Chapter 11: The Toad and The Princess

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It has been three endless days since Kagome left the group; she was gone that very hour after our discussion and sent Inuyasha back from the present with a yellow bag full of food, medical supplies, personal care and any history books she had that she was leant from her grandfather. That night, we fed in comfortable silence without the constant questioning of Kagome and slept without fear of her being kidnapped. It was absolutely blissful. I didn't have a problem with Kagome, just her actions. She seemed like a genuinely friendly person, and I am sure she is. It is just better this way... isn't it? The next day Inuyasha and I left the village to hunt for the rest of the shards and for two days now we've traveled from village to village through thick forests and dirt roads and I have felt absolutely no aura from the jewel anywhere. I'm starting to believe that the only reason why I felt anything to begin with had to do with Kagome being nearby. What if we've made a mistake? Maybe I am the useless one....

I cradle the small vial that holds the shards we've found in the palm of my hand; the glass is cold to the touch but every few seconds a wave of warmth creeps from the inside outward from the shards. Each time the warmth touches my skin, a wave of heat rolls through the rest of me, leaving me confused and bewildered.

"It's been three days," Inuyasha groans. When I look up at him, his head rolls back and forth between his shoulders. I clip the vial back onto the chain and string it around my neck for safekeeping. I shoulder the heavy yellow bag and try to smile when he glances back at me. On his left shoulder sits Myoga, who decided to join us on our journey for now. In reality he's done nothing but whine about every minor ache and pain or shadow that he feels or sees.

"At least it is nice out." And it is; clear blue skies and a breeze with a soft chill rolls over us occasionally. It feels pleasant against the red pants I wear; their light material is gentle against my wounds. Kagome couldn't offer me any clothes from her own collection. Our different sizes would have been too uncomfortable, but she could bring me a pair of tennis shoes of her mothers. The white shoes against the red pants almost blend in like the socks and sandals normally worn with this garb. I glance down at my feet. As I do, I run right into a wall full of muscle. Inuyasha has stopped dead in his tracks, unaffected by me bumping into his back.

Stepping around him, I watch his expression. I've come to learn that I can pretty much read what he is thinking from his facial movements alone. His eyes are concentrated forward, but his ears are flickering, as if listening. After a second of this, his eyes turn towards his left. Trees surround us, traveling mostly through the forest since we suspect demons would be the culprits that'd be using the shards. But just beyond where he stares is a small village I can see from here. Between the dirt road and us is a bush line, and sitting behind it is a young man with a small monkey on his shoulder. He seems unaware of our presence and is focused on the villagers on the dirt road next to the village.

"Haven't they taken enough young women away from our village already?" A man from a small crowd says. The group is full of elderly gentlemen and they seem to keep a respectful distance from a line, another group of younger gentlemen on horses and a line of young women with rope tied around their wrists. My eyes follow the rope to one of the horses, where on top a man tugs it tight, pulling the girls forward just for his amusement. He smiles a yellow grin and chuckles under his breath. None of the other men seem to care. They tie another young girl up on the back of the line. "Of all the girls summoned to the castle, not one has yet returned..."

I've heard of this happening. Not here, not in this time, but from the history books Kagome offered me. Late at night I've been reading while Inuyasha sits in silence. Sometimes he'll doze away and I am left in the darkness with just the fire and a book to keep me company, but that doesn't bother me. If I can't sense the shards, I can at least educate myself on what we may get ourselves into. It's common though, girls being taken to castles—by bandits or by soldiers. Men are hungry not only for food but for pleasure and most times these young girls are taken and never seen again because they are forced into slavery or prostitution.

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