Chapter 8: Serenading & News

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A/N: Dedication: @BellaBomb (I finally gave you one yaay, I have no idea how this worked out but it did so woop)

“Favorite color?”

“That’s such an idiotic question, Malik, what the fuck does my favorite color have to do with anything?”

Harry and Zayn were on another date. It was about their 10th date, and exactly one month after their first date, they had gotten along better than Zayn would’ve expected them to, and they definitely had more in common than expected.

Zayn rolled his eyes, “What if I was planning on buying you a gift? You completely ruined the surprise.”

Harry faked a gasp, “You got me a gift? Oh, you shouldn’t have,”

“I didn’t.”

He groaned, “What the fuck? You got my hopes up for nothing, what was the point of asking me my favorite color?”

Zayn shrugged, “Sorry for trying to make conversation, sheesh, and my pay is shit at the coffee shop, can’t expect much from me, Styles.”

Harry pouted, making sure to stick out his lip a bit farther to make Zayn feel guilty. “It’s still our one month anniversary, you owe me something.”

“What? And you don’t have to get me anything?”

He shook his head and smiled, “Nah, not really.”

Zayn rolled his eyes, “That’s bullshit, but fine,” He leaned over and pecked Harry lightly on the lips, they had kissed before, a lot actually, but they never had a full on make out scene. “Better now?”

“No, I was hoping for something I could wear, y’know, something that costs money,”

“Sucks, that’s as much as my budget allows me.”

Harry chuckled, “Alright, alright, not gonna lie, it was probably better than anything that would’ve cost a bit of money.”

Zayn grinned, “I figured, my kisses do have a lot of value toward them.”

Harry shook his head, a small smile on his lips, “I really do like you a lot, you know that, right?”

“I get that from a lot of people,” Zayn shrugged his shoulders, a smirk plastered on his face, “What can I say? I’m a likeable guy.”

Harry stared at his food, moving it around and poking at it with his fork. “I’m being serious, Zee, I like you, like a lot a lot. I think I might be falling in love with you, even…”

Zayn nearly choked on the soda he was drinking, wasn’t it a bit soon to be talking about the word ‘love’? Did he like Harry? Well, yeah, but that doesn’t mean he was falling in love with him, they had only known each other for a month.

Harry sighed, “Alright, maybe you think it’s a bit too soon to even think about that, but it’s true, I’m falling for you, Zayn, but that’s not the point,” He pushed his plate aside and ran a hand through his hair, “I have to tell you something…”

Zayn frowned, he decided on ignoring the whole ‘falling for you’ thing. “What is it?”

“I’m—” (A/N: Pregnant, Harry is pregnant #plottwist)

The loud vibrating sound interrupted Harry; Zayn picked up his phone and saw he had a new message from Louis.

7:22 pm: Loueh >.>

zaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayn i ran out of ice cream so i came over ur house U DONT HAVE ANY EITHER WHERE THE FK ARE U GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW AND GET SOME ICE CREAM ON UR WAY HOME

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