Chapter 18: The Monk

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My left hand's fingers trail along the rigid cliff surface as we make our way round its base, following a steep road to the other side. We're a good distance up where the wind blows a chilly breeze, causing goosebumps to tickle my skin. The jewel bounces safely under my new white haori, on top of my breasts, a constant reminder of our goals for the journey.

It has been a few days since our last battle and I have yet to sense the jewel shards. Parts of me wish we had stayed at Kaede's so that I may have had time to heal, but a larger part of me is happy we've continued on the adventure because now Inuyasha doesn't have much alone time to think. Though, there are still times I catch him staring up at the sky with distant eyes.

Glancing over my shoulder, I notice Inuyasha is staring forward, his eyes straight and concentrated with Shippo at his side. The little fox demon keeps close to Inuyasha, his eyes occasionally skipping to the edge of the road where a large dip falls down to the forest below. It'd be a rough tumble if one of us happens to misstep.

Below my bare feet, there is a soft rumble that gets heavier with every second. Little pebbles and dirt bounce in place, the stronger the vibration gets. Confused, I glance around my surroundings only to find what is causing the distress when I look up. Above is a massive orange ball with gigantic eyes and a sharp toothy mouth, sliding down towards us from the mountain top at incredible speeds.

"I have come for ye!" the massive ball shouts with a nasal voice that reminds me of a certain flea demon.

Behind me, Inuyasha growls loudly and Shippo cries out a yelp, but it is too late for them. The roll orange ball comes sliding far too fast for them to leap out of the way and smacks right into them, tumbling them off the cliff side with such veracity.

Unstable from the sudden vibration of the mountain, my knees give in and I fall to my kneecaps. I crawl to the edge of the cliff to find Inuyasha battling the orange blob yards down against the mountain slope, with Shippo clutching for dear life on an edge nearby.

"What the hell was that thing?" I question, "Kick its ass, Inuyasha!"

There is a tug on the back of my white haori that lifts me up from the ground, and suddenly, I am eye to eye and in the arms of a young human man. He is wearing a black and purple robe with a wooden staff with golden rings on top. The metal jingles together as he pulls me closer to his chest with a gentle smile on his face.

"Who the hell are you?" I panic.

"You have no reason to doubt my intentions. I am a simple monk. Fear not, young priestess." His voice is soft and smooth, unlike Inuyasha's. His hands grip around my sides tightly, forcing my arms together against my chest. "A monk who desired a jewel, and got himself a young woman in the process."

Coming from the edge of the cliff is a loud roar, and then Inuyasha flying over us and lands feet behind us. My eyes follow him as he comes to grab the hilt of his sword. His own eyes remain locked on mine as I struggle in the monk's arms.

It doesn't take much. At the very start of my movements, the monk let's go and I land awkwardly on my legs and butt. The young monk steps a few feet away from me, leaving me between the two men as I rub my lower back.

Inuyasha rounds me and places himself between the monk and I. His hand still at the hilt of Tetsusaiga, but before he can pull the blade out in full glory, the monk turns his back on us and bolts down the trail in the direction we were heading.

"Are you okay, Keara?" Inuyasha asks, releasing the hilt and twisting towards me.

Scanning my body to make sure everything is okay, I only come to realize now that I've been pickpocketed. My hands search my chest relentlessly to find the jewel gone and my heart beating fast. Standing up quickly to my feet, my eyes wide, I stare up at Inuyasha, "He has the jewel!"

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