Chapter 5 The Crow Demon

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Chapter 5 The Crow Demon

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Chapter 5 The Crow Demon

This is the closest I've been to Inuyasha since the night with Lady centipede. Braced upon his back, my fingers clutch deep into his shoulders with every leap. He hasn't flinched once in pain, allowing me to secure myself safely with iron hooks to his flesh. My thighs embrace his sides perfectly, holding tight like well-made clasps. Being this close allows me to feel every flexing muscle of his back and sides, and with every movement, his body surprises me with how toned and shapely he is.

The smell of forest brushes across my face as his long silver hair caresses my cheeks. I inhale deeply, enjoying the freedom the scent fills within me.

The heavy tingling I feel whenever I am around Inuyasha only flares heavily when I am close to him, and it's beginning to make thinking and reacting a near-impossible feat. I've been trying to focus on every tree top we leap from just to remember why we are here. We've been going like this for only a few minutes, but crossing a large amount of land that would take a car at least fifteen minutes to drive.

He's incredibly fast, so fast that I know now that, that night he was chasing me, he had been holding back. He could have caught me in seconds and ripped me apart with his claws like paper, but he didn't. My heart races for some unknown reason. He could have killed me, but he chose not too. He also chose not to kill Kagome. There is no point in thinking I am special.

"Look!" He points out a clearing that has a decrypted shrine-like house in the middle. Crows are everywhere - from every raised-up shingle to every tree top - circling the abandoned clearing. They all caw while we quickly approach. "Must be a crow demon."

The scene brings me back to last night when Kagome and I were talking while in our makeshift beds. A single crow sat on the windowsill but its silhouette was all I could make out. This adds up together - that must have been the crow demon Inuyasha just mentioned. "I saw a crow last night on the windowsill; at least I think it was a crow. It was pretty big."

"It was. I scared him away," Inuyasha scowls.

We break through the last bit of foliage to reach the clearing. Overgrown weeds, grass, and vines make a home here with crows flying above. The building itself is littered with debris, holes, and armor, probably left behind from some battle. The front doors are broken off but block the entrance, not like Inuyasha couldn't take them off with a single hand. Parts of the roof are missing and conclaved, and there are cracks all over the plastered walls like spiderwebs. It appears abandoned but I can hear men inside, yelling and hooting.

"I smell blood," Inuyasha says. "It's not hers, but we have to hurry."

I scan the building from where I am, eyes squinting for that familiar purple glow of the Shikon no Tama and once I spot it, I search for the nearest reliable crack for us to break through without the building going down on us. I glance to my left to see a decent sized spider web crack in the middle of the left wall. I point over at it.

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