Chapter 28: Midoriko

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The sun sits high in the sky above the empty village of the Demon Slayers, with only the six of us taking up any room. Miroku, Inuyasha and I, sit around a fire Miroku set up to get rid of the broken wooden beams that can no longer be used. We've been here for ten days now, waiting around and helping Sango as she heals, but the wounds on her soul may take months, or even years, to repair. It took a couple of days for her to heal on her own, and that's when we retrieved the Shikon Jewel from her back.

"Damn it, what's going on here, anyway? Miroku, is that Sango girl still in bed healing her wounds or what? She can't sleep all day. Get her outta bed! She's the only one who knows where Naraku's hiding! She says she can't remember how to get to the castle where he's staying, but if we keep looking around, something's bound to jog her memory sooner or later." Inuyasha whines. He is the only one who's been impatient during these long days, but I can understand why. He wants to find Naraku and the shards before he runs off and disappears again-not that he hasn't already done that.

Inuyasha carries over to long logs and places them down by Miroku and the fire. I watch and listen to them as I scrub away at some bed linens in a water basin.

"Must've been a spell. And now that it's worn off, she's forgotten everything about Naraku and his whereabouts." Miroku replies, chucking another small piece of wood into the flames. The blames burst up like it's been lit with gasoline, but dies down just as quick.

"Who cares about her spell and wounds? We've been waiting for ten days. I would have been up in three!"

"Not me. I'd be bedridden for at least a month. Besides, Sango's not just suffering physically. She's lost her entire family and village; her heart's been deeply wounded."

"A wounded heart, huh? Well, the best cure for that is vengeance! And to get our revenge we have to find Naraku's castle! I'm gonna see if she remembers anything." Inuyasha walks towards the small building where Sango rests, but Miroku chucks a small log at his head, hitting the side and forcing him to stumble a little.

"Leave her alone and let her rest for a while. I guarantee that will be the best medicine." Miroku says, standing up and turning to Inuyasha with a small smile.

But like Inuyasha, I am also curious about her condition. Though I wouldn't force her to get up or tell me where the castle is right away, even though she's stated she doesn't remember. Getting up, I take the wet bed linen and hang it up on a hanging string to dry. And then I turn for the small building with a broken reed door at its entrance. Inside, Sango is nowhere to be found. She must be up and about somewhere.

Turning back from the door, I scour the outside area. Only one place comes to mind that which she may be at, so I round the small building and head for the back of the village where the graves are. The closer I get, the better I can see her; sitting before the graves in her pink and white kimono, Kirara at her side, and a yellow flower in her hand. She twists the flower between her fingers, her eyes full of sadness and grief.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" I ask. Already knowing the answer.

Many of her injuries have healed, leaving tiny, faint scars on her beautiful pale skin. Her kimono covering majority of her wounds from the sights of wandering eyes.

"I am fine." She glances up at me for a brief second before looking back down at the graves. "You buried all the villagers, and you marked their graves."

"Well, Inuyasha did the burying. I just put the flowers on top." I kneel next to her and try to smile. It is hard to make the gesture knowing that she is in so much pain. Both physically and emotionally. I can't imagine. She has nothing left here. No one to come home too. "Why don't you join our group? Miroku can be a pervert, but a sweetheart, and Inuyasha isn't that bad when you get used to him."

Inuyasha: Girl Lost In Timeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें