Chapter 17: Priestess Kikyo

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The mountain isn't as steep as I originally thought it would be, and a majority of the way up are slope-like roads that circle it. I can still hear the rushing river down below, even as high as the middle of the mountain. My eyes skim across the rocky surface to find the string of smoke still rising above.

I am close. However, the closer I manage the get the worse I feel.

Is it because I don't want to face reality? That Inuyasha's lover might return to this world if the witch gets what she wants? How will I handle that? How will our journey continue? Furthermore, why does it matter to me?

Sighing, I round another corner to spot the witch up ahead. She's standing next to a human sized mound with a beautiful priestess standing behind her. The priestess is as pale as snow, her black straight hair ends at her waist, but her eyes are emotionless as mine were before I received some of my soul. The mound itself is glowing green. Keeping close to the rocky wall, I try to keep from being spotted since I don't know what exactly is going on.

"The young lass, she differs somehow.... Most of my victims would have fallen faint by this point." The witch says to the priestess, who is unresponsive.

Just then, the green light explodes into a pure white orb that surrounds the mound with a decent radius. Inside, smaller orbs burst from the mound and flutter about the larger one. The witch's eyes open wider than they are already, her red pupils glistening with surprise as her mouth gapes open.

"The soul appears to be angry! Kikyo's soul flashes with an inexplicably violent and angry light!" The witch says with excitement.

Kikyo? My eyes fall back onto the priestess behind the witch, her light brown eyes staring at the back of the elderly's head. I can see why Inuyasha has fallen for her, she is thin, tall and beautiful all in one.

"Keara!" On the other side of the mountain comes rushing, Inuyasha, Kaede and Shippo. Both of the women heard his voice and glower at the upcoming party. While they are distracted, I hesitantly make my way towards the mound, curious as to whose body must be inside and only one person can come to mind. And as I approach, I can see the familiar fabric of my old school and black hair waving up from a green liquid full of leaves and herbs.

Inside—is Kagome.

Questions circulate in my head. How did she get here? Does she have a shard? No, she can't. The shards have combined, and I have them tied around my neck. What will happen to her if the Witch wins?

"You survived the fall!" The witch screams in rage.

The group comes to a slow halt when they notice the witch and Kikyo, not at all paying much attention to what is going on with the mound. But then again, I don't think they can see who is inside from that distance.

"Kikyo..." Inuyasha mutters.

The second her name comes from his lips; the white orb explodes into a rushing flow of water that shoots up into the air. Kagome's body hovers just slightly above the mound, her eyes wide and in pain, her hands tied and uncomfortable.

"The soul is emerging!" The witch yells with a smile on her face.

The orbs that fluttered about before now rise from the green liquid below, while more orbs rip from Kagome's body.

"The instant you called her name, her heart missed a beat and Kikyo's soul sprang forth!" She yells once again. And just as she does, the orbs that have been ripped from Kagome and blast into Kikyo's body, thrusting her up into the area and surrounding her with a brilliant white light. Much like how I was when pieces of my soul returned to me.

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