Chapter 26: The Demon Slayer Village

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"Tonight, the sky is full of stars," Shippo says. He's not wrong. As I lie on my back in my sleeping bag borrowed from Kagome, I watch the night sky. Here, in this time period, there are no lights to blot out the beauty that I can see. They twinkle brilliantly; something you can't see in the city. All three of the boys sit around a fire next to me, Inuyasha the closest to my side. Close enough where I can smell the forest coming off of him. "Sometimes, I wonder which there are more of, stars in the sky, or shards of the Shikon Jewel. Our search is far from ended yet."

If only they knew how many stars there were in the sky. He wouldn't be thinking that.

"Not necessarily Shippo." Inuyasha replies.

"What do you mean?" The fox demon questions.

"The demon Naraku is gathering shards of the jewel, just as we are. In the long run, he'll save us a great deal of work. He'll get the jewel shards, and then we will get him!" Inuyasha chimes confidently. "How does that sound for a good strategy?"

It sounds dangerous. If Naraku fooled you once, Inuyasha, he can fool us again. Besides, the more jewel shards Naraku collects, the stronger he will be, I'm afraid. I don't think Inuyasha has considered all the variables.

"With every shard that Naraku gathers, he becomes stronger, does he not? In that case, we will never be able to catch him!" Shippo exclaims exactly what's on my mind. "It's obvious our only hope is to find more jewels than he does." Shippo sighs. "Even a little kid like me can figure out something that simple. It makes me wonder if maybe you haven't taken a few too many blows to the head!"

Inuyasha leans over to Shippo with a heavy growl, "Let me try that theory out on you!" He yells.

"What will you do if you gather all the shards of the Shikon Jewel?" Miroku asks.

"What else? I'll become a full-fledged bona fide demon!" Inuyasha sits back down, crossing his legs and arms.

I frown. I shouldn't be surprised that he still wants to become a full demon, but part of me—a small part—was hoping that'd have changed by now. Maybe I just got my hopes up. I roll over to my side towards them and watch as they converse.

"Oh? That's what you have planned?" Miroku inquires, though it sounded more sarcastic.

"Nobody wants me to be a weakling, right?"

"Tell me something, when you use the power of the shikon jewel to become a true demon, do you honestly think you will remain as you are now? Can you recall ever having seen a demon that was using the shikon jewel shards for a benevolent end? This is merely a theory, but I believe that those who seek out and gain the powers of the sacred jewel eventually lose their own hearts in the process." Miroku confides.

"Hmph! That may be so, but when did I ever say I wanted to be a good demon?"

"You didn't. But you do wish to protect Keara and thus desire more power. Inuyasha, once you become a full-fledged demon who's to say you won't devour Shippo and Keara?" He questions.

"Why me? Wouldn't you be tastier?" Shippo whines.

"I will have fled long before." Miroku pats Shippo on the head.

Inuyasha sits still, his eyes on the fire as he contemplates what Miroku has said, or at least that's what it looks like.

Closing my eyes, I try to imagine Inuyasha as a full demon—much like Sesshomaru - I can see stripes on his cheeks, but his eyes would be fierce and full of blood lust. He wouldn't be my Inuyasha any longer. He'd be someone else completely. And that's what I am afraid of.

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