Chapter 6: The Date

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A/N: Dedication: @ZaynTomlinson for the beautiful cover

Zayn used the two hours he had to the best of his ability, which included about an hour of Louis throwing clothes at him to wear, until Zayn kicked him out of his room and just decided on wearing a white button up with black skinny jeans and some white high tops, about 30 minutes of showering, 15 minutes of doing his hair, and 15 more minutes of pacing around his room, praying he doesn’t screw anything up.

He stared at himself in the mirror, “You can do this, Malik, it’s just a small date, you’ve been on a date before, and you’ve got this.”

He heard a loud groan behind his closed door; followed by obnoxiously loud knocking that could only be Louis, “Are you seriously giving yourself a pep talk? You fucking weirdo, just come out here so I can check your outfit, hopefully you didn’t fuck up too badly.”

Zayn rolled his eyes and opened the door, Louis grabbed his shoulders and examined him thoroughly before a small smile appeared on his face, “You look sexy as fuck, I’m proud,”

Zayn scoffed, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I always dress nice.”

“Only because of me, if I wasn’t around, you’d look like a homeless man everyday.”

Zayn opened his mouth to protest, but his phone vibrating had interrupted him, he picked it up and read the recent text.

8:17pm: Harry :)

change of plans meet me @ park :D and hurry your cute arse up

Zayn couldn’t help but blush at the last couple of words, and of course, Zayn blushing made Louis curious, so Louis stole his phone and read it before turning Zayn around and examining him again, Louis scoffed, “I’ve seen better.”

Zayn spun around and faced him, “Don’t check out my ass, freak,”

“I’m offended, why is it okay for Harry to do it? I’m better looking, so you should feel honored that I even checked you out in the first place.”

Zayn rolled his eyes and shook his head, he hadn’t replied, knowing Louis would argue with him all night, and he obviously had better plans, so he walked past him and toward his living room where Niall was still sitting on his couch, eating god knows what. He stood in front of Niall, earning his attention, “So, how do I look?”

Niall groaned, “Fine, now move, Icarly’s on.”

He heard footsteps coming closer to them, which could only be Louis, “Fuck, Niall, how are you straight?”

Niall sighed, “It’s simple, Lou, yay fer vaginas and boo fer penis’ unless it’s my own,”

Louis raised his eyebrow, “Does that mean you’re attracted to your own penis? That makes you a little gay.”

Niall reached over and pinched Louis, which earned him a slap across the face, and it only went downhill from there. They ended up rolling around on Zayn’s floor, pinching and slapping each other; it took them about 2 minutes to break apart and call a truce.

Louis was panting, “Damn leprechaun… your pinches fucking hurt.”

Niall made a pinching motion with his left hand, “There’s more where that came from if you question my sexuality one more time.”

Zayn sighed, “As much as I’d like to stay here and watch you two twats fight over what’s gay and what isn’t, I actually have something to do with my life,”

Louis gasped, “That’s right, after 20 years, Zaynie finally has a date.”

Zayn walked over to Louis and pinched him as hard as he could, Louis winced and glared at him, rubbing the spot where Zayn pinched him, Zayn grinned, “That’s what you get, wanker, anyway, I better get going.”

Two Cups Of Coffee, Please {Zarry/Lilo}Where stories live. Discover now