54: The Hospital Visit pt. 1

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A/N: this has some spicy moments 🔥
TW: mentions of sickness, vomit, hospital, scars, threats, blackmail


Waking up on Christmas morning the moment I pushed the blankets off and put my feet down on the cold floor I immediately wanted to crawl back into bed. Checking the time I noticed it was just passed 8am and I could hear my parents downstairs. Walking down to them, rubbing the sleep from my eyes they both greeted me excitedly, mom coming over with a cup of coffee. As I was the first of the kids awake I spent the morning chatting with them before going into the living room to watch the cartoons on tv.  

Sitting amongst piles of wrapping paper I felt another yawn escape. Naomi and her new boyfriend Eric were busy looking up the resort we'd all be vacationing at during spring break. Mom and Dad spoiled us this year, surprising us with our first family trip in over 10 years. The familiar ding of my phone rang out from under some wrapping paper and it took me a moment to search for it. 

Bill: Merry Christmas baby. I'll facetime you tonight? :)

A smile came to my face as I replied back with an excited yes!

The rest of the day was busy, spent with mom's side of the family who'd all joined us shortly after breakfast. We'd all gotten into the matching pajamas my grandma bought for us every year. It was cute watching all of my little cousins run around, playing with all their new toys. At one point I joined them outside for a snow ball fight before we were all called in to get ready for dinner. The tryptophan hit hard as everyone was gathered in the living room at the end of the night, a classic movie playing in the background. The entire family took turns asking Eric questions before the conversation inevitably turned to me. 

"What about you, (y/n)?" Uncle Liam asked. 

"Oh yeah, are there any cute guys in your life?" Aunt Amelia asked, shimming her shoulders. 

Feeling my cheeks redden as the skin warmed I shook my head, taking another sip from my wine. The question wasn't new to you, every time I saw them they would ask it. I knew they didn't mean anything by it though, the two of them had met in college and were probably just hoping to live out their past vicariously through me. 

"One day" mom chimed in while glancing over to in my direction, giving a reassuring nod.

Luckily the conversation went on to something else before they decided to end the night as the little kids were falling asleep on the floor, surrounded by their new gifts. Waving bye to everyone mom wrapped her arms around me for warmth. 

"Ugh!" Dad exclaimed as he fell back onto the recliner, kicking up his feet and chugging back his beer. 

"Stephen!" mom warned as we all giggled.  

Excusing myself after seeing Bill texted I made my way up into my room, wine glass still in hand. Shutting the door and quickly grabbing my headphones I happily answered his facetime. 

"Hi beautiful!" Bill greeted with a wide smile plastered on his face. 

"Hi baby" an equally wide smile came to my face. 

"Nice pj's!"

Looking down at the green and red reindeer covered pajamas I'd been wearing all day I giggled, moving the camera away as a blush rose to my cheeks. 

"Where'd you go?" a cute laugh came from him. 

Covering my face with my sleeve, I noticed him staring at me through the screen, "what?" 

"You're just cute-" he shrugged "and especially in those pajamas." 

Letting out a loud laugh, I winced hoping none of my family heard me. "Do you want me to bring them back?" I teased. 

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