Chapter 14: He Who Shall Not Be Named

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A/N: This update is a bit late, sorry.

Dedication goes to @MakingYouLaugh cause she’s fantabulous and she lives up to her name and I got all excited when she started reading my story (and she also likes it :D), as cheesy as that is, but yeah, love you ^.^ x

Hope you enjoy x (sorry for such a huge time leap oops)


*1 year later*

The air in London was relatively nice, a cool breeze flowing by whenever the scorching sun became a little too much. It was nearing the end of May, and the coffee shop was fairly busy, Louis wasn’t making it any better with his constant nagging of wanting Liam to serve him, even though Liam would be busy with 3 other customers.

The morning rolled by, and soon the shop was empty considering everyone thought buying coffee during the afternoon was morally wrong. So Liam and Zayn took the time to sit with Louis in a booth while Niall cleaned up a bit, unwillingly of course.  Zayn always threatened to expose him for who he really was if he didn’t, which was a muffin stealer, and then Niall had no choice in the matter.

“I love you so much,” Louis stated as he stared into the eyes of his ‘one and only’ (Zayn really had to listen to a speech every night about how Liam was the only one for Louis).

Liam smiled and kissed Louis gently on the lips before pulling away and gently caressing his face. “I love you more, babe.”

“You know what I miss?” Zayn asked as he played with the label on his coffee cup, anything to avoid looking at Liam and Louis’s love fest.

Louis rolled his eyes, already expecting a smart remark from Zayn. “What, Zayn? What do you miss?”

“When you avoided Liam at all costs which resulted in Liam hating you and the two of you eventually not speaking to each other,” Zayn said as he wiped an invisible tear from his eye. “Those were such good times.”

“Those were also the times when you were with he-who-shall-not-be-named if I remember correctly, so I suggest you shut that pretty, little mouth of yours before I bring up some unwanted memories.” Louis was now squeezing his coffee cup, causing the coffee to pour out all over the table.

Zayn sighed and ran a hand through his hair, luckily they had assistance. “Nialler, come over here!”

An out of breath, red-faced Niall emerged out from the back and walked toward their booth, narrowing his eyes at the coffee spill. “I just cleaned this table, dammit, Loueh.”

Louis’s mouth dropped open as he put his hand over his heart, feigning hurt. “Why do you think it was poor, innocent me?”

“It’s always you, Loueh,” Niall stated as he took out a wash cloth and began to clean the spill.

Liam raised his eyebrow as he examined Niall’s worn out features. “What has got you so tired?”

He finished cleaning the spill and shoved the wash cloth in his apron pocket before looking over at Liam and glaring at him. “Oh, nothing, just re-stocking items and moving a shit-ton of boxes with no help from the two people who work here.”

“Sounds strenuous, wouldn’t wanna bother you, you can be on your way now, get back to those boxes,” Zayn retorted as he winked at him and patted him gently on his shoulder.

Niall huffed and walked away, not forgetting to present Zayn with the middle finger, which quickly turned into a thumbs up when Zayn offered he’d take him out to eat after work.

Two Cups Of Coffee, Please {Zarry/Lilo}Where stories live. Discover now