Chapter 12: Shippo and the Thunder brothers

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Slurp, slurrrp, slurp

Behind me the slurping sounds of Inuyasha inhaling an entire bowl of ramen echoes through the field of the dead. Kagome has supplied us with a significant amount of travel food with a few extra items such as a mini oil burner to provide an easy fire to cook small warm meals. How it fits in the bag is beyond me but I no longer question much now a day. Especially now, as I look amongst a field of dead bodies. Here and there piles of skeletons and bodies with flesh still on the bone stinks up the area to the point I couldn't bring myself to eat. I would think this would disturb me; tangled grey and purple limbs mix with grey and white skeletons, with arrows poking out from the piles are scattered about like a messy jigsaw puzzle.

Somehow this seems normal now. Instead of feeling sick to my stomach I am questioning on how this battle occurred. My eyes focus on every detail, like an inspector searching for clues on a crime. From what I can tell, all these men are from the same clan. They wear the same armor with the same sigils. They were fighting something but whatever that something was left no body behind. It is almost like these bodies were just dumped here.

"I wonder what happened here," I question out loud.

"It's an old battlefield," Inuyasha answers between slurps, "It's normal."

Old my ass. I don't even have to squint my eyes to see the first body that still has flesh. It is not even three feet away from me.

While I stare puzzling at the battlefield, I notice an odd shadow roll over it from behind me. The shadow gets dark fast, and when I turn to investigate I notice a light blue color ten feet away from us. It takes on a spiral shape with multiple light and dark blue shades and that grows larger with each second. The slurping has stopped altogether. The ramen bowl rolls by Inuyasha's feet. He is standing now, his eyes on the same spiral with his hand on the handle of his blade, but his eyes show no concern.

The spiral stops growing after about ten feet in diameter; it swirls for seconds, a gust of wind comes from it, picking up tiny pebbles and dirty off the ground. Neither of us budges as they tap us. There is no feeling of threat—no feeling of a shard—not even a feeling much of a concern when it comes to it being a demon. I do feel a bit of demonic aura, but nothing at all that I am concerned about, not even a bad feeling in the back of my mind.

Out from the spiral speaks a voice. It is obviously a child's voice who is purposely trying to deepen his or her tone to sound more menacing but they are ultimately failing, making the words they say sound more like a joke than anything serious. "You down there! You possess a piece of the sacred shikon jewel."

We glance at one another, both of us raising a single brow with expressions that scream, 'this has to be a joke.' From Inuyasha's shoulder, the little flee demon speaks up, "I believe it is a fox demon." Out of the three of us, he is the only one that doesn't seem to be annoyed by this little scene.

The spiral shrinks to the size of a pea and then explodes into a gigantic round pink... thing? It is ugly looking with two large white eyes with dots as irises, a triangle for a mouth and stick figure like limbs with white round balls for hands and feet. It floats in the air with no effort, using hopping motions when it moves.

"You got to be kidding me," I mumble. We've fought ugly centipede ladies, giant crows that control dead bodies, an ugly frog demon and this is what comes after us now? Crossing my arms and sighing, I shake my head in disappointment. I guess this is better than getting bruised, cut and beaten up. My wrists are barely healing from the last fight, and I am sure there will be permanent scars. I look like a bonded up sacrificial victim.

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