Chapter 10: Fight for a Reason

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"Ho- How is it – That's impossible! You're just a pathetic human!" The imp shouts; sweat drips down his face in streams. His master, Sesshomaru, remains cool and collected, but his eyes speak volumes of uncertain frustration.

"Hey! Don't look at her! Look at me!" Inuyasha shouts.

In milliseconds, out from my peripherals I spot a white blur darting at me with incredible speeds, and before I can blink Sesshomaru stands before me inches from my face. The well-kept-rage seeps off like summer heat. The man is taller than me, a good foot or two, so looking up at his face requires a strain on the neck.

"What are you...You are no normal human."

"Leave her alone! She's not involved in this!"

The demon peels his eyes off me like a bandage on hair; I take the second he does to step back, holding the sword ready at my side, just in case I'll need it to defend myself. Although I've never even held a sword before this, the weight and feel, feels natural in my hold. Almost like it is a part of my arm.

"For some unknown reason, I was unable to draw Tetsaiga. Fortunately, you were not able to draw it either. It's obvious she must die." From what I can tell Sesshomaru hasn't noticed I've moved away, but his focus is back on Inuyasha.

"You're right, it's weird she could do it and we couldn't. But she's still just a human girl. Keara, give him the sword."

"No!" I snap. "He couldn't pull the blade, so he can't wield it either! You could at least hold it without being shocked."

"Inuyasha, your patience with this creature is astonishing to me. To protect her, to indulge her—even seem to love her." My heart jumps at the very last few words; how can he say that? And so casually, as if he knows anything. The grip I have on the hilt tightens; I take another step back until my back is flushed against the rib cage. "Certainly these 'feelings of mercy' of yours are not something I inherited from our great and terrible father. It must have been that mother of yours, that–human–mother, who caused our father to meet his end in this ignoble place. Her blood affects you as well. Is it that which endears them to you? When it comes to humans, I, of course, bear no such weakness."

Sesshomaru twists towards me once again, his eyes a playfully coy glare—instinctively I get defensive under those eyes. Quickly, I lift the battered sword in front of me like a pathetic shield of some sort. A little grin forms on his lips. He lifts his right hand, palm towards me, and fingers straight. Narrowing my eyes suspiciously at him, a shower of green mists from his palm at me.

At first it feels like a hot rain against my skin followed by an awful death stench, so foul that I buckle to my knees with the sword above my head facing the spray. The green liquid thickens the more it comes from his palm, enveloping me in a nasty hot slime–the skulls below my feet melt into a heavy thick muck that slowly sucks at my bare feet. The mist hardly burns my skin and feels more like a hot shower that I'd take at home, but the smell is nearly unbearable. Before I know it, I'm covered in a grey muck, probably from the rib cage around me melting from the green liquid and the more that packs on the thicker it gets until it dries into a hollow shell around me.

"Keara," I hear Inuyasha call, his voice sounds further away now. The smell is so terrible that it burns my nose hairs, I know for a fact that if I open my mouth, I might release the contents in my stomach so I stay still, hoping that the smell will slowly disperse from me and free me from this god awful prison.

"So fragile, don't you agree, little brother? How they could have bested...." Sesshomaru pauses briefly, even his voice sounds far away though he's so close, "But not just humans, half breeds, too."

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