tears with the other. “Shh, it’s alright, Zaynie, it’s okay. He’ll come back soon, he’ll get a phone soon, I’m sure he will.”

And what if he never came back? What if he became famous and forgot all about Zayn? What if had already bumped into some cute, American boy and they were already starting to like each other? What if he realized Zayn was never enough?

Maybe it was the end.

A/N: Kind of a filler, heads up, next chapter will be taking place in the future! We’ll see how things turn out, sorry for this crappy chapter.

But yeah, hopefully you guys enjoyed it, I genuinely had no clue what to write, I was gonna skip to the future but then you wouldn’t have known what happened after Zayn found out, so once again, this is a filler.

Vote, comment, share, feedback is always the best thing ever <3

I love you <3333 (please some more comments? I really enjoy them, they put a smile on my face xx)

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