Chapter 9: Not So Happy Ending

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A/N: Finally updated! Sorry for deleting this, I know a lot of you enjoyed this story, but I was kind of in a dark place.

But it’s all good, and there’s even a new chapter now, so woot! This isn’t a happy, funny chapter, guys, as you can tell from the title, just a warning.

Dedication goes to @sshhdonttellanyone cause she’s such a sweetheart and deserves nothing but happiness cause she’s such a kind person x, hopefully she reads this story, awkward if she doesn’t.

Anyway, hope you enjoy :) x


“You’re what…?” Zayn whispered, barely able to comprehend what Harry had just told him.

Harry sighed and ran a hand through his curls, “I’m heading to America with my band. I’m leaving, Zayn…”

He looked over at Harry and glared, his surprise state quickly turning into anger. “B-But…  What? Why the hell didn’t you tell me sooner? Why did Liam have to force it out of you?”

“I didn’t know until last week, Zayn. I was planning on telling you earlier today, but you were busy dealing with Louis and his shit problems he can handle himself.”

“Don’t bring him in this! What happens between Louis and me stays between Louis and me; I don’t need your opinion!” Zayn yelled.

For a moment they just stared at each other, the tension between the two obviously apparent. All that could be heard was Liam and Niall whispering to each other in the kitchen, Niall saying ‘the fuck did you do, Liam’ and Liam whispering ‘it wasn’t me’ over and over again.

Zayn broke the silence, “Why are you leaving?”

Harry huffed in frustration and stared at the floor, refusing to look at Zayn. “We’re not getting enough publicity here, the band decided to try America, see how things go there.”

“Did you come up with this idea?”

Harry looked up at Zayn, a look of disbelief on his face, “What? No, Zayn, I didn’t,”

Zayn frowned, “But you agreed…”

“What else was I supposed to do, Zayn? All of them agreed, what was I supposed to say? ‘No, I don’t want to leave my boyfriend’?” Harry said.

He sat down on the couch opposite of Harry; he bit his lip to keep himself from crying. “S-Something along those lines…”

Harry got up and sat next to Zayn, grabbing a hold of Zayn’s hand and cupping Zayn’s face with his other hand, turning Zayn’s head to make him look directly at him, and kissing him gently on the lips. "I'm leaving in two weeks," Harry whispered causing a tear to escape Zayn's eye, which Harry quickly wiped away. “There was nothing I could do, babe, I’m so sorry,”

Zayn’s temper got the best of him as he pushed Harry away from him and stood up, “So that’s it? You’re fucking leaving just like that? Can’t you just ditch the shit band and stay?”

He stood up with Zayn and glared at him, “Are you kidding me? Zayn, you know how much my music career means to me,”

Zayn pushed Harry, making him stumble back a bit. “Career? What fucking career? You’ve literally played like, what? 10 gigs? Maybe even 11? That’s not a career, Harry, that’s an idiot stuck on something that’ll never happen, get a real fucking job,”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know working at a shitty coffee place was better than that, at least I’m doing what I want and not working a miserable job that barely gives me enough pay for my flat!” Harry screamed, getting more upset by the second.

He shoved Harry towards the door, “Get the fuck out, Harry! I don’t even care, do whatever the fuck you want to do with your life, as long as I’m not a part of it anymore, I’m fine with it.” Zayn spat.

Harry frowned, already close to tears, his anger turning into sadness, “Y-You don’t mean that…”

“That’s the funny thing, isn’t it? I do mean it, now get the hell out, I never want to see you again.” He opened the door and motioned for Harry to leave.

Harry stared at him for a little longer, a few tears streaming down his face before he nodded and left the apartment, giving a second glance back before disappearing out of sight.

Zayn slammed the door shut and collapsed on his couch, the tears already falling down. He could’ve handled it differently, yeah, and if he did, they’d still be together, and maybe Skype here and there when Harry had to leave. But what was the point? Long distance relationships never work out, and Zayn had a feeling Harry knew this would happen eventually, and if he knew, why would he even get involved with Zayn in the first place?

He even told Zayn he loved him, and for what? Just for their relationship to be torn apart by some stupid band? Harry could’ve fought, maybe he just wasn’t feeling the relationship anymore, and maybe he lied about loving Zayn and just said it so he wouldn’t hurt Zayn’s feelings as much.

The thought caused more tears to stream down Zayn’s face.

He heard a hushed conversation from the kitchen, obviously Niall and Liam deciding on what to do next, considering they probably heard Harry and Zayn shouting at each other.

Zayn sat up and wiped his tears away quickly when he heard footsteps approaching. Liam and Niall stood before him, frowns on their faces.

They exchanged a few glances before Niall decided to take a gentle approach.

Niall kneeled down in front of Zayn and moved a piece of hair away from his face, “Everything alright, Zee?”

He immediately pushed Niall’s hands away, “T-The hell d-do you think…”

Liam frowned, “Hey, he was just trying to—”

Niall got up and hushed him, “It’s ‘kay, Li, I know pissy Zayn, no getting through to the fucker, let’s just head out, call me if you need anything Zee.”

Zayn stared at the ground, “Yeah, whatever…”

Liam and Niall left, closing the door gently behind them, and then there was Zayn by himself, sitting and staring out the window.

All alone again.

A/N: Poor Zarry, they’ve broken up D: , and in such a bad way </3, will they ever make up?

Hmmmm, idk guys Harry’s leaving and all.

Guess this is the end of the story,

The end.

Jk jk there’s still a lot more to go, we’ll see where things take us.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, guys ^.^.

Vote, comment, share, feedback is always greatly appreciated, it really is guys, you all mean the world to me with your sweet comments x.

I love you guys <333333333333

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