Chapter 25: The Kiss

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Amongst her frail and sad shape, glowing lights hover around the tree, lighting up her very pale skin. She looks like a porcelain doll, ready to break at any moment. Even as I slowly approach; the orbs floating on pass me; I have to crane my head back to look up at her. Even in death or as death, whichever way you'd put it, she is still beautiful and I can see how Inuyasha fell in love with her.

Her soft eyelids twitch and then open. Caramel brown orbs stare down at me with an emotionless expression upon her beautiful visage. She scoots herself up against the trunk of the tree to get a better vantage point on me, her eyes searching my body.

"I see that my barrier was not strong enough to prevent you from finding me."

Barrier? I don't recall seeing or feeling a barrier as I made my way here, but it explains why Miroku and Shippo are no longer with me. Then, how did I get through?

Just then, two serpentine demons fly on by me with the souls of the dead in their tiny little arms.

"So, it has been you stealing the souls of the dead," I already figured this by what the monk said earlier, but to see it actually happen makes it solid. "You have to stop; you have to set them free."

"Is he not here with you?" She ignores my plea, her eyes tightening as they glower down at me.

A frown creases my cheeks. So, she is searching for Inuyasha even after their last meeting. Just as he is searching for her. My heart feels heavy with this thought lingering in my mind. He does not know that I found her. "No, he left to find you."

"Tell me, what is your relationship?"

Relationship.... My mind goes back to the tender times when we sat by the tree at Kaeda's village and expressed our loneliness. We were both alone in this world, but now Inuyasha has someone he once loved. He's no longer alone. If he chooses, he could have Kikyo.

When I don't respond immediately, she leans forward and out stretches her hand for me. Two fingers touch my forehead, and a light blue aura blankets my entire body. I cannot move, but as I am thinking this, my body is being forced back first against the tree trunk. Three of her soul stealing demons encircle the tree and me, their bodies push tight, preventing me to move even more so.

"This will stop your interfering."

"But I haven't done anything!" What am I interfering? She comes down from the tree and steps in front of me, ignoring me once again. A weak smile spreads across her face as a soul stealing demon drops a soul down into her opened hands. She holds it up to her chest and watches it as it shimmers there.

"Inuyasha has come. I fear he has not come to save you; his purpose is to see me. I will not let you interfere." She repeats lastly. Her eyes narrow as she looks at me, the smile on her face wiping clean off.

Why does she want to see Inuyasha so badly when the last time they saw each other she tried killing him! Unless, that her plan this time as well!

"You better not hurt him!" I threaten, "It wasn't him back then who hurt you, it was someone who pitted you against each other on purpose. Inuyasha would have never hurt you." I am sure of this. The way Inuyasha looked when he saw Kikyo after all these years spelled it completely. He is still madly in love with her. He would still do anything in his power to prove to her he would never try to kill her.

"From your countenance I gather you expect me to be rejoicing." Kikyo says with a small grin.

No, you got me all wrong, Kikyo. There is no way I want you to be rejoicing, I just want you to not hurt him. Go and die somewhere for all I care; the dead should be left dead. When I don't respond her grin grows and her eyes narrow further.

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