Chapter 16: Stolen Ashes

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Inuyasha's POV

There is no longer pain in my chest anymore, but the throbbing of the arrow is still there. The shot was so powerful it sent me back into the sacred tree and locked me in place for 50 years. My heart beats against the wood, still alive and kicking.

Ahead of me, someone stands with a long bow in hand. The surrounding light is so blinding it makes it hard for me to make out their face. Who has done this to me? It is a woman with a priestess gown, tall with swaying black hair. Keara?

No. That's not her. Her skin isn't that pale, and she hardly uses a bow. And wouldn't.... or would she? Glancing down at the arrow in my chest. The color of the aura is the same that comes from Keara's ability. A faint purplish white that glows with life. But this isn't right, this isn't her power.

Glimpsing back up at the woman, I lay eyes on a cold angry stare that has struck me down before. Kikyo?


"Huh?!" Jolting out of my sleep, my body almost tumbles off the branch I lay on, my arms quickly latch onto the trunk to keep myself steady as I take deep, long breaths. My hand instinctively rests against my chest where a scar should be now, but feeling the flesh beyond my clothes, there is nothing but smooth, untouched skin. "Just a dream..." I sigh.

Grumbling, I rub at my eyes to ward off the nightmare and glance down below at Keara and Shippo. Keara sleeps in a bright red sleeping bag with Shippo resting against her back. The fire from earlier is still lit and going strong. From here I can see the yellow and green bruises that kiss her cheeks and parts of her priestess clothes that are tattered, bloodied and covered in dirt.

Through all the shit she has taken, all the beatings and fighting, she hasn't complained once. She just sits back after we're done, cleans up her wounds and goes on living. It is like she was built for this time.

Leaping down, my feet land softly next to her. She doesn't budge, her eyes are sealed shut and underneath her lids, her eyes roll and dart here and there as if battling some unseen forces. Her mouth occasionally opens and closes, but no words slip out. Is she having a bad dream too?

She doesn't look like Kikyo. She doesn't act like Kikyo. The two couldn't be any more different other than the immense power they have and their clothes; though Kikyo's was never covered in blood and dirt. Kikyo was tall and thin for her shape. Pale as snow, with a calm expression that could ice souls. Keara is moderate in height and fit for her age. Capable of running long distances and using a physical strength with weapons I haven't quite seen before with a human girl. Her body is very proportionate. With how different they are, how could I get them mixed up?

Am I afraid she'd betray me, too?

"Inuyasha?" Keara's chocolate brown eyes look up at me drowsily. "What are you doing?"

Shit; I've been caught. "Ah," I struggle with my words, unsure what to say. How do you explain to a girl that you are comparing her to another? Nervously, I twist on the ground to give her my back, hiding my struggle as I cross my legs and arms. "You were talking in your sleep—yeah—so I thought I'd see if you were okay." Hopefully she buys that.

"Oh, I was?" she asks confused. Behind me, I can hear her slowly sit up. "Didn't think I did that. Thank you for checking up on me. Sorry if I woke you."

"Yeah, yea..." a breeze passes by and with it a familiar, distinct scent follows. Coming to a stand, I sniff the air, trying to pinpoint how I recognize this smell. It is definitely blood. Human. And then another breeze. My eyes open wide and panic fills my heart. Kaeda.

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