Chapter 20: The Tetsusaiga

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Notes: Before reading this chapter, I'd advise reading my fanfic "Inuyasha, Come What May." For it explains the backstory I am using for Sesshomaru and the Tetsusaiga. If the story isn't read, in the future, some chapters may seem confusing.

The sun had gone down over the horizon, casting shades of dark reds, oranges, and purples across the sky. Even from where I sit inside the inn, with the porch doors slid open on two sides, I can still watch as the sun slowly disappears. Inuyasha sits in the corner, ignoring the prepared food that was made for us as he grumbles to himself.

He's infuriated that the reason we are here to begin with is that of Miroku. Not only were we offered free food, but free rooms and access to the bathe as well—all because Miroku sensed an evil presence at this inn. It's a loud of crap—I sensed absolutely nothing when we came, but it gave us room and board so I can't really complain.

Frowning, I watch Inuyasha. His stomach growls loud enough for Shippo and I to hear, but he's too busy huffing in the corner by the two sliding doors to give into the food.

"Inuyasha, it's okay, have some food." Shippo offers with a wide grin as he chomps down on some beef.

He growls out something incoherent and crosses his arms, turning his head away from us so we can't see the expression on his face.

From the door to the right of Inuyasha, and directly in front of me, Miroku enters the room with a wide smile on his face. Obviously, everything went well with the 'exorcism' he did for the innkeeper.

"So, how'd it go?" I ask, half sarcastically. His smile just grows. He sits down next to Inuyasha and is about to answer when Inuyasha gets up into his face with a suspicious look in his eyes.

"Hold up, Miroku. I'm still puzzled about your powers. Whenever we're looking for a place to bed down, you suddenly detect an ominous cloud hanging over whatever seems to be the finest tavern in the area. How is that?"

Leave it to Inuyasha to be oblivious to the monk's antics.

"You noticed?" Miroku looked astonished, but a part of his lips were twitching from potential laughter. "They say, a falsehood is sometimes the expedient path."

"There never was any black cloud?" Yells Shippo at my side.

I roll my eyes.

"You're shiftier than I thought!" Inuyasha says.

A nasty feeling grows in the pit of my stomach. It is unsettling, churning in a way that makes me sit up a bit in hopes the feeling will just roll over. When I do, the ground shakes. The empty plates and bowls tip and fall from their wooden surface they sit on.

"What was that?" Shippo asks.

But I have no answer. Maybe it was an earthquake? Then suddenly, I hear the faintest of whispers. "Help me..." The voice is feminine and familiar. It is the sound of the voice of the jewel shards. Lifting my head, I search the surroundings for any sign of the jewel and off in the distance outside I can see a brilliant light beaming from around a cliff.

"There is a shard coming." I mutter, pointing in the light's direction, at which they cannot see.

"Whatever it is, it is big." Miroku comments, eyes searching the cliff side. The ground rumbles again, causing us all to get to our feet unsteadily.

"We've never had them bring us the jewels before!" Inuyasha chuckles.

From up above the cliff a large three fingered hand comes out from the other side, lowering until it crashes into a towered shrine that sat upon the cliff, smashing it to bits with ease. Soon follows a massive head that is all too familiar. It is Sesshomaru's gigantic troll demon. It growls, rounding the cliff as its red shining eyes search down at the inn directly at us. Upon its shoulder is a silver white speck, whom I assume must be Sesshomaru.

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