Chapter 1: The Girl Who Fell From The Sky

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I wait for impact

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I wait for impact....But it doesn't come.

No collision, no pain; only the growing sensation of tingling erupting from the tips of my fingers and through the rest of my body. It is odd and unfamiliar - like a chilly wind on a normally hot day. Surprising but inviting.

Hesitantly, I open my eyes and see a sight I thought previously was impossible. The great green earth is far below, wide and beautiful, with mountains peppering the land with white caps, specks of tiny villages here and there with ant-sized people scattering in between, and an ocean so vast it looks as if it goes on forever. There are no cities in sight, no large buildings or massive shrines to indicate modern civilization. I Am nowhere near the Higurashi shrine, or even Tokyo.

This has to be a dream, right? But even that would be abnormal. I've only experienced one dream my entire life. Maybe this is different? Maybe this is a coma dream? I had to have hit my head from the fall and now I am stuck in a dream world. However, as I pass through the clouds, they dampen my skin, giving me a touch of feeling that dreams aren't capable of.

The closer I come to the world below, the slower my fall becomes; changing from plummeting to my death to that of a hover.

Yes, this has to be a dream. No reality would have me falling from the sky to a world below with no city.

When will I wake?

My body straightens on its own when I reach the treetops, gliding through and somehow missing every branch on the way down. Right when I think I will touch the ground I stretch my legs in the hope the impact won't be deadly. My feet touch the grass and my weight returns to me in one swift moment, forcing me down onto my knees.

I look up to see an endless blue sky above the canopy of green trees. I must be dreaming - I have to be - no one would survive this.

The air is fresh, free from the smell of city pollution, it fills my lungs and has me shivering. Coma-induced dreams smell so real. The sound of birds, bugs, and the subtle breeze are all that fill my ears. The grass is soft and not itchy like it'd typically be. It is peaceful.

I stand slowly, my arms ready at my sides just in case my legs are wobbly from the fall, but when I stand without issue, I brush myself off.

I glance around, only dense forest surrounds me. There are no clues as to where I am or a path that has been used. This world seems untouched by human hands.

"Where am I?" I say out loud, knowing that no one is around to hear me.

I slowly trek in a random direction, unable to tell which way is which. My hands gently push away branches and bushes as leaves scrap down my arms as they float from their place from up above. Dirt and sticks crunch below my shoes, filling the almost silence with sound. I am not accustomed to nature, having grown up in big cities with skyscrapers. I am unable to tell which way you should go with moss on the side of the trees or following the stars. But I can't sit around.

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